Blogging The Shadows

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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Too bad "Oculus Reparo" doesn't work here in the real world. Mine are so very old and broken. I think my glasses are about half as old as I am. :shock: 'Tis the life of the uninsured and totally broke. They're being particularly irritating today. I've been reading through the forum and my eyes feel like they're moving in opposite directions from one another, when in reality it's just the two halves of my glasses drifting apart. :annoyed:
I finally had my rededication ceremony. :D I've been meaning to take pictures of my altar, but I've stepped out of witch mode lately.
WARCRAFT!!!! halfsm
That need to be said. Glad to get it out of my system. *ahem*
That's not to say that I have been a complete muggle. I've come up with an awesome spell idea. Of course, I've left it to just just rattle around in my head as usual. Maybe I can get it out of there this week. My brain is a half finished spell purgatory. :lol:

I'm now at a point in my life where I don't need the reminders of my beliefs. The little signs are everywhere around me. I've got three lovely altars that are up permanently, there are lovely little witch bottles near a couple windows. I feel much more aware now than I did when I first started out.
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Friday night, I watched the movie Thor for the first time. I know it has been out for a while, but I don't really keep up with current movies. :P I saw Odin and threw an internal monologue fit.
"NOOOO! NO! NO! NO!!!!! That's not what he looks like! Think Dumbledore. Except with a little less beard."
Where did you find the All-Father, Hollywood? Have you tried an old cellar filled with books? How about a lush labyrinth of greenery in the middle of a desert? We meet in some interesting places. ::coolglasses::
As for your Thor...... *twitterpated stammering*
I'll take two please. newangel
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Echo's Yule
I found a lovely station on Pandora that plays "classic" holiday tunes from the likes of Bing Crosby, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Gene Autry, etc. It's just not the holidays without them.
Have you seen Autry's smile? Wow, that's nice! :D
I sat on the floor in front of the tree with a candle and some home made incense. Then: total tear fest. It was depression and a spiritual crises. What are the holidays for, I guess. :|

The good news is that we had electricity!
:D :D :D
For the last two years we've spent the December holidays in the dark. It felt real good to cook Christmas dinner with the lights on. I actually spent the days leading up to Christmas paranoid that we'd be in the dark again. :(
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

I've been thinking of taking my work in a different direction. Just to see where it goes. My mini pantheon told me I need to reread a couple of my books as well as another from a particular author first.
I guess I could call Them a mini pantheon. Is there a minimum number of gods needed to call the group a pantheon? Two is a company, three's a crowd, four is a pantheon? :?
Athena and Odin are here and now I'm getting regular visits from Kali. She is the goddess I chose to honor when I was initiated into my former coven. We haven't really worked together since then, but She hasn't forgotten me. She told me that my white tiger puzzle (looky here) is Her sign that She has been with me this entire time. I'm not real sure why She's here now, but She finds my cluelessness funny. I suspect though, that She's here to help with my new path. I was thinking that perhaps I'd need Hecate's advice for this leg of the journey, but I don't think I can discount that timing of Kali appearing to me.
I like Kali being here. She gets along well with Odin and Athena. They all like standing in my kitchen. I need to reread Her mythology and try to strengthen our relationship. She's going to be here for quite some time, so I better put in a good effort. :)
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

I haven't done many witchy things lately, except for making a Troll Witch. :P
troll imbolc.JPG
PS. In case you ever wonder why her hair changes color so often, it's because her hair is a more or less accurate representation of my hair. halfsm [/color]
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

It's been two months since my last weekly update. I can't really convince myself to spend the time typing much of anything. So here's an update and some tasty things because you were nice enough to read it. :)
Another reason why Hello Kitty Cafe should be my covenstead. lol
Another reason why Hello Kitty Cafe should be my covenstead. lol

The morning after the first full moon of the year, I went out, collected some snow, and brought it in to melt for some holy water. I haven't read anything about the first full moon of the new year having any special significance over any of the other full moons, but I didn't see any reason why I couldn't give it more importance. For extra oomph, I left the jar of water in the window for a week of sun light and moon light. I used it as a way to gather various energies to make my water all purpose.
Somewhere around the beginning of December I rebooted the computer yet again. Trust me, I'm as sick of rebooting it as much as you're sick of hearing about it. halfsm This time, things went off without any hiccups. The only thing I wasn't able to save was the folder of 291 e-books. This wasn't so bad since I wrote down where I had gotten the books in the first place. Unfortunately, this means that I'll have to go through that folder and delete the multiples again. :annoyed: It should be just a little easier this time because I went through my smaller folder of books and renamed all of the books. I made sure that every single file name had both the book's title and author name. It was my OCD at its finest, and I'm sure I'll thank myself later. :P
I resolved one of my book issues. You see, I've got all these e-books saved on my computer, but no desire to read them on the computer. I feel that my limited computer time should be spent on other pursuits. My solution was to create an Adobe account and install their app on my phone. By turning on the mobile link, whichever PDFs I recently accessed on the computer can be accessed on the phone. Finally! I wanted to do this before, but I didn't know how to. I set it up so I can read the book I mentioned at the end of December.
I have my Imbolc plans all ready to go! :woot: Starting with Imbolc, I'd like to start using the deity invocations from my former coven for every sabbat. Each sabbat had it's own invocation and associated gods. You see, I've been struck by the idea of reaching out to more gods. It's not that I'm unhappy with the gods I currently work with, it's just that there's a part of me that wonders if I can work with all gods. I don't see a need to limit myself. There's no universal Witch law that says "only two deities per customer." Even if it does prove to be a fruitless endeavor, I can at least say I tried. Now I just need to see if I still have a copy of said invocations. blue_flee
My digital Book of Shadows has a new form.
hk flash.JPG
Mom bought me this Hello Kitty flash drive for my birthday last month. It's perfect for this Hello Kitty priestess. :mrgreen:
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

I decorated my altars for Imbolc last night and discovered a problem. I am aware of the fact that my big altar sits on the heat vent, I just had no idea how hot things would get above the vent.
Quite hot, obviously. :(
I had candles inside the altar melt around their bottoms. One now looks like a peculiar phallus. blue_laugh Candles inside the wooden box inside the altar warmed enough to get stuck together. One of the candles on top of the marble slab on top of my altar got stuck to the marble. There isn't really anything I can do about it. There's nowhere else I can move my altar. :|
I read my last post and got mad at myself. When I was getting out the stuff to decorate my altars, I also got out the stuff for my Imbolc ritual. However, despite getting stuff out of the wooden box, I completely forgot to look in there and see if I had a physical copy of the invocations I want. However, as I sit here and ponder, I'm starting to think that I don't own a physical copy. Let's see...

*wanders away...
...comes back
pushes button, nothing happens..........
tries again...
curses former High Priestess* :vampire:

Well, ain't this a kick in the teeth? I found a disk with some of the coven BOS on it, but my computer doesn't have a program that can read the files. Story of my life. :annoyed:
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

How about we just pretend February didn't exist? What a crap month it's been. :evil:
I didn't celebrate Imbolc at all. During the time when I would have celebrated, I had to deal with Mom going in for surgery. You see, she had open heart surgery two years ago and a hernia developed at the closure site. It actually started to show around a year after the surgery and it took another year just to go through the proper channels for her to get it fixed. That's not so bad; I can deal with it.
It's the cold weather that's been the real pain. Our pipes have frozen a couple times this month. One pipe froze and screwed things up so bad that our bathroom was flooded for days and the toilet was backing up onto the floor and into the tub. I'm kind of a germaphobe. I'm not concerned with catching anything and getting sick, but if I feel dirty, I freak out.
There's been some other minor crap. I also just sort of stepped out of witch mode. I haven't accomplished a witchy thing all month. I did however improve my witchy situation. I rearranged my bedroom so that my altar is in a different spot. It's still close to the vent, but now it's not quite on top of it. I rounded up some of my stray tools and put them under the altar. My mini altar and some of my decorations have also moved. My mini altar is in the corner where I wanted it in the first place when we moved in. I plan to move the decorations to that corner too eventually. Sadly, the two altars aren't near one another any more. That's okay though.
I look forward to setting up the mini altar for Ostara. Last night as I was laying in bed, I came with a cute idea for it. I tried to think of something for the big altar, but I fell asleep before I had any solid ideas. :P
I need to get back into things spiritually as well as being back here too. I've just been so unmotivated. :(
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Seraphin »

Oh Echo, you have all the love, support and healing energies possible for your Mom.

We don't have winters here so I have no idea what's the feeling of being frozen. :D Though I remember when I was just a kid, I always thought that snow up there are very heavy, so putting them on clouds would be extremely dangerous. I seriously thought that time that whoever put tons of ice or snowflakes there should be put in jail. :lol:

And I really think that's an improvement. I actually consider decluttering and rearranging my house as a magickal and spiritual practice. My fiancee and I do this everytime we feel we need to improve our lives, or at least make them more interesting. I recount: we did something like this many years ago, and a few months later, my apparently barren fiancee got pregnant. There were also a time that our finances weren't doing well and we rearranged our home furniture according to our intuition and magickal and spiritual beliefs, and, surprise! Our financial health improved!

Sometimes we have to do this in order for us to derive the greatest benefit from the chi energy of our home. By cleaning, decluterring, rearranging, decorating and sometimes renovating our houses or rooms, we accumulate this energy, and not trapped so as to render its potential useless

Don't worry about the demotivation, if you like we're going to weave a motivation spell for you as our spell for this Month's... Ooops... well that would be telling!!! :D

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Well Hi there Seraphin. Thanks for stopping by. :wave:
My mom's recovery is going quite well. I looked at the recent incision and it's healing so well that you can't even tell that it's relatively new. The swelling has gone down and the glue has worn off. All looks well. :)
I think Michigan is shaped like a mitten as a warning to the rest of the world that you've got to wear mittens most of the year if you live here. :lol: Despite all this cold, we haven't had much snow this winter in my neck of the woods. I'd say two feet of snow at the most. Poor Massachusetts though. Those guys have had well over 70 inches. :( I can imagine they're going to have lots of flooding in the spring.
It's funny that you mention finances, mine could use an improvement. I've been trying to decide how I want to approach it. I'm thinking maybe a jar spell. Some green and gold stuff. GLITTER! :mrgreen:
I once read some lovely information on feng shui and arrangement that I'd like to re-read. Unfortunately, I read so much that I probably won't remember where the heck I read it. :roll: The closest helpful thing in that department I can think of that I've got easy access to is "The Magical Household" by Scott Cunningham.
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

My fish Pickle passed yesterday. :( It was touching to have the three of us and the cat crowded in the bathroom to inter Pickle to The Great Bowl. I've decided that my quit smoking anniversary gift to myself this year is to get a few new things for the aquarium and to get a new beta.
Last week I was jealous of the pretty spring weather Firebird is enjoying in California. But this week I saw that the goddess has been in Michigan. We're finally having warm weather. I can see half of my yard! :) ....well, not at this moment. 'Tis nighttime now. :P I can start leaving offerings outside again.
I've been developing my plans for Ostara. I have my avatar ready. :mrgreen: I need to decorate the altars this week, even though I still don't have any ideas for the big altar.
I've been working on creating a set of sigils for myself. Right now I'm working on a set for the zodiac signs. I'd like to create more for other things like the sabbats, the elements, and some other things I can't remember right now. :roll: I think perhaps I need to vary my methods though. My sigils are starting to take on the appearance of stick people. :| Right now, they're in a notebook, but I plan to transfer each one to an index card and add a bit of color with gel pens.
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

I made my sigils for the zodiac signs, elements and sabbats. The other day on Tumblr I seen that someone had made a set for the phases of the moon, so I think that 's what I'll do next. I'd also like to do a set for some of the common themes of spells, such as love, luck, money, health, etc.. I've thought of making a set of divination sigils, but I think that's probably a bit too ambitious a task.
I think EUTM just had its first moth member. I came back from grabbing breakfast and found a moth in my chair. :lol:
I've been collecting my first supply of rain water. I've used rain before, but I've never actually kept a supply of it. It's been kind of a difficult task. First of all, rain usually makes it right up to my town and then it either dissipates or goes around us. Then when it does rain, it lasts about five minutes. The old adage about Michigan is true: if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes. :annoyed:
I keep waiting for "Freebird" to start playing.
That's all for now. Echo needs her coffee! :mrgreen:
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Firebird »

Hey Echo, just wanted to stop in and say hi! Good to see you blogging again. Wondered if you were tempted to smash the moth or just pitty the hell out of it :P
blessings dear, Firebird
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Moths are kind of my mini fan club. :lol:
That one spent a few minutes just sitting there on my hand. Then right after it left, a smaller one came and sat on my chest. :roll:
I fear for the little guys when they get too close to the fan. It was one heck of an experience to watch a moth get sucked into the back of a fan, and the resulting mess got blown at me. blue_blank
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Naudia Threng »

You have really nice nails!
O Goddes, all praise to you. Ta em hotep, anekh hrak. Lady Isis, I adore you. Nebet aset, tu a atu.
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