7th daughter of the 7th daughter myth

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7th daughter of the 7th daughter myth

Post by Magickat »

I was wondering if anyone knows about this. My gran would see spirit and talk to them and had a gift though she was not a practising medium or involved in spiritualism. In her day it was frowned upon and she was told not to talk about it. She put it down to being a 7th daughter. However I'm different from most people and though I do not see spirit I since being a small child often predict a lot of things that are far from coincidence. To be honest I have always come out with what others see as inappropriate and regularly as a small child got told off. I wonder if the gift is born to some people. It has left me with few friends as to be honest it scares some people.
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Re: 7th daughter of the 7th daughter myth

Post by SpiritTalker »

Modern urban families aren't often that large any more, to run to 7 kids of one gender for two generations in a row. I don't know if science has located a psychic gene yet, but I'm sure they've tried. Many people experience that some specific psychic abilities do run in families. It's hard to know if it is a genetic proclivity or not. Replication in units of seven may be a biological thing and not a mystical one. Every seven years our body's cells are new, gray hair and all, or some silly thing like that.

It's up to the psychic how they feel they should respond to their abilities. Just because we "see" and "know" precognitivly, it does not mean we are under any obligation to tell what is seen. We can exercise caution. We can ask if a person wants to be told & give them a choice.

As children we naivly blurt out what passes through our minds. As we grow and gain wisdom, we can use discretion because nobody is going to thank us for telling what they do not want to know. Sometimes it is smart, and kind, to keep quiet wisely.

Also, Seers are not performing circus animals. We don't have to perform on demand and give an instant reading to tell if someone's new relationship is good or bad, or turn on the juice whenever somebody asks it on the fly.

And I don't think anyone is going to be favorably impressed. It just isn't reasonable to expect people not to be disturbed by what they have not experienced themselves, and may have been taught is a bad thing. A couple thousand years of bad Press can't be overcome easily.

And many psychics prefer to keep a distance from other people for their own peace of mind. Constantly picking up stray thoughts and rapid fire, high intensity emotions tends to make some psychics retreat from crowds.

Rant is officially over. :mrgreen:
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Re: 7th daughter of the 7th daughter myth

Post by SpiritTalker »

Coincidentally, my bed time reading last night had a reference to the "seventh child of a seventh child" having the power to overlook another and of bewitching. It was in "Cornish Witchcraft" by W.H. Paynter, and is a Cornish folklore collection from the 1930's.

Re: 7th daughter of the 7th daughter myth

Post by Magickat »

I will have to look into that book. My gran was very gifted. She wasn't a practising medium or practising psychic and was a avid church goer very religious. However she use to put it down to the 7th daughter myth. I only have been looking into it as a means to an explanation as since I was a small child I was different. I wondered if it was passed down. I have learned to watch what I say as to be honest it scares people away. I find it easier to be more solitary as I don't like being round a lot of people or strangers as conversation wise I don't want to put my foot in it. I'm curious regards if it's genetically passed down. It might sound odd but looking for answers.
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Re: 7th daughter of the 7th daughter myth

Post by SpiritTalker »

I did some blood type research for another purpose, and learned that people with B-Negative type blood are the most likely to have psychic abilities.

My best friend's, mom's family background does have 7th child of 7th child history of "seeing", and there were 7 female births in my friend's immediate family. They joke about it, but seem to believe in it.

Re: 7th daughter of the 7th daughter myth

Post by Magickat »

I'm not a B negative but I do believe that psychic traits can be hereditary hence why I'm looking into it. Its something that's been with me as far back as I can remember. And I suppose lately it's got a lot stronger.
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Re: 7th daughter of the 7th daughter myth

Post by SpiritTalker »

It's probably no different than brown or blue eyes or ears that stick out. If our DNA carries it, we show it or we carry it. Researchers have used some pretty nasty, vile experimenting to discover that physical and emotional trauma induces creation of psychic neuro-pathways, most vulnerable in puberty, when our ability to reproduce is reached. So the gene potential has to be present in the species as a whole. The vision quest of some native people in which pain, or a near-death scenario like shamans experience, are activators of dormant psychic functions and seem to be present in our survival instinct. Is there a link to 7th of 7 generations in there somewhere?
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Re: 7th daughter of the 7th daughter myth

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

Magickat :

The seventh daughter myth came from the ancient code I teach.

Among other things , the code has been called the Wietch's Book Of Shadows. (old spelling of witch)

We have columns of symbols that have layers upon layers of meaning, including number value. One set of those is called a?goddess/mother column, equaling 603 in number value. Now two languages together make this one code, both having number value,which comes into play here with the word daughter having two values as you shall see. If we have two sets of eight symbols each (two mother columns) = 1206. And we add a "boundary symbol" repeated 16 times around those columns
which equals by number 7 (seven), we attain (603 + 603 + ( 16 x 7 = 112 ) = 1318)

Now, by number value these words in the old code : Seventh = 160. Daughter = 402. ,Of = 150 Seventh = 160 Daughter = 219
Will Be = 30. Psychic = 198 (same number as : Moon = 198) = 1319

Now,by adding to this same number as the column arrangement does this mean this is true?

According to our teachings, it means the likelihood of the possibility in the underlying matrix, or weave of the universe "The Loom" as some call it, is greatly increased.

Our secret tradition, when lost and hidden, to most, became the folk tales and myths told today, yet has validity in the world of material manifestation. Seventh Daughter Of Seventh Daughter = 1091 = Material World.

Will Be Psychic = 228 ( 227 = Baraka = Blessing (a word used in mystic Sufism for healing power)

I hope that helps with your research and quest for information.
Last edited by SnowCat on Fri May 19, 2017 7:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 7th daughter of the 7th daughter myth

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »


Re: 7th daughter of the 7th daughter myth

Post by Magickat »

Thank you Shawn, a little complex for me to understand however myths come from somewhere and I do believe there is truth in it.
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Re: 7th daughter of the 7th daughter myth

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

Well , it was easier to read and understand, before my post was changed, but I tried.

Basically, Magickat, there is an underlying code known by the old witches, long before modern Wicca or Craft. Thus knowing the code, and how the human brain and universe worked, by underlying mathematics of a program we are running, made that statement regarding the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter being psychic, and the idea of healing power included in that.

The word Baraka, is the Sufi word for that power of psychic and healing ability.

The Old Craft knew much more than the modern day witches, though some of us still hold the Tradition and pass it down.

Best to you, and do not feel strange because you carry that ability. As a Native Elder once said to me, "We do not envy you. You only answer to the spirits." Yet they still came to me to advise them on certain matters. If you go back in time , and even today , in many places, the shaman, medicine person, or witch, was feared, yet sought out for help.

We keep to ourselves, mostly, but offer help when asked or needed. It is better that way. :)
Last edited by SnowCat on Sun May 21, 2017 7:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 7th daughter of the 7th daughter myth

Post by Magickat »

Hi Shawn, it is clearer now I understand. I do tend to keep to myself as understandably I realise I am different and just don't seem to fit in. I am happy but just looking for answers as to why. I tend to scare people with precognition. My family are use to it just others are not and it does scare people.
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