Serpents Breath and Moon Gazing

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Serpents Breath and Moon Gazing

Post by SpiritTalker »

Author Robyn Artisson in "Witching Way of the Hollow Hill" has given a perfectly workable trance inducing exercise he called "serpents breath", which is done with regular inhale-exhale, and emitting a soft hiss on the exhales by resting the tongue against the front teeth.

It works pretty well for me. It can be used while casting circle. I've used it while gazing at the full moon and slid into vision-mode. I've also used it while gazing into a dark mirror by candle light with fair results. I don't ingest or smoke anything to induce trance. I don't see the point - if I couldn't remember what happened afterwards, like a dream that slips away.

Another version is sea-breathing suggested in Sandra Kynes "Sea Magic" in which the hissing is done on both the in/exhales, to make the sound of the waves against the shore. I find it relaxing.

Has anyone else worked with these? How'd it go?

Or does anyone else spontaneously chant in tongues?
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Re: Serpents Breath and Moon Gazing

Post by SpiritTalker »

Raven Grimassi gives a technique of Drawing Down the Moon (DDM) in his book "Witch's Craft", pg. 141-2. He says lunar energy is used for psychic development & meditation. He refers to 3 power centers in the body, the forehead between the brows, the breast bone area, and the genital area. These three are balanced by such meditations as DDM, which he gives as imagining the full moon descending from above the head and into each of the 3 centers, and lightly touching each with the left hand before coming out of it. He doesnt say so, but I assume the touch is to close the opening of the centers.

I use my own method, more of a cloaking of the same 3 centers with moonlight, and have had some interesting and positive results, especially psychically. It's certainly invigorating.

So, for anyone wanting to hone their psychic abilities, I can say this works.
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