How to Astarally Project

Discussion about out-of-body experiences (astral travel), lucid dreaming, and other sleep related phenomenon such as night terrors and sleep paralysis.
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How to Astarally Project

Post by kittiekat93 »

Hiya Everyone :) I was just wondering, whats the easiest way to astrally project. I dont know how to keep my mind off of bad things that i mihgt see.. and i read somewhere that if you think of evil things, they will usually appear.. i am really freaked that that would happen. Plz give me some info.

Thnx, Kitty :type:
Kitty :type:

BTW I might not be on here very much anymore, because my dad installed net nanny, and he doesn't know I am into 'this kind of stuff'

Sorry for any common questions or dumb answers.. im mostly new at this..
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Post by hedge* »

Rest assured you won't AP unless you're ready spiritually AND emotionally and that includes letting go of fear.
For some people AP'ing happens relatively easy and for others (like myself) it takes months of dedicated practice. The good thing is that you will go at your own pace.
You should read up on the subject if you're interested and I can recommend a couple of good books:
Out of Body Experiences by Robert Peterson
Any Book by Robert Monroe

A few web sites to look at include:

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Post by kittiekat93 »

Thanks Hedge!!!!

Kitty :type:

BTW I might not be on here very much anymore, because my dad installed net nanny, and he doesn't know I am into 'this kind of stuff'

Sorry for any common questions or dumb answers.. im mostly new at this..
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Post by [Haley] »

I almost astral projected once. I can't seem to recreate that night. It scared the hell out of me at first- I couldn't open my eyes- but once I knew what had almost happened I was in shock. I still don't know why or how I unknowingly astral projected and can't do it agian if at one time I could. Astral projection is strange that way.

There's another site:
This site is really great if you want to learn about telekinesis, psi balls, and all that other good stuff.
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Post by kittiekat93 »

I'll take a lookie at all of those sites.

Thanks again,

Kitty :type:
Kitty :type:

BTW I might not be on here very much anymore, because my dad installed net nanny, and he doesn't know I am into 'this kind of stuff'

Sorry for any common questions or dumb answers.. im mostly new at this..
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Post by [Enlightenment] »

WOW, That is the biggest avatar I've ever seen lol :shock: Nice piccie though :)
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Post by [DarkWoman] »

:shock: I almost projected...I think...2 nights ago. I meditated until I stopped feeling my body. Then I felt "bigger" and it got very quiet. I let go of a lot of feelings and attatchment to my body and almost did it. I just felt that I should stop there however, and that the time to go farther would be at another time. It took me 1hr and 30 min to even get to that state, To round it off. I'm proud of me and I hope I get to my goal soon.
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Post by Sercee »

I just don't have that patience, but that's something I'm working on. There are a lot of things I want and need to learn that REQUIRE patience and time. I'm one of those people that wants to learn and succeed *now*, but at least I recognize that that isn't right or even usually possible.
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Post by [Enlightenment] »

I've been practising OBE's and AP for some while now. I practice most nights in meditation. I get sooooo close each time, I find it really easy to get to the point where my body doesn't feel like my own anymore, and where I get the vibrations, heat and tingling sensations, and then I see all these bright swirling shapes and colours (this is the point where your body is ready to project).............this is easy for me, but as for the actual leaving the body, well, that's a different matter, I just can't seem to get "out". I normally ruin it by getting too excited, especially when my Heart Chakra starts going wild, and I'm like "This is it, tonight's gonna be, any minuet now.........." and BAM, I've ruined it, it's so easy to mess the whole process up. Practice makes perfect with this one, it really does. Every one of us has the ability to Project, this gives me comfort in knowing that I will do it, sooner or later it will happen.

If you can become Lucid while dreaming it will be much easier for you to AP. Once you become Lucid, state out loud (in your dream) "PROJECT NOW" or "OBE NOW" and hey presto, you'll be OOB and in a different Realm :D

Good Luck guys, keep us all informed on how you're doing......
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Post by kittiekat93 »

*sighs* I havent tried astrally projecting since August. . . I was totally not ready then, I am still not totally ready now. But I think, if i start meditating again, I might be able to do it soon. Before I was really scared of what i might 'conjure up' in the astral planes, now I am a bit worried, but its no problem. I have seen some pretty freakin scary things since then.
Kitty :type:

BTW I might not be on here very much anymore, because my dad installed net nanny, and he doesn't know I am into 'this kind of stuff'

Sorry for any common questions or dumb answers.. im mostly new at this..
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Post by [DarkWoman] »

Sercee, I know what you mean about not having enough patience sometimes. I look at my goals for the future and get kinda of depressed because they are many years away, and I already know how I want things now. But... I guess I will experience what I need in the years to come to further prepare me for the outcome of my desires. Thinking about that tends to calm me down a bit, and reminds me to come back to the "now" moment. It's not always easy though.

Enlightenment, I get less excited at the vibrations and such as they come now. I think the more you experience it, the easier it is to become passive. I think AP is a lot about trial and error. You kind of find from experience what works to help maintain that passiveness and what helps to deepen the experience. I think that's why it can take many months and years to master. I can't wait until I finally do it though so I can practice astral working in the actual astral planes *drools*

Kitty, I think just taking it step by step may help you to get over the fear part so that you can concentrate more on the task at hand. Like I was saying earlier, I just stopped at one point. I actually think that the fear is something everbody experiences at first. I still get scared, so everytime I make my attempt, I ask the Goddess and my higher self for help and protection and help in moving to higher planes just in case I actually am successful. Anything new you try comes with some fear and anxiety, and this is no different.

I also forgot to thank Hedgewitch and Haley for those links. They are very helpful and are now in my fav. bookmarks! Thanks!
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Post by spinneyhex »

I used to be able to do this as a child as a way of escape (i was a depressed child) and again when i was pregnant, i just sort of floated into it, but I cant do it any more.
I can't remember what i saw but im sure it took me to where i am now, as in my spirituality (that started off at such a young age.)
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Post by Kifes42206 »

i have been trying to AP for like 6 month and have gotten no where i dont know what else to do i mean i try meditation and concentration i try at different times of the day i just cant seem to get it right i mean i get to the point of deep relaxation and end up falling alseep or coming out of before anything happens, and i get vibrations which read are good but htats not very often. Does anyone know what im doing wrong ?
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Post by Wolf* »

I've been trying on and off for over a year and hadn't accomplished jack-shit. I can get to the same point as Enlightenment mentioned, but can go no further, though I don't know why. I've been toying with the idea of someone astral projecting to anothers sleeping body and coaxing them into the astral, but tis is no more than a theory with no evidense to prove it could be done. *shrug*

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Post by [Enlightenment] »

I DID IT, LAST NIGHT, NO SHIT :D :lol: :D Here is a new thread I've made re what happended and how I did it - It can be done, but that's not without a lot of hard work and perseverance! ... highlight=

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