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Post by LC »

Friday night I dreamed one of my best friends was moving far away. In the morning I messaged her to see if she was and she is. Moving from WV to FL. I was not able to sleep at all that night until 630am and woke up at 730am. It was during this hour I dreamed about her leaving. Then last night I just remember flashes of a wand that person specifically constructed for themselves. Again I couldn’t sleep from 1 until about 530. I wake up feeling refreshed and having energy but really hungry. It seems when I have certain dreams, I wake up hungry like feeling faint.

Is there a reason my sleep is non-existent during those times.

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Re: Visions

Post by SpiritTalker »

If there was a spike in the Schumaan Resonance the afternoon before you go to bed, the earth electro-mag energy is way up before you plan to go to sleep, making it hard to fall asleep.

If you fall right asleep and then wake up around 3:00am like most people, the liver has processed the prior days food intake and the body is making adjustments that wakes us.

Moon phase is waxing.

Pick one.

We go thru several repeating sleep cycles in a night. Do some research on sleep cycles and see what might apply to yourself.

Edit: eat a piece of toast before bed to hold you over. I have no knowledge of your eating routine. Dizziness can be related to low blood sugar from too few carbs over a 12 hr period.
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