Creating a training spirit

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Post by Colubra »

Wolf that thing sounds like it was taunting you. Hmmm. I really want to try summoning him and its annoying me that I don't have time to do it right now. I want to see this for myself and see what I can find out.

Sobek, I do believe bloodstone can be associated with dragons. I don't have a source on it at the moment though, it just feels accurate. It feels realted in some sense to dragon's blood powerder/resin/incense and such. I have a bloodstone, and the energies of those two things seem similar to me, and obviously dragon's blood can be associated with dragons.

I'd like to summon this thing while wearing a dragon ring or pendant of some sort....I think that would be interesting. Perhaps with a ton of focussed energy in the jewelery so the being can draw upon that rather than personal energy, at least enough to get more info on him for a bit.
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Post by Eretik »

Wolf - the hermit card = 9, think about it. What did you read? It's obviously important to you both.
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Post by Elem »

is he changing when he takes the energy,does it produce a visible effect? Does he 'loom'?[ seem to tower over,even for an instant]just wondering - what vibes do the summoners give off, if the energy suck is general or if he induces a feeling[awe -perhaps?] Oh,what are his eyes like?
For me, it's more of a steady drain, as opposed to a zap. I know for sure when I've summoned him, since I can physically feel the energy being pulled from me. It starts with a tingle at the very bottom of my spine, which quickly runs up across my whole back. It then travels across my front, and right into the tips of my extremities.. Before leaving me completely. I can feel the hairs on my skin stand on end, just for an instant, as if the energy is causing them to 'ripple' with its movement.

There is roughly a one or two second gap between 'ripples' of energy leaving my body. I'm familiar with this feeling and know it to definitely be the feeling of energy leaving my body - it's exactly how it feels when I project energy.. Except, it's stronger and continuous, drawing it again and again and again.

I find he's hard to get information out of.. Often giving cryptic, mis-directing answers to questions. After a few minutes I feel my concentration starts to waiver - An effect that may be due to the loss of energy while he's with me.

He tries to be intimidating, but I think he recognises that I'm not afraid of his presence.. And as such is willing to respect and 'go easy' on me. He also seems, as others have said, witty and.. To me, at least, somewhat sly. He appears to have a sense of humour, and is enjoying what is going on here, openly laughing at how we're so intrigued by him. When drawing energy, he does not seem to 'loom' in any way, or tower over. He just stands there, always answering me with a sly grin. He refuses to let me see his eyes, and although I keep getting flashes, I'm not sure whether this is lack of concentration or mis-direction from him.

I asked him about your line of thought, Eretik - Regarding 'IRA', and such. He said it was 'Interesting', but would not reveal anything more as to what he meant by that. I'm not sure whether he meant you were on the right track, or whether he's trying to mis-direct once again. If you have any solid ideas about who / what he is, though, feel free to tell me and I can put them to him - If you don't yourself :).

I wish to summon him again, but I know that my concentration is currently quite lax.. As he has drained me quite thoroughly during the few times I have spoken to him today. This is an odd feeling for me, as I rarely feel drained.. I will seek to recover my energy and summon him again if needs must. I'm not sure if it's important... But I'm continually seeing circles when I talk to him. Not anything fancy, just.. Literally, a perfectly round circle. I see it from various angles, and it varies in size, but I'm continually having this mental flash interfering with my concentration. Could just be me, though :).

Hope this information is of use.

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Post by Wolf* »

Eretik wrote:Wolf - the hermit card = 9, think about it. What did you read? It's obviously important to you both.
9...I didn't even consider that....good point....

Also, what I read was on here, when y'all were suggesting that he was like a reflection, or a part of, me.

"And a godlike man--a man who is pure force--inaccessible to any compromise--is called a hero."
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Ok. I've been looking at this and checking with what I know, and I've come up with three different theories as to what he could be. I'm hoping that those with more experience with him would be able to figure out if any of them are useful, or if they are just proverbial hot air.

First off, I wanted to make that you (Wolf) understand that I was not insulting you in any way. I don't think you've done anything wrong, nor do I judge you for what's going on.

First theory: Is it possible that he existed before you did this working? Maybe he was hanging out and used your spell as an opportunity to re-form himself to continue on whatever mission that he's onto, and taking you a long for the ride?

So in short, I don't think he is an extension of your Will. I think he hijacked your working for his benefit.

There's number two. Wolf, have you ever heard of the Terror of the Threshold?? Um, He might be yours.

My only problem with this theory is that others are able to summon him and the like... but it would explain why he's meaner to you than he is to anyone else.

A third: Maybe a shard of your Shadow that's on the lam? That would also be consistent with his tendency towards cruelty to you.

To recap, the Shadow is that part of yourself that you repress and put in a corner. A piece of self that's been told "NO" too many times, and actively rebells against the rest of you. In some circles, it is understood that demons are aspects of our own Shadows that we control and put "in line" by binding them to our Will.

I gently suggest that you do some form of divination on this.

Unfortunately, I'm really not in a place to do any hands on work right now. My physical body isn't up to snuff, and there are other issues that mean I'm not at the top of my game energetically right now. :-(

Also, I re-read the post and realized that others were having some of the same ideas. Hopefully my slant will add something to the discussion.

If there's anything else I can do, I would be happy to. Just ask.
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Post by Wolf* »

interesting theories. I've never heard of "The Terror of the Threshold", what is it exactly?

"And a godlike man--a man who is pure force--inaccessible to any compromise--is called a hero."
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Post by Colubra »

This doesn't sound to me like a shadow experience, as least from my many and very unpleasant dealings with the Shadow.

I don't know much about the Terror at the Threshold, but I have heard of it. I am sure it is possible for others to communicate with beings meant to test an individual, but again, I am not sure that is what this is.

I was actually leaning more towards the first option that jcrowfoot put. It sounds like this being has already been established and probably is taking advantage of the situation. I mean, that kind of behavior would definately go along with everyone's perceptions of him thus far as being sly and somewhat taunting....rather arrogant.

He may not be an aspect of you, but he may want something from you Wolf. He wouldn't have come otherwise. It is likely that energy is what he wants, since he drains energy when summoned, but maybe it runs deeper than that. He sounds like the type that has some kind of scheme....a more intelligent being. And his vague responses and such sound kind of like some sort of mind game he is playing.

Perhaps the name he gave should actually NOT be used to summon could be a personal word of power for him to an extent we do not know. Maybe it isn't even his real name, but some kind of facade he has created for himself to make others vulnerable to his whims whence it is spoken.

Of course, these are just mmore theories. The only way to truly know is to continue to explore.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

"The Terror of the Threshold" is an Initiation to the spirit world of sorts.
It's a being that terrorizes a person until they get brave enough to fight it off. Frequently it prevents them from being able to astrally project or travel beyond a certian point, and generally offers other limitations.

I've never heard of other people being able to summon it, though.

Usually the key to working with it is knowing that this being is the flip side of your own fear of the Unknown or more specifically, the fears that prevent you from going forward in your Work. After you fight it off, and meet it's challenge to you, it becomes your greatest ally.
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Post by Elem »

Any further news, Wolf? Just interested to know how things are now, since they seemed pretty naff a week or so ago.

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Post by Wolf* »

Put simply, we (meaning a another member and I) have come to find that Odin kinda took control of him during creation, for one reason or another, and I'd rather not say anymore than that, sorry ^^;;;

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Post by Elem »

I understand, hope everything is okay with you now.

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Post by Wolf* »

Out of curiousity, I dug this up to see if I could do anything with ol' Zealdon, and much to my surprise, I got nothing. Well, almost. I got what I suppose you could call "a shadow of his former self", so pale and lifeless, almost like a spiritual hologram. Any ideas on the cause of this? Or is it simply that he hasn't been called in so long that hes lost alot of strength?

"And a godlike man--a man who is pure force--inaccessible to any compromise--is called a hero."
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Post by Sobek »

Good to see you again Wolf :)

On a quick guess, I'd probably say he's lost strength and will ... I wonder if he's been been feeding? Doesn't sound like it though. Maybe his purpose is done. Your guess is as good as mine at this point.
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Post by Elven555 »

Wow, this whole thing is fascinating me, I've never even thought about such a thing.
Nice little study you had going there guys!
Earth my body, water my blood,
Air my breath and fire my spirit
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