
Discussion of Reincarnation, Afterlife, Life-Between-Lives (LBL)...


Post by mank »

The year the great seventh number is accomplished,
Appearing at the time of the great games of slaughter:
Not far from the age of the great millennium,
When the dead will come out of their graves.

they say the end of the world will happen on the 'great' seventh number.

Lots of people cannot figure out if this will now happen 2070, as 2007 has already passed...

but what also throws other off is the line, "not far from the age of the great millennium"

so if you add 20+70 it equals 90

but if you half the word "seve|nth" it sort of looks like "nine"
so... 79

that leaves us with 20+79 which = 99

which make sense to the phrase, "not far from the age of the great millennium"
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Post by AzureImpaler »

It's stretch, but couldn't it theoretically imply a year such as 7777 (relatively close to 8000, though not by our daily standards.)

Or another bigger stretch would be something like having the number 7 as the seventh number in a MUCH farther date... but that's just a thought I spewed out of my head... nothing to run with really...

"2999997" Or something like that. I'm pretty tired right now, so I hope you get the idea, even though I'm pretty certain I wrote the wrong number just now. ><
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Post by [cherokeewind] »

I've been following IBA Israeli TV throughout 2008. The leaders and political experts all year, were bickering over how or when they should make a strike on Iran. They really want the US to do it...but they are in an election right now also.

It was supposed to happen either before or after our election...then the PM stepped down, early elections. Next leader, what will happen...who knows?

Seven is the number of completeness. In the famine of Egypt, Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dream. Actually two dreams. In one dream seven cattle came up out of the Nile river. Second dream seven skinny, sick cattle came up out of the Nile river also, but ate up the healthy cattle.

Joseph interpreted the dreams to be seven good years of plenty, followed by seven years of famine. Joseph got put in charge of storing up food for the famine. There was then seven years of famine, Egypt was saved and supplied grain to the region.

The Apocalypse mentions seven years of trouble called the "Great Tribulation". I think it means seven years and no more. There were many Christians saying 2000-2007 is this seven year period.
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Post by kgwitch »

You mean it's not 2012? Bugger, now I have to worry about a career :roll:
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Post by [cherokeewind] »

The way things are now, it would be truly amazing if nothing happened between now and 2012. I happen to know what or should say where could be the location of all the Aztec stuff Montezuma had paid as a ransom to Spain. I mean Aztec treasures the Spaniards looted from them. It never made it to Spain but sunk in 200 feet of water due South of Key West, Florida. I don't think that ship was ever recovered, but I guess it might be a good idea and do a search to find out. The Aztec Indians used gold a lot for their ceremonial items. All those Aztec temple goodies just waiting for someone to bring them up...I wonder when?
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

Well, I read somewhere during my studies that 2009 will be the year of change as to what this means I do not yet know, however, what I do know is that Obama was elected in 2008 but didn't actually take office til 2009 which is a first for our country for someone who wasn't white to lead the country, but I do have a bad feeling about the future I will continue my research and report it here...
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Post by blackwavy »

12 is considered a sacred number.

12-21-2012 all represents 12

Somethings good is going to come out of such a significant date.

So is 11, 22 and a few others.

Re: Numbers.

Post by Silly_Dreamer »

mank wrote:The year the great seventh number is accomplished,
Appearing at the time of the great games of slaughter:
Not far from the age of the great millennium,
When the dead will come out of their graves.

they say the end of the world will happen on the 'great' seventh number.

Lots of people cannot figure out if this will now happen 2070, as 2007 has already passed...

Maybe the accomplishment of the great seventh number doesn't actually pertain to the digit "7" in any way. It might refer to a seventh age or it might simply be a number that succeeds a series of six previous numbers.

Honestly I don't know, but the way the verse is phrased suggests the above.


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