Spell Work for Business/Employment

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Re: Spell Work for Business/Employment

Post by Kassandra »


Hi merlinjohnzain. Welcome to the board. That you judiciously utilize paragraph breaks makes me like you a lot already, haha. :wink:

OK, this is going to be a very "multi-cultural" response, but such is my life...

Concepts: Makia, Introspection and Gaman
hooponopono hula dancer.jpg
As regards your situation, what came to my mind was a good rule of thumb with any kind of manifestation attempts (spells or otherwise) is to always throw energy toward what you WANT in life, not toward what you don't want.

As it stands, you are focused on "undoing" what you are only assuming was done against you. That you were eavesdropping on Mom, who is a witch and was talking about doing some spells on the full moon, doesn't mean the spells were for you. Maybe they were, I don't know Mom. But I do know that most witches have a yearlong schedule of spell work and rituals they do on a regular basis to celebrate changes of seasons, rites of passages, to pay homage to their favorite gods, etc. And working with the moon cycle is also a very normal and regular practice for many witches. Again, I don't know Mom, but I really doubt the comments you overheard had anything to do with you and your wife.

It's my observation and experience that the majority of witchcraft practices is rarely about "doing something" to someone, though the deleterious and ridiculous stuff shown in movies, TV shows, and video games (what I collectively term, "Hollywood Witchcaft") would have us believe it always does. There is rarely a positive, realistic mass media portrayal of witchcraft. The truth is, however, that most of the time, witches are peace-loving people who like to keep to themselves, and who use witchcraft as a means of bringing healing, balance and peace to their worlds.

And it's a tricky thing with spell work. Spells are not always the answer; sometimes insight is. It takes a lot of integrity to be honest and self-searching enough to, before attempting any spellwork, first ask ourselves: To what extent, if any, am I using others as scapegoats in this situation, so I don't have to face my own shortcomings and misjudgments? Honestly, I would recommend altogether forgetting what Mom, Auntie, or anyone else may or may not be saying or doing to you. Haha, my late mom would probably tell you, "You have to have more gaman than that!"

~Energy Flows Where Attention Goes~ so focus on investing time drawing to you what would help you fulfill your life purpose here while you still have breath in your lungs...time better spent, I think. I get into detail on how to do this below.

Relying on Your Team
captain and ship.jpg
Even the best captains rely on their crews for help steering the ship
where it needs to be. Consider any reader with whom you work as
merely part of your team --you are always the captain, and make
the final decision in all matters.

Historically politicians, military leaders, business owners and others in society, in every part of the world, have teamed up with soothsayers to help them navigate their waters. They consider such people part of their little cabinet or council, their posse. I suggest you do the same. I noticed you mention how your "logic tells" you things, but that will only take you so far, merlinjohnzain...what does your intuition tell you? As you develop your intuition, you'll find it is often in direct odds with your logic. But does that make its brand of wisdom invalid and inactionable? Keep track of your dreams (keep a journal by the bed), as intuition often speaks through them.

A good reader might have premonitions about upcoming things that you will not see on the news, nor read about in the Wall Street Journal, etc. So, divination is not just for parlor tricks, and it would be advisable you make this a regular part of your routine, if you haven't already. If you learn to do your own divination work, it'll make things easier, and you could save the "outside readings" for your more challenging questions and dilemmas. Here is a forum for learning divination: http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... ation.html. The best way to learn it, however, is not by reading, but by doing.

It amazes me how people today plunge headlong into spell work without properly assessing things energetically first, which is the purpose of divination. It is like running into a battlefield without doing any kind of recon beforehand. Not knowing which spells to use (or not use --that's important to know, too, and I think applies in your case) is like not knowing which weapon or strategy to employ in battle. It is like a ship's captain failing to first plot a course, check weather conditions, etc. before leaving shore, thereby putting his entire crew at risk. Who does that. I think this tendency toward unwise magical behavior is due to the diffusion of massive amounts of witchcraft information out there...along with zero amounts of training nor guidance by experienced practitioners to GO ALONG WITH all that information.

But seriously, I have not heard of a witchcraft or similar tradition that does not utilize divination as a guidance system, in conjunction with accompanying magical practices. Especially if it is an emotional situation, it's a good idea to get another set of eyes on it. Maybe you could barter if you don't have the money for a decent reading. Or, we have some good readers here who don't charge but like to do it just for practice: http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum/forum177.html Also, you could call into this show and get a free "team reading" by some pretty amazing and experienced readers, again for free: http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... 25953.html They are not Wiccans, but work in an American folk magic tradition, specifically, hoodoo.

Possible Spell Work Focuses

~Energy Flows Where Attention Goes~ Some areas in which you may want to focus your spell work (and maybe others have other recommendations too...) could include and not be limited to:

1. Prosperity-drawing/Maintaining

For any business owner, or any of us in general, this should be de rigueur in both good times and in challenging times. Why wait until something goes wrong to suddenly start doing prosperity work? You don't have to be a witch to do this. When I was growing up, I noticed Asians always have a prosperity altar somewhere on their business premises. Go into any Asian-owned store and look around the front somewhere, and you'll see it. This is because there is no sense of entitlement; rather, there is a constant awareness that the vicissitudes of life are unpredictable, therefore it is wise if one coaxes and fortifies one's good fortune as much as possible. Sometimes, magic is like having a metaphysical insurance policy, haha.

I would say your statement that,"this is unnatural for the Universe to completely turn its back on us" has some holes. Who says the Universe has? Fifteen months in, and that's your conclusion? Why that arbitrary time limit? When I worked in real estate all the seasoned agents told me not to expect to have a solid, consistent business pipeline for at least three-to-five years. I've heard people in other industries say about the same thing. Haha, I was prepared to eat Top Ramen for a long time. Fifteen months? What source told you this? A year and a half, and viola, a successful business/great income results? Maybe the world moves a lot quicker these days, I don't know.

As magical practitioners, we would do well to give desired outcomes a regular boost, a little assist, on a regular basis. That is my understanding of prosperity workings. I like how in the Chinese practice of feng shui, a prosperity spell of some sort is always ongoing in the "prosperity corner" of one's home (they believe the home is like a body, and different areas are correlates relating to certain areas of our lives). So, they have the altar as I described above at work, and one going at home...all basis covered! Do some research and experiment with what works for you.

Related posts:
Money Rock
Attracting Money
Main Spells Site

2. Creating Good Will in the Household...and in Yourself

You could totally rig your house to facilitate good feelings and open communication in a number of ways, such as place what's called a "ward" of some sort above the entryway to the house, so that anyone who walks in is hit by its peace-making energy. I'll let you research wards, or maybe someone will elaborate on that in this thread. You could ward the dining room by placing one in the bottom of a vase with a flower arrangement, taping them to the bottom of dining room chairs. Imagination is the limit, here. In hoodoo, these are called sneaky tricks, and despite their name, they are often a great way to promote good will and peace.

And there are a number of spells you could do to otherwise promote peaceful vibes: communication spells, reconciliation spells, etc. Write a spell to remove the "repelling energy," and replace it with loving energy. Heck, I even had to do a ritual bath spell on myself: Creating Good Will within Ritual Bath

A hoodoo "Peaceful Home" spell incorporates a honey jar,
to "sweeten" peoples' attitudes toward one another.

3. Celebrating the Beauty of the Wheel of the Year
(The Wheel of the Year FAQ)

Finally, I think another important concept of prosperity, is gratitude. Are you only coming to spell work merely to ask for something, or have you attempted to cultivate a relationship with the divine/nature/universe on a regular basis, when you're not asking for something in a last resort panic mode? Your statement that, "I've also had no interest in witchcraft or magick, until now..." kind of tells me it could be the former. Think of it as the difference between spending time with a good friend on a regular basis, (i.e., chatting on the phone, seeing a movie, or if nothing else at least communicating via social media) versus, never communicating...then out of the blue frantically saying you "really need to borrow a few bucks asap!" Why approach nature/the universe that way?
Lakshmi-pooja-goddess-lakshmi-glitter-graphic.gif (156.85 KiB) Viewed 937 times
The idea of Laxmi is that we give to the world, and the world
gives to us, in a continuing loop. But most of the time, people
are like, "Gimme, gimme, gimme," beseeching the goddess
for material wealth, like she's some kind of vending machine
or something.

And it would be unfortunate if that were the case because celebrating pagan holidays, like any other kind of holidays, is a great way to drum up prosperity vibes --gratitude-- as well as cultivate good will and togetherness in a home. Since Mom is Wiccan, take advantage of this! Could you overcome your grudge with her long enough to, maybe, make her a special guest at the next sabbat which, as of this writing, is the summer solstice in a few days. This is a major pagan/Wiccan holiday, and a great opportunity to make peace. How about throwing a fabulous "pagan barbeque" in the back yard?

The sun itself is an auspicious symbol of prosperity and good health. Our crops need the sun in order to thrive, and we need our crops in order to live, too. Could you build an altar in the backyard that celebrates the sun, and also incorporates Mom's favorite gods and goddess, as well? (and burn some incense to "represent the Holy Spirit" to make nominally-Christian-but-non-practicing Dad happy too, maybe hold hands and recite the "Our Father" before eating, etc., hehe)

Firebirdflys, a moderator here and an ordained Wiccan high priestess, is a great person to consult for how to put this together in a fun way. Post a question in her forum: Den of the Firebird, or PM her privately. Also, this forum has a lot of ideas, as well as background info: Sabbats and Esbats.

I did not provide the reversal spell you requested, so none of this may have been what you wanted to hear. But, I hope something of it was helpful, nonetheless. And I hope other members chime in with their comments and ideas too. I would love to hear them.

The best.

Happy Litha, Everyone!! Click to make pic really large.

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