This thing keeps happening to me...

Discussion about out-of-body experiences (astral travel), lucid dreaming, and other sleep related phenomenon such as night terrors and sleep paralysis.
Witchy Woman

This thing keeps happening to me...

Post by Witchy Woman »

It happens just before I fall alseep, not everytime.... and its really only happened twice....but its strange.

One night I was laying in my bed, relaxing and I closed my eyes. Suddenly, these two voices faded in, like, these two men were talking, and it felt like I was in this room listening in on a private conversation, except, I wasn't really in the room, and when I opened my eyes and looked around the voices faded out, but when I closed them again, it faded back in. I can't remember what they were talking about and I didn't recognize either voice.

The second time it happened I was relaxing laying down with my eyes closed trying to get to sleep... but this time it was a woman's voice, calling my name, in a really joking sarcastic way like a close friend would. I didn't recognize this voice either. Anyone have any idea what this might be?
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Post by KaidaPyralis »

This used to happen to me actually. Not any more, and only a few times when it did, but I'd be on the edge of sleep and it'd be like I was sitting amongst a conversation but taking no part in it. They were sometimes voices I knew though. Do you think it could be a spirit guide or similar? Maybe next time it happens you could ask the voices to make themselves known?

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Post by Revolpathon »

talking won't help, at least not in my case.

it's like i am listening in a passive way without the ability to join in on the conversation. dunno how Witchy Woman expierence's it.

i ussually use that to tell myself that i am close to doing what i want (ussually this happends when i try to go into my inner realm completely.
Nic O'Loughlin

Post by Nic O'Loughlin »

I don't hear voices. I hear footsteps all around me when everyone else is in bed. I'm pretty sure that if I heard voices talking to me, I'd get very pissed off because I stay tired all the time anyway. I don't need them keeping me awake. Like Kaida said, it could be a spirit guide.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

You could also just be overhearing J random spirits who are near by where you are astrally when you sleep. Perhaps your house is haunted? Or maybe when you astrally project while sleeping the first thing you hear is those spirits chatting at each other.
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Post by lucy_san_elfenlied »

Well I brought a spirit to me and his name is Edward. You can read all about him in the Questions and Answers thread. My topic is call "Creating Life" is where you can learn about him. Well anyway he keeps apearing in front of me and my close Wiccan/Spiritually open friends and they keep telling me that is creeps them out.

It was funny because one night I walked up to Wal-greens that is around the corner of my house and I bought stuff like file splitters to help organize my spell and he kept hitting the bag. I think it upset him that I was wasting time on the computer talking on myspace instead of focusing on the spell and he kept hitting my bag that was on my lap really hard. I told him to stop and he did.

A week ago I was with Kaya, the Witch who sees Edward as much as I do was going through her Halloween candy and she gave me a Butterfinger. I was so happy because I love Butterfingers. Well((giggle)) her brother's dog Ariel sat on my un opened Butterfinger and I was upset but in a good way. I threw the Butterfinger at Kaya while laughing and when we got over our little pretend fight we couldn't find the Butterfinger anywhere. Ariel was already outside the room before I threw the Butterfinger at Kaya. The door was shut. We looked at each other and I yelled, "Dang it Edward! You took my Butterfinger!!" Kaya started laughing and she replied, "You should put that in the spell about him!" I did exactly that.

Edward took my Butterfinger. It's an inside joke now between me and Kaya.
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Post by _Cheshire_ »

I hear voices whn I'm right about drifting to sleep. Sometimes the conversations are very, very odd - when they say something that strikes my attention and wakes me up slightly, they either shut up or I'm no longer in the state to hear them anymore.

It ranges from really bad advice, to hearing my name, and just complete random conversations. I find it hard to stay in that phase right before sleep, so I haven't been able to play with it much.

I also used to be able to see with my eyes closed on a regular basis. I'd have the light on and the ceiling fan going, and I'd make the motion to blink - and realize that my eyes were closed. If I let myself get excited over it, my vision would go black immediately. Frustrating, isn't it?
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Post by sunstoneleo »

I have lately been seeing a lot of visions before I fall asleep, but i can never remember them, and i can't write them down because I can't wake myself up.
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Post by Starwitch »

I found this page online. The comments are long but interesting. People discuss the weird things that happen to them as they are drifting off to sleep. You are not alone in hearing voices. Apparently it's quite common. I would love to hear what other weird things people experience during sleep.

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Post by jcrowfoot »

Sometimes, while falling asleep, I'll see a little light show of patterns and colors, seemingly behind my eyelids as i drift off.

I've found that this happens because I routinely get migranes but without the headache part. (migranes are actually a complex neuroligical phenomenon, not just a special kind of headache) Sure, I get head pressure, but not much more noticeable, than say, tense muscles in your neck. But when they are mild, I just get the pretty colors-patterns when I drift of to sleep. Sometimes it's like having a multicolor lava lamp behind your eyelids, others it's more these swiftly moving abstract esher patterns.

I also sometimes get feelings of levitation, but that's mostly from deep relaxation. I like to meditate before I go to sleep, since that increases my chances of actually falling asleep.

Sometimes I hear music, too. Complex classical sounding stuff, that doesn't have the formal patterns of Classical Music. It morphs as you listen, always changing. And for some reason I can never remember the exact melody later, because it never really repeats itself.


Post by zstargazer »

I find this very interesting as I have had the voice phenonema happen to me too, but usually I am awake. It happened a lot when I was young (5-10 years old). Someone would call my name, a woman's voice which I thought was my mother, and she would say she hadn't called me. Had my older (somewhat ornery) sisters had been home, I would have suspected them.

I agree that you are probably just tapping into conversations as you enter the astral plane.

To the person that hears voices giving bad advice, I would beware of them and take steps to have them move out of my life. Perhaps smudge with some sage, as positive energies never try to influence you in the wrong way. Negative enities can be attracted via ouija boards as well as negative thought patterns. They can also 'follow you home', depending on where you have been hanging out. Let them know they are not welcome in your life.

Concerning your 'light show' JCrowfoot, I started seeing lights as early as I can remember. Always when the room was pitch black, little dots of light would drift in front of me and form different patterns. Then I learned I could actually change their color, from red, to blue, to green, to yellow, etc. I would catch them in my hands, open my hand, and see the tiny dots of light float out. I once tried to show my parents, but they could not see them, while to me, they were very clear. Go figure...

In my adult life, I once read that seeing lights was often the beginning of clairvoyant vision.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Hey, I've had what you describe, too. Elsewhere on this board, I even describe that light kind of like glowing static or cotton candy.

The artifacts I see behind my eyelids don't really have depth, or if they do it's a single field of depth in all directions.

Not only do I make distinctions between active hallucinations (I've had those when I had a very bad allergic reaction to a prescription medication) and visions,and energy patterns, but also between the visual artifacts I see when I've got a migraine and all those others. Oddly they distort astral vision by sometimes clouding it or blocking it entirely.

Maybe it's fireworks in my aura?
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Post by Starwitch »

Jcrowfoot, were you aware that in many people's accounts of the afterlife, there is usually beautiful music playing there? I think you are possibly hearing the music that comes from our true home. Very interesting!
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Well, I've heard that beautiful music also plays in the lands of the Fair folk, the Otherworld. It sounds fey to me, so that's a thought I've had...even if they are using classical instruments... it has a reel-like quality to it.

Of course, for them, the afterlife and the land of the Fair are one and the same, so you are right too. :-)
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Post by Arcane »

Wow I see the same thing Jcrowfoot every time I close my eyes, the lava lamp display. I've heard the voices too Witchy Woman. Don't be alarmed its alot easier on you if you just go with it. Once I was meditating in the woods out behind my old house and I heard a voice that said, "Hey.." Only it wasn't like hey how ya doin but more like hey what the hell do you think YOU'RE doing here? Whoever or whatever it was I couldn't get any more information out of it than that so I left. Another time I was hiking out in the same patch of woods and I came to a spot where there was a small tower constructed by a gate that went out into this field with a pile of stones below. It looked like a burial mound. I poked around in this pile of stones with my walking stick to see if I could pick up any vibes but got nothing at the moment. The tower was sort of like a deer stand only the enclosure at the top was like a small house with a pointed roof and little windows on every side. Not very effective for deer hunting. Anyway I continued on and after a while I had found that I had went in a complete circle and ended up at a ring of stumps that I had happened upon earlier. I was starting to get creeped out so I started back and stopped to rest about halfway back to the house. I was sitting on a log when I heard the voice of and old man say, "Yeah, I think he's about ready." Instead of getting freaked out I felt encouraged by this and ran all the way back home. But since then I have yet to figure out what all this was about. Not too long ago I experienced what was nearly a complete mental breakdown, severe psychosis and was contemplating suicide at one time. I've made it through that but I would like to know just what was going on in the woods that day when I found that little spot and heard that voice in the woods. I mean what the hell was that all about? Ready for what?? I don't really know why I'm posting all of this other than the fact that maybe someone can help me out on here. I'm not making this up these things really happened to me. I'm perfectly willing to believe that maybe this was just people hiding out in the woods messing with me but I have had other experiences in my life that really make me wonder. I was practicing at the time and raised some pretty serious energies but I got so depressed and freaked out that I abandoned my projects completely and started going back to church. I found that church is not the thing for me though because some of that stuff freaks me out even more than what I had been associating with my magickal work at the time. Besides I feel more comfortable with nature and the spirits and with the freedom that comes with the pagan/magickal experience. Please, if anyone has any advice let me have it. For a long time now I feel I have been on a strange path and have been through alot that I can't even begin to understand. Any sagely advice would be most welcome indeed.

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