
Discussion and questions about the magical properties and uses of crystals and stones.
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Lady Garnet Eyes


Post by Lady Garnet Eyes »

As you can tell by my user name, I LOVE garnet. I love how it feels and since i got myself a necklace beaded with it i have felt better than i had in a while. I have done a little reasearch on it, but i have to admit i am a little lost. Alot of different information. Can anyone help me get some referance on garnet. I wear it alot and admitedly have a small obsession with it. Is this ok, or do i need to lay off the garnet? Well If anyone can get me some slightly indepth qualities of garnet, I would love you forever!! :wink: Thanks

Lady Garnet
Posts: 568
Joined: Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:46 pm
Gender: Male
Location: Calgary, Canada

Post by being-singular-plural »

Well dear Lady Garnet, there are a lot of more unhealthy obsessions out there--so I think you picked a good one. Yes, you can use your garnet everyday and everynight as its energies are not that intense and won't cause any energetic overloads. I think one reason why there is so much info on Garnet is because there are so many kinds of garnets out there. Most common is alamandine--the reddish brown--it is quite nice and stablizing--that's precisely what I use it for--to stablize my energy field. My favourite two types of Garnet are Tsavorite--bright gemmy green garnet--a premier properity stone, and Spessasartine Garnet--bright orange---a sex stone beyond measure (purrr, meow!!). I have never tried black garnet and would love to get some one day. Overall, I think it is safe to say that all garnets are very Earthly stones and connect one deeply with the planet; They all offer security and prosperity in some way and keep one grounded. Think of them each as pre-emminent prosperity of the earth. They seem to partake of the energy of Capricorn--the more you know about Capricorn, the more you know about Garnet and vice versa! I know of many earth sign people that are drawn to these rocks--are you an earthy person? Do you know what types or colours of garnet that you have?

abundant blessings,
Lady Garnet Eyes

Post by Lady Garnet Eyes »

Its the redish brown kind. Also, I am a Pisces if that makes a differance
Posts: 568
Joined: Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:46 pm
Gender: Male
Location: Calgary, Canada

Post by being-singular-plural »

Well the alamandine garnets are sure nice--rough or polished. Faceted ones in jewelry really bring out the deep reds and maroons whereas the rougher ones are more brown. This is a life force stone for enhancing the immune system and keeping one centred on the earth plane. It stimulates the root and sacral chakras if you're into that kinda thing. This type of garnet is quite protective and enhances creativity in practical ways. As for your Piscean sun sign, one theory I suggest is that the Piscean watery nature can often get lost in the soft, lazy, dreamy state of "la la land" and you may be intuitively drawn to the earth grounding energy of garnet as it keeps you here on earth in the now, to stay focussed on what is practical--or, conversely, perhaps the deep red simply sparks your imagination in other ways like a reminder of the vital, pulsing depths of your own psyche and spirit. Recall that Pisces and Capricorn are quite compatible and that the goat's head and body in Capricorn has a fishes' tail! There is a rare Piscean stone called Neptunite (one of my all time fav's) that also has these deep reds (and subtle purples and blacks) in it but the energies are far more ethereal than garnet. At the end of the day, it really doesn't matter that much--I'm sure you could list off a thousand reasons as to why you, personally, love it. You are lucky to have such a connection with this kind of stone. Cherish your garnets forever! Maybe you could keep your eyes peeled for other types of garnet to try out. You will likely find that the each different type is a little different than the one you are used to.

Prosperity is always yours,
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