Confusion about crystals

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Confusion about crystals

Post by Dark_Angel »

So I'm pretty sure I'm overthinking things (again) but I am really confused about my crystals. I understand what their uses are, I understand that they have certain vibrations and can help you get in tune with this vibrations. But they still confuse me. Almost like a wall I cannot get around. I'm like this with meditation too. I know the basics but I just get this confused feeling when I'm doing it. Maybe I'm stuck in the physical world view? Idk.
What are the purposes of having crystals?
What do I do with them?
How do I connect with them?
What exactly am I supposed to feel when using them?
How do I use them?

It's an almost tangible wall when I try to answer those questions. Almost like my brain is rejecting the thought. Does this happen to anyone else?
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Re: Confusion about crystals

Post by blue_moon »

Not with crystals, but with meditation - yes i know this wall! (i know the basics and so on but im lucky if i manage to lay down or sit still for 10 minutes ;)

I don't know if this is the common experience with crystal vibration.
To me it feels like a tingling in my hand, I've also felt heat and the opposite. Sometimes they feel very heavy even though you feel the weight.

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Re: Confusion about crystals

Post by Becks »

I cant tell you what you are supposed to feel when you use them. That is really individual. The part about their use is easier for me to help when I maybe give examples of how I have used them in my life? Really...use them or's no big thing. It's a lot about creativity and your own desire for applications.

1) put one in a dream pillow with herbs..or help with dreams and journeying.
2) use them on an altar and consecrate them with the elements.
3) keep one in your pocket to help you through a tough day.
4) gift to friends to help them
5) put some near a candle to direct energy and intent
6) use a crystal for scrying
7) put rune symbols on them and make them your runes....use in divination
8) put it in a house plant or garden to help the plants
9) plant them on property for added protection
10) pop one into your bath (just make sure it's safe and okay to be in water)

I could think of a lot more.....

Does any of this help to get the creative thought wheels turning? Feel free to contact me to chat more. I'm sure others will have some great ideas too.
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Re: Confusion about crystals

Post by Dark_Angel »

Blue_Moon, that wall with meditation is annoying lol. I could almost use my meditation time for a timer. I go for 30 minutes and then it's like I get a jolt or something and I'm done. Maybe I just need to spend more time with my crystals.

Thank you Becks! Those ideas have got the wheels going a bit! Maybe the next time I take a bath or shower I'll bring one along!
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Re: Confusion about crystals

Post by Raevyn »

I work with crystals a lot actually, let me see if I can help you a bit :)
What are the purposes of having crystals?
The purpose varies depending on the person and what the person wants to use them for. Some people are just collectors and purchase crystals to place them in a display, other people purchase them because they believe the crystals have certain energies (depending on the crystal, e.g. Rose Quartz for love attracting energy etc) which will impact upon their life. Whereas other people purchase them with witchcraft/spell work in mind and want to incorporate the energies of crystals into their work.
What do I do with them?
This is up to you, if you specifically have working with them for their energies in mind Becks had some suggestions for that, so refer to her reply.
How do I connect with them?
Each person is different, some people choose to meditate with their crystals, whereas other people choose to carry the crystal around for 24 hours or so to get a feeling for the energy and attune the crystal to your own personal energy. Sometimes you can connect to crystals just simply moving them in your hand for a few minutes to get a feel of their texture and energies.
What exactly am I supposed to feel when using them?
That's hard to answer as it is generally very individualistic. I personally feel the heat of the crystal, sometimes vibrations and other times the crystal (depending which crystal it is and the particular energies associated with it) can feel very heavy (or the complete opposite, very light).
How do I use them?
I think Becks gave a good reply to this one, but other uses include:
1. Stuffing crystals inside poppets.
2. Creating crystal energy bags (small bags carried around, usually under clothing, that contain various crystals to serve one purpose).
3. Burying them in the ground for spell work.

I hope I helped answer a few of your questions and gave you a few ideas :)
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Re: Confusion about crystals

Post by Dark_Angel »

Thank you so much! Y'all are absolutely wonderful and so helpful and nice! I am calming down about my crystals and I am feeling better about my interactions with them. Thank you guys!
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