
General questions and conversations about astrology.
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Post by being-singular-plural »

I think one of my astro-mentors, Robert Wilkinson, sums up Chiron better than I could. I often picture the Temperance Card from Tarot when I read his synopsis. Here's what Robert says:

Chiron, the Wounded Healer and Metaphysician
by Robert Wilkinson

In mythology, Chiron was the first centaur, an immortal half-man, half-horse. Though most centaurs were over-indulgent, rowdy, and uncultured, Chiron was considered the greatest centaur due to his civilized intelligence, nobility, and kindness. He was a great healer, astrologer, musician, ethicist, and respected oracle, as well as archer. According to legend, Chiron was most revered as a mentor and teacher to some great heros, with Asclepius, Ajax, Theseus, Achilles, Jason and Heracles as students. One of his skills was that he knew how to get his pupils to find their highest potential and destiny. Chiron's position in our charts mentors us to our highest potential and destiny.

Astronomically, Chiron is a comet that was discovered in 1977. In astrology, Chiron is commonly known as "the wounded healer," though it possesses other attributes as well. Since it has no home sign in astrology, it is said to be a wanderer. It is a bridge between the known and the unknown, where our "Sacred Wound" wanders until it finds healing.

Being between Saturn and Uranus, it has an orbit of about 51 years, and represents that part of us which is beyond the worldly limits of Saturn and not quite in the realm of the outer invisible transpersonals. It is part animal, part human, and shows us what we must heal and how we must heal it, and what we must learn to exceed our limitations and become our excellence.

We are told that Chiron came to classical Greek mythology from a more ancient shamanistic culture from northern Greece. He is also said to have been the first and greatest astrologer, trained by Apollo and Artemis to be expert in physical, cultural, and metaphysical realms. I'm sure this relates somehow to the other ancient Mediterranean legend that Thoth-Hermes was the first and greatest astrologer, who also was said to be expert in medicine, mathmetics, ethics, philosophy, and posessed skills in many of the same realms as Chiron.

Chiron was said to possess expertise in herbalism, surgery, and other healing arts, along with the gift of synthesis so that many different approaches could be combined successfully. This is what we call "holistic healing," so another trait of Chiron could be that it mentors us to a holistic approach to anything in the physical, cultural, or metaphysical areas.

It has also been said to be a pathway or door to a consciousness shift leading to different perspectives, and a bridge between old ways and new ways. Thus as a mentor teaching us how to synthesize, Chiron is an agent of change, presenting alternatives once we have a more complete picture of whatever we are learning.

As noted earlier, Chiron is the symbol of what teaches us or mentors us to our highest possiblities, the wound that becomes our authentic experience of movement beyond old limitations and fears into our nobility and kindness. In Chiron, don't look for things to be nice, neat, or orderly. It will, however, show you where your "animal" side meets your "human" side, ultimately leading you to your immortality.

It is associated with the "conjunctio," or "sacred marriage." This is where our darkness meets our light, enabling us to dance with ourselves and each other, transcending polarities and bringing forth a new wholeness. Thus it could also have an influence on how we are and what we are learning in relationships so we may come to a higher, more holistic view of the issues of gender. Chiron may be useful in examining your indulgences from an angle of greater enjoyment and/or healing, and will probably lead you into metaphysical pathways that will reveal your "highest potential and destiny."

Enjoy exploring possible ways that you have been wounded or mentored as revealed by the sign and house position of your Chiron, and how it taught to to synthesize, putting things together in a more integrated, holistic view. You may find that it shows you how to mentor others through your woundedness in that area. It certainly works that way in my own chart.
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Post by Kolohe »

Thank you Chris for both of these. Do you or anyone have info on where I could find tables for Chiron?

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Post by Eretik »

This isn't bad.I have to check, but may have more/better.I was born with Chiron conjunct Saturn, opposing Uranus/Pluto in Virgo.Fun stuff.

Go in the doorway, click on 'astrology' and there is lots of info.The site as awhole is good.Love Chiron's 'key' glyph.
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Post by being-singular-plural »

Yes Eretik,

I love the glyph for Chiron too. Someone once pointed out how much it resembled the handicapped symbol for parking and special access points. I think that is quite fitting considering Chiron's strength through weakness.

That Geosites fella has quite the site...thanks for posting it!

With whimpers of might,

PS--Thanks Kolohe. . .I can run your chart to see where your Chiron is if you like--just PM me and we can sort it out. Some of us will have Chiron retrograde and I think in this case that it actually strenghtens his placement in the chart.
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Post by Sobek »

Geri wrote:Love Chiron's 'key' glyph
I've always seen it as a key aswell ... I have an obsession accompanied by a collection of keys ... possibly unhealthy but I don't care :P
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Post by Eretik »

Would you check mine Chris? Please.I am still looking for info. on this.I have some pc problems,ned to revamp my system.I keep getting adware/bugs and can't access some sites, the ones that seem the best,isn't that just how it goes? bah.I need to get some cash for books too.Raid Amazon sometime soonish.I have a ''thing'' for keys too,Sobek.
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Post by being-singular-plural »

Sure Eretik,

PM me your birth info and we can trace your Chiron from there...
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Gee, I have an key thing, too... :D I guess it's just us "responsable" types. :P

I still collect skeleton keys, though I long since moved out of a house that needed them. I miss them. So handy for spells...

Oh, right and Chiron. that's the topic. As I recall this is the "Shaman planet".
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Post by kuotetsu »

What if the Chiron was placed in a Water Sign, opposing the Saturn and Uranus?
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Post by being-singular-plural »

Yes, I recall that with your chart, kuotetsu; I will offer an analysis soon--i am really strapped for time right now--suddenly everything is due and more tasks keep coming in. Be patient with me. . .

That position is interesting and one gift I can see from it off the top of my head is that as you wrestle with insecurity, you have become adept at making others feel comfortable. This is quite a gift to offer others today! But, I will take a closer look at your chart again and write more about it.

Kolohe and Eretik--give me a few more days, k? Sorry. . .have an article deadline by week's end and a lecture to prepare. . . academic life is akin to zookeeping sometimes. I look forward to looking into this for both of you and feel honoured to be able to do so.

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Post by being-singular-plural »

For dear Eretik:

Well, your Chiron i s located at 19 degrees Pisces which is conjunct your Saturn and it is located in the 3rd House. Your 4th House begins at 21 Pisces so some of Chiron's influence crosses over into the 4th but most of its energy is 3rd House since Saturn is pulling on it tightly in the 3rd. Having it in Pisces indicates that your struggles with surrender and achieving ideals allow you the opportunity to help others come to place a surrender and you can inspire dreamy visions in others. In short, your healing gift is through allowing others to envision their own deep connection to the ineffable Cosmos. However, with Saturn there, it indicates a more limited effect---since Chiron is so connected to Saturn (as it runs between Saturn and Uranus) the Saturnian side of Chiron is pronounced in your chart. This position offers a kind of authority in your everyday speech and communication and it is through communications that you can offer solid, practical advice and assist others with structure and "real" manifestions of those dreamy Piscean mood swings / visions. Your wounds come from authority--and you can transcend these wounds by offering all those who told you "No!" a kind of affirmative yes...if someone's words have held you back, you, ironically, can empower them by setting them free--telling them "Yes!" The 3rd House position also offers a kind of "everydayness" to your practical healing ability. You can inspire others to dream wide and far, but can also limit those dreams in others by setting parameters. Above all, with Saturn playing with Chiron in Pisces, your gifts are focussed on faith and perserverence. You can inspire others to never give up and to work at their goals every day, even if you have, at times in your life, given up on this or that pursuit. This is the position of the practical advisor (and this is easily witnessed with all of your solid assistance here at EUM). We are very lucky to have you Eretik and your wisdom can transcend boundaries inasmuch as they secure boundaries. Note to Everyone: This woman knows what she is talking about!!


P.S. Your Chiron is square Jupiter, opposite Pluto conj. Uranus and trine Neptune. . . this enhances the Piscean / Saturnian influence which is why I focussed on that in the reading. . .(FYI)
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Post by Eretik »

Thanks Chris.Does this mean I'n a 'good guy' after all? lol.It resonates.I'm someone who's done things because of 'no',been spurred on by it.Very spookily accurate.That reading makes me feel empowered....and blushy :oops:
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Post by being-singular-plural »

Eretik, did I ever imply that were not "a good guy"? If so, i certainly did not mean it! You have taught us all a great deal and I, for one, am grateful...
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Post by being-singular-plural »

Dear Kolohe,

I finally got a chance to work on your chart and I am thoroughly impressed with the energies you have going on. You have a lot of EARTH and AIR in your chart which is a rare gift--to be able to stay grounded and to soar to great mental heights! If you ever want to talk more about your chart PM me and we can set up some dialogues from there; but, today the focus is Chiron:

Your Chiron is located at 9 degrees Aries and it is in your 1st house. (You have a huge first house that spans the latter part of Aquarius, all of Pisces and 11 degrees of Aries--this means that your 7th house is also HUGE--which is important to your soul and path this life--but I digress....a little). Having Chiron in Aries is a powerful sign for Chiron to be in as it can perform its miracles via healing and/or destruction in a swift almost instantaneous manner. This position does lack stamina when it comes to Chiron's capabilities but this means that the primal push of Chiron's energy will be overwhelming at the outset when the enegy is needed most, and will then trickle off soon after the initial push of mystic insight, intuitive knowledge, healing, negotiating, warring. . .Your Chiron happens to be Retrograde, which, as I have suggested earlier, makes Chiron's woundedness all the more transformative. It is travelling back through your 1st house indicating that your wounds are deeply personal, perhaps even selfish and offer you chance to know yourself deeply through your personal hurts. Having so much Pisces in your first house may offer some nebulous, hazy ways of seeing yourself or understanding your raw nature but your soul insisted that Chiron be in this house in Aries to help you negotiate your personal ambitions and longings as well as opening gates (hence it's Key symbolism) to your personal core of being. Having a stellium (more than 3 planets) in your 7th house allows you to really explore personal relationships and partnerships of all kinds this life. And your Chiron in your 1st House counterbalances some of this. So your woundedness that comes from others, usually rooted in the judgments of others that affect your core self and outlook on life in a deep way is magically turned around onto others. What I mean is that you have a natural gift to make others feel what you feel and see what you see. You are partner oriented and Chiron helps tap into to intuitive almost natural ways of comfortably relating to others. The wars that you have endured with others and internalized deeply gives you the ability to be a great peacemaker and all around good friend and partner. People who have destroyed your trust in turn makes you trustworthy yourself. Your ideals and outlooks have been shaped by hurt but turn out to be based on justice, fairness, harmony and peace. Chiron, in your chart, is opposite Uranus and this offers a more detached, mystical and perhaps idealistic connection to your Chironic wounds. Having the attachment to Uranus (one of Chiron's core destinations) offers you the ability to detach from tumultuous relations and turn it into something positive that can match your overall outlook toward peace and harmony. Love may come to you suddenly and dissipate just as suddenly but your Chiron can help you maintain friendliness above all. This may make you one those kinds of people that stay friendly with their ex-lovers. In short, your Chiron transforms your relationship hurts into positive reinforcement that inspires new relationships based on mutual respect and harmony. If you lose yourself in your partner, Chiron will eventually kick into to heal that through a sudden exchange or outburst that in turn brings you back to an equilibrium of self. Your broken hearts magically can heal others' hearts: this is your gift.

Harmonious Blessings,

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Post by Kolohe »

Wow, that was very accurate and insightful. Thank you, Chris!

I am not afraid of the dark...I am the Boogeyman.
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