Assumptions people make

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Assumptions people make

Post by JamesDean »

This isn't so much a rant as something funny.

I think it is kind of funny the assumptions people make about others. We all make assumptions, whether we mean to or not, and some are harmless. However, it is too easy to make premature (and very stupid) assumptions.

Here is one that happened to me recently. As I might have mentioned before, I am a guitarist. I recentley switched from being an electric player to being an acoustic player. I like to fingerpick on acoustic guitar a lot, and I am growing out my fingernails on my right hand to get a better tone. Ocassionally a nail will chip, and I'll have to file it till the chip is gone. Otherwise the chip can catch on a guitar string and possibly tear a decent part of the nail off. A guy saw me filing a nail and assumed I was gay. Now there is a group of people think I'm gay and call me gay. That don't bother me though, because being called gay isn't an insult, even though they are using it as one.

Here is a funny one from my fiancee. Her last boyfriend is still mad at her for breaking up with him. He is now going out with a girl named Heaven, and she and my fiancee Melissa know each other. One of the things that Melissa's ex says about her is that she was sleeping around with a lot of men. Heaven wasn't sure what to believe, as she knows Melissa doesn't act like the sort of person that would do that. But she assumed her boyfriend had first-hand knowledge of Melissa supposed cheating. Anyway, when Heaven asked Melissa about Melissa told her that she is bi, but more interested in women than men, so even if she was sleeping around with a lot of people, it would have been woman. Apparently Heaven had a surprised expression that was pretty comical. :D
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Post by Sobek »

havent seen you in a while, glad you made an appearance.

people can be funny at times, even though they obviously are trying not too be...
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