Cancer and Gemini

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Cancer and Gemini

Post by gwenblackbird »

I would like to know more about my two Zodiac signs. The Cancer one is from the original Zodiac chart and the Gemini is from the newer one.
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Hmm, I'm not familiar with a "new" zodiac chart... what is that about? Do you have any info to share? :28:

Anyhow, here's the sign-specific general info I found on that you may want to take a gander at... there's a lot of info here:

-and here's one funny picture to share too, it's from the "fail blog" (a division of lolcats ...
<a href=""><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-11212" title="fail-owned-book-title-fail" src=" ... e-fail.jpg" alt="fail owned pwned pictures"></a> wrong, but funny. :28:

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Post by gwenblackbird »

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Well it was when i was in science last year and we were learning about astronomy and astrology, so our teacher put up the zodiac chart and he showed both the original and newer one that i think scientists redid or something like that. i don't really remember the story behind it.
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Hm- that's interesting about the changed zodiac calendar. If you ever run into anything on that, I'm sure we'd all love to look it over, so please post it, if so! :28:

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Post by being-singular-plural »

Hey Moonstone,

we've had chats about this on this site before. Gwenblackbird is correct: the zodiac has shifted since it was plotted 3000 years ago. You may have seen on natal charts etc. that the house system used is typically called "Tropical" or "Tropical Placidius"--this keeps astrology in line with when it was first plotted and systematized in ancient India and reinforced by Ptolemy. This is the standard zodiac we follow today. But, charts can be plotted according to "Sidereal" time (and a cluster of various other housing systems) which is relatively accurate in terms of actual position but not necessarily accurate in terms of natal chart readings. Classic astrology presupposed that the starry wheels would turn in a uniform standard for all time--but in fact, modern calculations show that the zodiac has slowed up to 35 degrees. Astronomically, right now the sun is still in the area of sky we call Capricorn, but astrologically it is in Aquarius. For the most part, most of our signs (especially the Sun sign, Venus and Jupiter) are actually back a sign if we follow what has been dubbed "New Astrology"--but I prefer to call it "Sidereal" charts (because there is another trademarked version of "New Astrology" that attempts to blend western and Chinese readings into one unified whole--with relatively little success, I might add--at least in terms of accuracy or helpful information--although she sells many books). It is interesting to compare the Sidereal chart with the tropical chart--it is a vastly different reading and you will likely find that the tropical chart actually "works" or makes sense when you meditate on it whereas the sidereal one, although scientifically "accurate," may not resonate with your actual experience of yourself. One of my astrology mentors overcomes the problem by acknowledging that the original plotting and impulse of classic astrology was divinely inspired which is why that method and that information is by far the more accurate of the two systems. But, I have done charts for what seems to be 1000s of people now and a select few will claim that the Sidereal one makes more sense to them. So it is a matter of personal taste and interpretation. Regardless, it is an art form or a type of poetry first and foremost, so why impose modern science on an ancient art? More precisely, why choose an outdated system? As one of my mentors would say, "because IT WORKS!!!"

I am really busy this quarter but if you want your Sidereal chart to compare with your classical natal chart, let me know--I will eventually find time for it (but you will have to be patient). I am sure there are websites that will plot it for you as well. Hope this info is useful for you...

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