Energy sphere

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Energy sphere

Post by fauna9 »

I have been working on gathering and concentrating energy between my hands... as a thought form or assistantance with ritual work. I have been very sucessful with feeling the energy manafested, but would like to see it. I have tried a basic "Let my eyes now see what my hands can feel" - No luck. If anyone has any ideas or sugestions that would be great.
I aslo want to see auras, but haven't mastered that either...
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Post by Starwitch »

That's complicated stuff. If you figure it out, be sure to let us know. I can't tell you how to do that. There are books on how to see auras, I think. You could try

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Post by thasme »

Have you ever heard the expression “wow you look good in that color” or “that’s your color”. When you hear people say that it’s because they are unknowingly seeing your aura. I haven’t ever had a desire to see them but I have read a thing or two on them. To train your 3rd eye to open and see auras takes a lot of training and time to develop, but what I understand it can be done. ( wait who is this info for .lol. Don’t want to write a book that wont get read. Lol) Oh ok, lol.

There is another mini light that is projected off the Body, it’s called Etheric and it’s the halo and can be seen by the Human eye much more easily. It’s usually a smoke gray, pale blue, white, or pale yellow.
A lot of times you can see them in photo’s of ppl.

Your Aura is outside the Etheric and as you know is the color spectrum.
Each color represents a mood or influence. Now the prominent color that is seen will tell of the persons true mood. Auras are also electromagnetic so like when your in a good mood then you get in a bad one for no real reason . It’s probly because you have picked up someone’s aura, and there for there mood. If you will notice when you take a shower you kinda feel a little weak when you get out, that is caused buy your aura getting clean and retracting into your body.
As you dry off it expans and you feel better and less stressed ect.

Ok, Seeing it as I said takes time but here is what the book says …
Do a mind over matter put all positive influence into it when you are talking about the auras and tell ppl what your trying to learn to do. Say to them “I can’t see them Yet. But I am training myself and I KNOW I’ll be able to soon.” and intime your subconscious will catch on and your 3rd eye will open. Boom! Your seeing the colors…………………..

Hope you find this helpful……………………………….....................Rena
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Post by Starwitch »

Good advice Rena. :)


Post by fauna9 »

Thank You - It is amazing to start to feel the interactions you can have with other people's auras! I will definately keep working at it until I can see the auras... I just think that's cool - It's like getting at little peak into a person without crossing into anything drastic.
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me too...

Post by SilverFox* »

I actually have a book I just got on reading uaras, it's a little complicated right now, but i think i'm getting a slight hang of it, but I haven't been trying for a while. It's very interesting, and i know what you mean that ppl say your color's pretty cool, I've already told a couple of my friends they're best colors, tho they think I'm making it up since I'm not extremely good at it, yet.
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Post by moonlit »

wow! that is so interesting! I might have to look more into that.
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Post by SilverFox* »

It's cool, and fun to try. I have to get more into it tho now...haven't been doing it for a while now...but gotta get the book out again to study....
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Frank N Sense

Post by Frank N Sense »

Just a curious question SilverFox. Does your book mention anything about the affects being colorblind has on reading auras?
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Post by thasme »

I was wondering if your color blind or someone you Know cause you have said something about it before.? and lol. I'm not Silverfox and shouldn't answer her Q but If you use your third eye to see them with then I would say Yes you would still see the color.. since it's not an eyeball sight thing more of a Mind thing..
Frank N Sense

Post by Frank N Sense »

Sorry it took so long to reply to your question thasme. Actually I'm colorblind. I've worked on my colorblindness since I was a child, so most people who meet me wouldn't know I am...I can kinda fool em into believing I'm normal (but I'm not hehe). But there are situations where I just mess up badly...probably why I always wear jeans and t-shirts...I can't match clothing very well lol. It's hard to explain how I see color, but I would think with auras even slight color variations could have importance...and with my sight I wouldn't be able to distinquish them. Not sure with the third eye being able to see color...not sure I'd know how to interpret what it know? Sorta like how would my brain process a color it's never seen before? Anyhow I was just wondering what effects colorblindness would have on aura reading..or in any kind of magical use where distinguishing colors would be very important.
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Post by thasme »

That is true... Omg how aweful it must be not to see color.. I love color and have like 10 diffent little sun catchers and crystals in my Kitchen window that projects the spectrum ever aftternoon all over the place... and I painted my sons room like yello and blue and red and green and purple so it would have astimmulatin effect on his mind and all around Gladness... ( my way of thearpy after his dad passed).

I read an artical on color blindness that they were testing in China at some school. ppl who were color blind and giving them like small elitrical shock like 10 mins ever other day and it worked.. the ppl who were completly color blind starting seeing different hues after the first week.. and the ones who were Hue blind as in just saw sharp color no varrance began to see red/pink, blue/light blue... wonder if they offer anything like that here in the states..

as Far as magic..well there r only two typs black and white so you might be ok.. There are spells that use colored candles and even a section on color magic but that's kinda superfuicial to me... It's all inside anyway..

so tell me have you tried anything to help your misfortune? and well I call it that but I guess you have a better perspictave than the rest of us when it comes down to seeing the way cats and dogs and stuff do . so maybe it's not a bad thing... ...................Rena
Frank N Sense

Post by Frank N Sense »

lol Thasme you are so funny! No I have never done anything about my "handicap". Way I see it it's not me who is weird..tis the rest of ya'll. And besides...not being good with colors is a benefit because when I get married the wifey to be knows I don't have to be asked any questions about how I like certain colors with certain rooms. I'm like whatever makes you happy love muffin and I'm off the hook. Go me!

And colors with simple things like candles and things has never been a problem. I can see most of the colors or at least I can recognize a shade as a certain color. And if all that fails most candles are labeled when I buy them lol.

Oh and if any of yous gets the clever idea to take thasme's post to heart and start shocking the s#@t outta me to "help" my condition...I won't be the only one experiencing serious blood and pain....that stuff is like flu...believe me, it'll be spread :evil:
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Post by thasme »

ROTFLMFAO............ I Was so serious,, lol, you nut.. OMg yeah Ya'll lets get together and lmao Send Poor Frank some theraputic Shocking .....................(still lmao with tears)

Re: Energy sphere

Post by fallenstar »

fauna9 wrote:I have been working on gathering and concentrating energy between my hands... as a thought form or assistantance with ritual work. I have been very sucessful with feeling the energy manafested, but would like to see it. I have tried a basic "Let my eyes now see what my hands can feel" - No luck. If anyone has any ideas or sugestions that would be great.
I aslo want to see auras, but haven't mastered that either...

im new here, but the way that i have "mastered" seeing auras is by laying down in a place with little light and holding my hands above my face in a sort of "gunlike" position and then you begin to slowly bring them apart and seeing the sort of shadow behind it kind of like a silhouette, and then just look above the things you want to see auras in like looking for the inner beauty or behind their appearance in everyday society.

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