My first potion + spell!

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My first potion + spell!

Post by sun »

This is a friendship/relationship potion that comes with a spell! It is made to draw potential relationships to you and bring out the best in the relationships you already have. I have just tried it and will let you know if it works, but I do immediately feel quite energized!

I would recommend doing this on a waxing moon.

Ingredients (I bolded the most important ones! Feel free to substitute some of these, or just omit one or two of these if you can't use them all, as these all have similar uses and it should still work)
- cinnamon
- catnip
- dill
- rosemary or mint
- sage
- carnation (it's safe for consumption; just make sure it is not grown with pesticides!)
- lemon zest
- apple
- garlic

I combined each of the listed ingredients in a tea bag/sachet. I actually slightly dehydrated the apple, lemon zest, and garlic by combining them on a small pot and putting it over a tea light candle, which smells AMAZING. I'd bet the smell of that is quite healing on its own!
Burn a green candle with intent (if you want you may even carve a sigil of choice into the candle prior to burning it), boil some water and put the teabag in for however long you want (once the water is tinted a slight yellowish it is good to go) and chant this 4-5 times:
A kiss on the cheek, a kiss on the lips;
I am welcoming new relationships.
Allow them come in, and last them quite long
Let my new bonds be prosperous and strong.
Let my newfound friendships last to no end;
and the ones I have, let them be strengthened.
Allow this moonlight to shine down on me,
so my wish will come true, so mote it be!

(The rhythm is kinda weird; each line has 10 syllables because that resonated with me for some reason ahah)

After repeating this for the fourth time, my candle made an odd swishing sound, and I felt that my potion was ready to drink. You may get some sort of sign that it is finished as well..? Drink it soon after it is ready so the effects don't wear off! You could taste the ingredients and it was actually okay tasting, not extremely desirable but I was easily able to down it all in 2 minute's time. It was like, fancy herbal water.

I will update on the results of this. :fairy:
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Bychan Wulf
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Re: My first potion + spell!

Post by Bychan Wulf »

I hope you know that talking about a spell you just casted is known for making the effect fade away. I'm not sure if talking about it in an informative way, like you did, counts too, but it's better to take caution. Anyway, it's not a biggie. If it doesen't work, you'll just do it again :-)

Thank you for sharing this, together with the fact that that the taste is not bad. If I were to buy catnip, I think my cat would make her own potion out of it, before I'd have the chance to use it :lol:

I'm not a great or experienced spellcaster, but what comes to mind is that it can send a mixed messge. The spell is both for friendships and love relationships. Better make 2 separate spells for them, in order not to send a mixed message and find out that someone that you wanted as a friend, feels something more powerful; like love for you.
I don't want to sound critic; just that I take a lot of caution and choose "safety" first. Not everyone does the same though, and the results can be great too.

Please let us know how it works! Fingers crossed! :flyingwitch:
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