healing spell

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healing spell

Post by mystickitty081 »

hello everyone, i have been looking for a healing spell for my tooth, its been hurting and i need some help! :) does anyone know of a good spell for this? thank you
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Post by Starwitch »

My advice is go to the dentist and get the problem fixed. It's unlikely a spell is going to fix it. But there are probably witches who would disagree. Here is a spell from my site, but it involves some oils and stuff, so if you don't like it, check out these GOOGLE results for 'healing spell' (mine is 2nd on the results.)
Google results for Healing Spell

Modern Witch's Healing Spell
Author--Gerina Dunwich

To help speed recovery from an illness, write the sick person's name on a white human shaped candle of the correct gender. As you anoint it with 3 drops of myrrh or mint oil, visualize healing energy in the form of white light flowing from your hands and into the candle. Recite:


Place the candle on top of a photograph of the sick person and then light the wick. As the candle burns down, focus on the person in the photography, willing him/her to be well again. Then recite:


Continue to focus and recite until the candle burns out on it's own. (At this point I suggest taking the remains of the candle, wrapping it in clean white cotton and burying it outside, thereby burying the sickness.)

Really, just try to go to the dentist. Hurting teeth are a bad thing to deal with. Good luck.



Post by mystickitty081 »

i done alittle something and it seemed to work :) im nuts i hate going to the dentist lol... i would rater just get some healing going anyday.. thanks for your time , btw i love your site
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Post by Starwitch »

Thanks for the compliment.

I find that taking a valium and a lorcet and getting the gas helps when I have to have dental work. But you will pass out and not be able to drive, plus I shouldn't be telling you to use drugs. The dentist will almost always give you a valium though if you let them know that you are extremely nervous and that you NEED something to calm you down. Except when they prescribe only 1 valium, it costs like $10. You can get 90 valium for $30, so the prices are ridiculous! Luckily, I had my own, so I just tossed his prescription and he assumed I was taking the valium HE prescribed. I'm talking way too much about drugs, sorry.

The dentists have new techniques that make the shot a lot less painful. If you want more info let me know. You have to be sure you are using a dentist that has all the new techniques.


Post by mystickitty081 »

your talking about it sure helps me, because i know i need to go someday soon, as i have only been to the denist once when i was about 12 years old i think.. which was 10 years ago and it was a bad experince for me so i have been scared, funny though thats the only thing that really scares me lol...

thanks :)
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Post by Starwitch »

So you're 22? I just asked you in the email I sent if you lived with your parents. I guess I just assumed you were younger because you said you'd only be able to send a money order to get a domain name, which then led me to believe you didn't have a checking account. But you're not a kid, you're 22! Cool! :) I'm sorry if I offended you.

The dentist isn't as bad as it used to be when we were kids. They go out of their way to make things nice for you. My dentist even has a TV over your head that you can watch. Another good tip is to take a headset and listen to your favorite CD's while you have work done. That, along with the valium and gas, will drown out the sound of the drill and put you in zombie world, I swear. And never be afraid to say, "I need more gas," because everyone is different so everyone needs different amounts, and the dentist really doesn't know how much to give each person. Just tell them ahead of time that if you give them the thumbs up signal, that mean "crank up the gas some more because you can't feel it". They will turn it as high as it will go if you keep doing that, lol. Beware, there are some dentists that do NOT use gas at all. So let that be the first question you ask when you call around to find a dentist. And some will only have one room that has gas in it, so you have to tell the receptionist that you WILL need gas, so if there is only one room that has it, make sure you book that room. I've made the mistake of not knowing that ahead of time, and I got there and they were going to put me in a room that had no gas because the gas room was occupied (because I had not specified when I made my appt that I needed gas, assuming they would have it in every room). I had to reschedule my appt.

Do you know some dentists will even give gas for cleanings if a patient really acts scared and insists that they are terrified of the dentist? I don't get gas for cleanings. Cleanings don't hurt or anything. But my dentist told me that there are peoeple that do. JUST PLAY SCARED, more scared than you are. They will pity you and treat you nice and give you drugs and gas, etc. lol, I have these dentists all worked out, huh?


Post by mystickitty081 »

thank you, i have not gotten your email for some reason, even checked my yahoo bulk mail lol.. could u please resend a carbon copy it to my other address mystickitty81@aol.com so hopefully i will get it, email is wierd sometimes lol... thanks
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Post by JBRaven »

Remember that you have to back up the magic in the 'real' world
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Post by Starwitch »

Your mail to the following recipients could not be delivered because they are not accepting mail from @swebdesign.com:

Are you sure you don't have parental blocks on your email accounts? I can try again, but your AOL account bounced me (and that usually indicates parental controls) and I'm not sure why the Yahoo didn't go through. I didn't receive bouncebacks from those, unless they automatically went to my deleted folder, which is a possibility.

I'll PM you the email.


Post by mystickitty081 »

i usally dont have a probally recieving emails and dont have any controls on my email so i donno aol is dumb lol
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Post by Starwitch »

Yes, AOL IS dumb, we've discussed that here before actually and I gave lots of evidence to back it up.


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