Pretty Shiny Things: A Crow's Collection of Shiny Baubles...

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Pretty Shiny Things: A Crow's Collection of Shiny Baubles...

Post by jcrowfoot »

... that really catch the eye. For a while, at least.

Sometimes I think my spirit animal should be The Magpie. Crow isn't unappropriate... at least they are related.

I have all the attention span of a caffenated Gemini, and all the organization of a drunken Peisces. So, bear with me, and watch as I go charging after those giants... I mean windmills. But won't they be so much prettier with holes in them?? Joust!

Er... where was I? Right. Pretty Shiny things.

So in case you haven't been reading the board, I do stones, and crystals, various kinds of divination and energy work, and I have more stones than any one person should have. I'm also a competent herbalist, though more magickal than healing, but I can hack that, too. I used to be better, but I don't have my source anymore. :( Moving sometimes sucks.

So... here's what I'm going to write about. I was noticing some requests about healing and energy work and stones, So I thought, Why not be more organized about my personal studies? After all, I have enough samples and so on to last... an infirmary with 1000 patients for two days without recharging or clearing. Provided everyone needs mostly different kinds of stones. Well, ok, I exagerate slightly. At some point I'll post a picture of all my stones (or at least all the ones I can find all in one place... so you get the idea.

Well, as it happens, I'm sick this week and possibly for the next month. I've got a mother of a sinus infection, that has me low in energy... except my mind is buzzing and very very active. Which is why you all get to suffer. :twisted: Oddly, it's only my physical energy reserves that are low... I even have plenty to throw around on the astral plane... I'm just pretty sloppy with it. Whether that's a lack of practice (I've been having a hard time adjusting to the new energies of this area) or side effects of being sick, I'm not sure.

So I thought, what the hay? I'll see what my chakras are doing these days. So I went to my stone collection and saw who was feeling chipper today. This is basically accomplished by me waving my hand over the pile of stones, and seeing who felt "buzzy" or felt like working. Then, I gathered those stones near my meditation chair, held them one by one and put my receptive hand above and slowly lowered it until I either felt something, or touched the stone. The ones where I touched the stone before I felt anything went back to the pile. The most common sensation in this process would be something like say, what I call "energy compression". Which is when: A. energy tingles in my hand above the stone, and gets stronger as I lower my hand B. I feel an aura around the stone expand and get stronger as I lower my hand, or shrink as I raise it; and C if the stone itself feels tingly as I get near it. This would be mostly sensed in the palm of the hand that holds the stone, where the surface feels like an mild electric current is flowing just at the surface of the stone, or even humming deep in side of it. sometimes it feels like it has a directional current, others it just... buzzes for lack of a better term. Further, it is often accompanied by heat earlier than one would detect it if it were just hands alone. One gets this sense by practice.

This way, I selected a white kunzite, weighing in at about 15 grams, a long quartz point, a fat stubby quartz point with carbon deposits, a point carved from red jasper, about three inches by 3/4 inch in diameter, with six facets; a small carved citrine point,about an inch long and 5/16 of an inch wide; an angelite,about three inches long and two inches wide; a pale pink calcite sample, about half the size of the angelite;and an infinitite, about the same size as the angelite only flatter. Later, I got rid of one of the quartz peices and the infinitite due to later testing.

Since I was focused on healing, and really wanted to work on myself, I decided to try what I call "Chakra Poking". I believe Ruth White calls it Chakra Testing or something like that.

The test goes like this: You poke each of the chakras at a central point, by slowly moving the point in towards the center of the chakra field, until you feel something or touch skin. If you feel something before you touch skin, you slow down and see what you can observe.

In my test, I decided to do the sixth chakra twice.. the front (center of the forehead) and the back, since they have polar energies and often one can get very different results from the back of the chakra.

Some people even say (Ruth White being one of them) that it's actually a completely different chakra... or that the sixth is so complex that it has various and sundry parts. Like the third eye, and a few others. Suffice to say, the front (i.e. the "third eye" (I call it 6.5) is tapped into what is called the higher world among some core shamans, and the aft part of the chakra (i.e. the more mundane workhorse, I call it 6) is more connected with the lower world, and ones sense of wonder and the sensing of various other more earthy dimentions, including the fair folk and nature spirits. So the front is also more about directing energy, and the back is more about sensing.

The back, btw, is more say, where the skull meets the top-most neck bone. That to your "eye in the back of your head", which is central to the back of the skull, a flat part that is slightly lower than the third eye is on the front. For some reason (maybe it's just me) my 6th chakra takes up a lot of room on my head.

My 5th chakra mostly focuses towards the front of the neck, and is lower down. It stops right around the top notch of my clavicle. It's biggest presence on the back of my kneck is a fleshy knob that sits on the midpoint of my throat... sort of like that flap of skin on the back of a cat's kneck, only much, much smaller. One gets a sense of where chakras are on the body by doing meditations on specific colors and chakras. There are some great excersises in "Working with Your Chakras" by Ruth White. I strongly recomend the book, which is original enough for experienced energy users to learn things, but basic enough for novices.Once you've done some of those excersizes, you get a very good sense of where those energy centers are in your body.

So I did energy poking with all those stones. Funny, the infinitite (which is supposed to be a great Universal Healer) didn't respond *at* *all* to any of my chakras. I couldn't feel any reaction until the surface of the stone touched my skin, and even then it was just that slightly cold, boring poke of an inert object.

Ditto for the fatter carbon quartz, which surprised me. This piece and I have history, and it's always been a good one. I'm just guessing she needed to rest more before playing but was ok with saying "hi".
I even combined her with some of the others, to see if she was feeling like a team player, but no joy. One of her gifts is melding energies I have from various stones into one whole.

So it was down to Mr. Pointy (my 5 inch long, one inch wide clear quartz) point), the citrine, and the rest. He's relatively new, and surprisingly responsive for a new stone. Almost eager, you could say.

My findings were very interesting. For one thing they surprised me. Stones I felt would resonate with certain chakras didn't respond to them at all... and the others... just did strange things. For the most part, poking the second and first chakras with some stones was almost enough to make me feel suddenly ill (in ways I didn't *think* I was ill.In my stomach? with a sinus infection??)... even nausiated. For example, the Kunzite, which I felt *for sure* would resonate nicely with the crown chakra... didn't do squat with it. I was also expecting some kind of secondary resonance with the heart chakra, but it just vibrated a little, and only inside the stone, not inside the chakra proper. Later, I will provide the chart of my results, plus an explanation for my notations. If I don't, they won't make sense outside my own head... and you don't have to be a mind reader to read this blog!

You'd also expect the quartz to resonate loudly with the upper chakras, but it only effected the lower ones. My fifth shakra barely reponded to anything, which made me wonder. How can I be so verbally active, and yet have no stone related activity with the fifth? Or is it that they only vibrate when they need work? I would think that an under-responsive chakra would be closed down or repressed or something, not... well... in control of a skill I'm using a lot of, suddenly. Only the angelite and the pink calcite reacted to them at all, or caused any reaction with the throat at all, and they were pretty faint.

However, nearly everything tripped off the second and first chakras. I think I'm going to be going off to do some serious grounding and centering and a heavy cleanse of those two, considering that these stones set them off like no-one's business.

ON the last note, only working with the pink calcite seemed to have any direct physical effect. After going through each chakra systematically, then bringing it back to the forehead, I got massive pressure in the head, and I sneezed, clearing pretty much my entire effected sinus area in one foul swoop. (Ick!) Whether this was coincidence or actual energy works effect, I'll have to do further testing. Granted, it was before my sinus meds could have possibly kicked in, and it was the only time I was really clear this whole day. And no pain! Horray! This is almost un-heard of for this kind of sneeze.

Next time, I'll give you my results, and probably do some more analysis of these tests, as well as have more data to mine.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Erk. Clearly, I'm overthinking this. I'm not sure what to do about it. Perhaps it's the descriptions are too awkward? Should I maybe scan that chakra map I've got or make another, and draw this stuff out?

I've lost and found that chart, and I'm still transcribing it to a format that's viewable on the web.

I like chakras and stones, and I waste a great many braincells hitting my head against that particular wall.

Sometimes I want to write here about what's going on with me, but I'm concerned that it wouldn't have that whole, consistency/image/look+feel thing.

Sometimes I really don't care. :twisted:

But truth be told, I'm not sleeping very well these days. So I spend my time here instead. And I have a dental apointment. I don't know what I'm going to do at this point.

Anyway. I'm really, really going to bed now.
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And now for something completely different: graphics RUNES

Post by jcrowfoot »

Well, I'm afraid I was sick, so I wasn't really able to do the whole energy work thingie that I promised. So, I did some graphics instead... for my infamous rune article that I still haven't finished.

I have nine done after three days. :(

And I'm still not happy with them. Hagal and Uruz for example should not be ones with the weakest visual impact. :roll: :roll:

I have this formula of using a pattern in the background, and a close up picture of a stone that is the shape of the rune shape itself.

The pattern in the background is usually some abstract closeup of a picture of something else... ocean waves for Laguz, the ceiling of an ice cave for Isa, and Lightening for Hagal. (I was hoping for something a little less.... Blum, but it works.

Image Image

The bizarre thing is that even though I try to get images of foreground and background to be very different in source, the colors tend to be very similar, and therefore the glow around them tends to be the defining factor. But I can't overdo it. I want it to look good, not cheesy.

And this is why Halgaz is turning out kind of lame.


See, it's a a pale lightening strike on a black ground. So far, so good. But then, you have this light silver, geometric metal pattern that's a strong contrast between light and dark. I basically chose iron from a meteorite for the "stone" used to represent the Rune.

But it has this geometric pattern that reflects the jagged lightening. But I can't get the background dark enough (even with manipulation of light/dark, contrast, AND color!) I have a full capability graphics suite, and it still doesn't work.

So I put this sea green and magenta glow around it, to make it stand out more. But it blends to something near white which blends eriely well with the lightening. This would be incredibly beautiful if I could... somehow, eke some more contrast out of the background. I may change it to a darker purple, rather than a flat black.... put some flames around it??? My biggest problem is that it looks more... passive than the rune really is. Which is odd when you think about it. But when you see what Iss looks like. (NOW that one is beautiful) I think you'll see what I mean.
My next post, in a few minutes will cover the runes I mention in this article so you can see them. I have to show SOMEONE. This is too much work to pass up. Also, keep in mind I may yet tweak them before the final cut, since it depends on the impact of the whole that determines their individual aspect.

Oh, but this one I like a lot... Eiwhaz turned out very well.


Or maybe I've just been looking at them too long.

Anyway. More notes for the echo chamber...
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Ok. I have to say this.

Feel free to use these images if you want, for personal use. Heck, you can even use them on your website, but GIVE ME CREDIT. I worked very hard for these. Thanks.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

More graphics stuff.


It's "ok". I mean, it's straight forward but... I don't know. Some part of me says it's missing something but not sure what. Eretik... if you read my blog, let me know what you think about this one.. or any for that matter.


This one I like better than fehu. The funky lighting adds interest. I know I was complaining about this one in my last post, but tweaking really helped.


Of the three, I like this one best. But I worry... is this the right backdrop?
The problem is, while a butterfly is about transformation and art, it's also about quantum change and radical change sometimes... and therefore I wonder if this shouldn't be halgaz's backdrop instead. But butterflies are too gentle for that rune, so I don't know.

It's hard to tell, but the stone is opal. While kenaz is more fire than opal... this is Boulder opal... which has plenty of elemental fire. I'm beginning to think that fire agate might have been a better stone choice, but not sure.
Oh, feel free to comment on my blog, if you want to say something. I wont' be offended!

OH, and being the queen of Too Many Projects land, I am also starting a rune set made of Yew. They are going to be nice BIG runes, about a couple inches long by an inch wide, something like that. Thick, too, made of a nice couple of branches I harvested last year during fruiting.

Dang, is Yew hard wood! I had to buy a new saw to cut through the branch, since I do most stuff by hand. With this set, I'm probably going to use my dremel tool to carve in the runes, because i'm not sure my exacto set will cut the wood effectively enough. Seriously, it seems even tougher to carve than oak, which is saying something. No wonder they made bows and knife handles out of this stuff!

I also got a new camera for Christmas, and I went out today into Gary to photograph their court house. Somehow, they managed to get a more beautiful court house than Chicago has. There are such beautiful buildings in Gary... so sad so many of them are abandoned. I'm hoping to get enough photos to eventually put up on Ecology of Absence a really nice website with groovy pictures of beautiful abandoned and endangered buildings. The things you read about St.Louis can make an archetecture fiend like me weep.
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Post by Eretik »

I like the graphics very much : I think you should try the butterfly against Hel but change the lightning strike colour so it stands out more.I don't think the Iron pattern works well on this rune but would be excellent,no doubt on another[Thurisaz perhaps?], but Blood coloured Iron or Rust would work well I think[not sure which colour for the lightning though] Why? Nettles, one of Hels plants is very important for butterflies and the butterfly effect/Chaos theory is very synonomous with Hel.I like the purple in the butterfly wings.Electric purple is the colour I associate with night time Lightning storms, that's how it looks here,in the Northern nights.Fehu is magnificent,it really stands out, I love using green against red,like that.Eihwaz, too.The tiger pattern on Uruz confused me, but I can see the association,so it grows slowly.Perhaps black against Kaunaz, it would really stand out, it's very striking, it would also show the illumination of darkness that is one of it's gifts?Thank you for considering my thoughts.These Runes will be eagerly awaited by me.You have a very artistic eye.Looking forward to the article.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Thank you, Eretik. Just wanted to say your feedback is mightly appretiated... but things will be on hold for a while, since I have a killer migrane that may take me out for a few days... So I will be back, but be patient.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Ok, I'm back again. for my last trick of the evening, i'll post some of my graphics, with some changes as suggested by the intermitable Eretik.

First... this is the new halgaz. it looks nice in it's rust and butterfly wing.I'm still going to play with the glowing color... it could be better. I'm also going to experiment with different rust patterns... something a little more crinkly and bumpy might stand out more... or it might get lost in the background pattern.

So... that leaves Kenaz, who's background we robbed. I like it in black... very artsy. ;-) Shows off the opal pattern, too.

Now on to the difficult choice. I have Algiz completed, too... but this one has been very difficult. I really can't tell which looks better as a background.
With the fence or without it? IT looses something symbolically, but is it too busy?
Image Image
I thought it looked off when the gate was iron black, but I kind of liked it "glowing". Sort of emphasizing the metaphysical nature of the protection, whereas the castle wall makes a nice physical representation. I tried using a castle wall made of rough set stones, rather than this one, but it was too busy to see the rune properly. Further, without the gate it looks like it's missing something, with the gate... too much... blast and ack.
I'm also curious how people feel about me using tiger iron for the stone for this rune. If one has better ideas, I'm all ears.

Before I forget, here's the new Thurisaz:


...And the old Thurisaz....


The the new image uses iron tektite for the rune,the old Thurisaz uses a thunder egg stone.

And now, for my final presentation for the evening:
This is my favorite, possibly of all the runes I've done so far, both in terms of the rune itself, and the image I did. Isn't she pretty? I really like the stone, which is lapis, too. I tried selenite, but it looked... insipid, and that is far from how this rune should appear.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

More graphics stuff, Part 3
Ok, I know, it's probably boring to look at my graphics stuff... but here it is anyway.

I've been fighting with myself over Laguz. Yes, there are two versions of that rune. One is the first shown on this blog, and the second is below.


The stone is Aquamarine. Is it too much like Iss? Dunno.

And, now for Berkano/Berkana something. At some level I think it could use a little improvement, but I can't think how. I actually like it pretty well and am afraid of ruining it. Some part of me thinks that Lepidolite would be a better stone for this rune than the Malachite shown... but one has to admit that Malachite looks good.


Oh, and I tweaked Halgaz more, and I like this version much better.


And, for my last presentation, here's Sowelo, my new version.


So that's what I got. Sometimes, I think that this would make a better visual impact if I just waited and released them when I was finished, but...
you guys might not hear from me for a while.
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Post by Eretik »

It most certainly is not boring.It's wonderful. Peorth is magnificent.The power leaps off the page.Berkana and Laguz, also, though the power from Peorth and Kaunaz is immense.Hel,what can I say, I think it's nailed now.Sorry 'nailed' is my watchword this week.I thought the tektite would look better on Thurisaz, but seeing the thunder egg version, honestly -the thunder egg rocks.Border outline darker?maybe?[Sing, sing the lightning tree, tell a tale of Thor and old song I'm trying to recall, this glyph seems to encourage me towards it]I'd like to spend some time looking at Algiz to see if it sinks in.I'm not sure.Sowulho, maybe outlined stronger.I like the background, very northern, lol.I think these rune glyphs will be very powerful for runic meditating and magick.I hope others are going to offer feedback too, I am only one [very opinionated] person,after all...I can stare at malachite for hours, I love the intricacy.The first Laguz was good, but I prefer the second.I just looked back at Algiz, are there meant to be eyes in the background? I see eyes, I like that,I am very tired right now though,Wolf eyes?Raven eyes?Eagle eyes maybe?Dunno.I look and it seems to morph...I like that gated pattern.It's distincitve, sigil like.[the tree as runespear?]
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Graphics Part IV
Well, I had a late night last night, so I didn't get a chance to post.

But I did finish a number of runes, and get a better version of several.

For the first of show,I thought I'd share what I think is my final version of Sowelo. I did some more tweaking, and I like this one. Thanks for the tip, Eretik, a new border and a bit of shine really help.


Now here's irony... sowilo is the first rune in the current style I made. I'd originally had this notion of having a border around the rune... to represent a gateway or the edge of a rune stone. However, it was... limiting. Why fabricate an edge when you've got one at the edge of the image? And it was this rune that gave me that idea. I decided to google “sunset” (“Sun” gave me all kinds of pictures you'd find in a child's presentation about the solar system, which really didn't feel right) and this one happened to NOT be a sunset at all, but mid-day.

And now for the rune that really did take up one of the best items I found for Sunset. I know that the rune means "day" but somehow the image of the sunset seemed to transmit the awe and richness of Dagaz. The stone is Tiger Eye.


Ok, and now for another of my favorites. This rune never really did much for me energy wise until I got the whole living history thing. It involves connections to the past, family, clan and so on. I guess it's a rune you have to age into. This is Othala. The stone is Unakite.


I really like cave paintings, and this backdrop has to do with ancestry in the human family and the ties that bind us together.

This next rune, is Radho. I've always harmonized well with this rune, and imagine my surprise when I realized I needed clarification. See, both Radho and Manaz refer to travel. I had to meditate to really get the point... this is Journey, and Manaz is 'trip'. If that makes any sense. Radho is about miraculous, swift travel, and Manaz is about a road trip.
So I decided to use Labradorite for the stone, and a airplane jet intake for the image. Also, it has a nifty spiral at the center, (which all modern jets do) and I thought that it would accent the rune nicely. Look carefully at the center, and you'll see what I mean.

And for my last rune, I thought I'd finally share my version of Nauthiz.
I had to tweak it a little before I was happy sharing it. The backdrop depicts ancient ropes found in storage. They are from ancient Egypt, I forget where at this point.
There is also a spiderweb back there, it looked incomplete without it, and it was my alternative to this one, but the combined effort looks perfect.
Oh, and the stone is Cerusite, an ore of lead.

I'm still tweaking Algiz. The "eye" image was inspired, but it may or may not work. I'm also working with an arrow slot in a castle wall for the background image, and that has promise. Stay tuned, and thanks for watching. ;-)
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Graphics Part IV

Edited for clarical error: I named the wrong rune. Opps!
I originally said Manaz but I meant Ehwaz. My bad!
All better now.

Well, I had a late night last night, so I didn't get a chance to post.

But I did finish a number of runes, and get a better version of several.

For the first of show,I thought I'd share what I think is my final version of Sowelo. I did some more tweaking, and I like this one. Thanks for the tip, Eretik, a new border and a bit of shine really help.


Now here's irony... sowilo is the first rune in the current style I made. I'd originally had this notion of having a border around the rune... to represent a gateway or the edge of a rune stone. However, it was... limiting. Why fabricate an edge when you've got one at the edge of the image? And it was this rune that gave me that idea. I decided to google “sunset” (“Sun” gave me all kinds of pictures you'd find in a child's presentation about the solar system, which really didn't feel right) and this one happened to NOT be a sunset at all, but mid-day.

And now for the rune that really did take up one of the best items I found for Sunset. I know that the rune means "day" but somehow the image of the sunset seemed to transmit the awe and richness of Dagaz. The stone is Tiger Eye.


Ok, and now for another of my favorites. This rune never really did much for me energy wise until I got the whole living history thing. It involves connections to the past, family, clan and so on. I guess it's a rune you have to age into. This is Othala. The stone is Unakite.


I really like cave paintings, and this backdrop has to do with ancestry in the human family and the ties that bind us together.

This next rune, is Radho. I've always harmonized well with this rune, and imagine my surprise when I realized I needed clarification. See, both Radho and Ehwaz refer to travel. I had to meditate to really get the point... this is Journey, and Ehwaz is 'trip'. If that makes any sense. Radho is about miraculous, swift travel, and Ehwaz is about a road trip.
So I decided to use Labradorite for the stone, and a airplane jet intake for the image. Also, it has a nifty spiral at the center, (which all modern jets do) and I thought that it would accent the rune nicely. Look carefully at the center, and you'll see what I mean.

And for my last rune, I thought I'd finally share my version of Nauthiz.
I had to tweak it a little before I was happy sharing it. The backdrop depicts ancient ropes found in storage. They are from ancient Egypt, I forget where at this point.
There is also a spiderweb back there, it looked incomplete without it, and it was my alternative to this one, but the combined effort looks perfect.
Oh, and the stone is Cerusite, an ore of lead.

I'm still tweaking Algiz. The "eye" image was inspired, but it may or may not work. I'm also working with an arrow slot in a castle wall for the background image, and that has promise. Stay tuned, and thanks for watching. ;-)
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Graphics Part V: Greetings from the Land of Tweaking

Yep, couldn't leave well enough alone. I made some slight changes to Fehu, by sharpening up the background and adding a bit more glow to the edge. I actually like this better, go figure. More impact, somehow.
Oh, I don't think I ever said... I used Emerald for the stone inside.


Speaking of tweaking, I also did a different version of Berkana. This one has a different color for the background, and I did some 3D work and lighting on the rune itself. I don't think I went overboard...

Algiz Gallery
Oh, and I did a LOT of work on Algiz. I have about 11 different images of it, but I'm only going to share a few here.

Here's the review. Stone background. Kinda blah.

This one is the first I did with the eye, and I kind of like it, but busy.

Then, I went off the beaten path a bit. I was experimenting with lighting effects on the backdrop. Here's one that's particularly dramatic:

And this one is more calm, but still striking, and I think better than the above. I sampled out a little of the reflected light on the eyeball to good effect. I also re-sampled the eye, to get rid of that glaring red eyelid, which I found problematic. The stone is Tiger Iron, if I didn't say so before.

Tiwaz Gallery

Ok. Now for the new runes. All I have (for show) is Tiwaz. But I have a bunch of them. I've been working on this one a while... and some of them are very interesting but don't "make the cut". Why? Well... it has to do with keeping to my standard. I like to have the original colors of the stone I use for the rune to be as close to natural as possible... ie. green and red for bloodstone, which is the stone I chose for Algiz. Seemed like a natural somehow.

This is the base image, basically a proof of concept. This version has too much highlight, but since the backdrop is so busy, I had to stick with it for impact.


So I fiddled a lot with the stone, even though I didn't want to mess with it too much.

Here's gold bloodstone. Kind of entertaining.

This is Tiwaz for flower children. :P

This is a different approach for the background. Sort of a lead up to the final version.

And, the final version. This is my favorite by far.

I may yet do more tweaking on this version... to give that glow more oomph perhaps. It's going to be a little while before my next post, since I'm going out of town... and I just got a root canal so I'm out of it and not in a creative way.

Next time I'll have a new version of Radho and very likely some Ansuz action. Perhaps I'll even get around to Gebo and Wunjo, two I'm looking forward to.

Bright Blessings, all!
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Graphics Part VI

First some re-do's.

Kenaz, Revisited.... I really like this one.


Here's a few more of Radho. I like both of these.
The backdrop skin on the fins is made of Fractals. To refer to the other kind of trip, It's also about the cyclical nature of reality. I prefer the top one. My only concern is that they might look more like dirty blades than a fractal reference.



One more tweak of Algiz. I don't know if this is the final answer or not, but
I like it better than the others. Does it look too much like it's sitting in a snow globe?


Now, the moment you've been waiting for. New Runes! smiley_dance

Here's a couple versions of Gebo. Honestly, I like the roses better, but sometimes I prefer the bridge. The stone for Gebo is Rose Quartz.



This is Ansuz. I'm not %100 happy with either of the backdrops. I was thinking of using written script in the background, with aged paper.
But it would have to be some kind of cypher. Were runes ever written on paper in the first place? I know we had paper in the
1100s but is that early enough for runes? Or should I worry about it?
The rune's stone is flourite. I combined a layer of flourite glowing under a black light and combined it with a purple banded flourite under natural light to get the effect. Oh, and there's one here that's not shown that has a backdrop of a communications sattilite. I'm going to sample another, and may show that one later.



Health update: I'm feeling better, and since I'm on a standard dose now of the medication and not the *perscribed* hike of double-dosing the first day, I'm no longer feeling like I've been poisoned. I'm still fuzzy headed and not terribly fiction positive or even intellectual, I suspect after a few days I'll improve.
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Joined: Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:51 pm
Gender: Female
Location: Highland, IN

Post by jcrowfoot »

Graphics VII: Light at the End of the Tunnel

Ok. I will probably have all the basic images done by this time tomorrow.

First, for the retrospectives.

I went back to Uruz. I believe this this is the backdrop I'll use.


I also found a better drop for Radho. Those are Fly Aminita mushrooms, and pretty colors to go with them.


For my new runes, I sort of went on an animal kick, for no apparent reason.

Here's Ehwaz. The stone is rutilated quartz. I wanted to use red jasper, but I couldn't find a good sample for it.


Oh, and this is Ing. The stone is Red Adventurine.


I'm wondering if I should switch stones on these two. I don't know.
It works sorta but it could be better.

I originally wanted apple green Chrysoprase but it blended in with the backdrop, not to mention it wasn't exactly what you'd call interesting.

I had this strange notion of using ocean jasper for Ehwaz. I may yet try it out. Radho is going to get more tweaking to make the rainbow effect a little more verigated and yet subtle. I'd like people to see the mushroom better.
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