Spirit vistors

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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Spirit vistors

Post by WaterMoon »

Growing up, I had a lot of visits from different kinds of spirits. Majority of them only appear when I wake up from a dream. However, there was once a time when I was visited by a spirit (possibly a goddess.) and I was walking around my home. I went into some kindof trance, and I stopped dead in my tracks in the middle of my downstairs hallway. I saw her. I didn't feel afraid. I felt mesmerized by her beauty in a non-sexual way. She has long blonde hair, a white and blue robe. Behind her was a sun (there was no open windows that we're behind her.), and an animal showed up. I think it was a wolf, but it didn't stay long like she did. The wolf turned around and walked right into the sunlight and disappeared. Yet, she stayed. We didn't say anything, but we made eye contact. She smiled slightly then nodded at me, turned and joined her wolf friend into the sunlight. When she left, I felt really happy and light. Not sure who she was, but I still haven't heard from her for a long time... I saw her around the time, I was a teenager and I didn't know anything about Wicca then.

Other encounters with spirits, all appeared in my closet or in my bedroom door whichever one was open. Almost of all of them (expect for one occurrence where they appeared in a ghost like form almost that of a demeanor in the Harry Potter movie.) have shown up in a very vivid form and have moved around the same way, people move around. No one's ever floated like a ghost around me. I've only had one spirit walk all the way over to my bed, and all it did was stare at me. Then vanish into thin air... There was an elderly women who had an old-fashion candle lamp with a cloak over her head. She looked at me with disappointment and vanished. I have this impression she was looking for someone here in the physical world, I don't know. Two experiences that I don't really understand what was going on was this. The first, a man appeared the same location in my closet door. He didn't move and he pointed a gun at me. He smiled and I flinched. The next thing I know is I saw a beam of white light and for a brief moment, I felt disconnected to my body. I felt nothing. Not sure why he showed up, or what to make of that...

The second experience, I heard a voice in my head. This has never happened before... It was a man's voice and I felt really scared. I felt like I couldn't breathe, and I couldn't feel/move my body. He asked me, "Am I here now?" And I didn't answer him mostly cause I couldn't say anything or know how to communicate to him since I couldn't move my mouth, and I kinda wanted him to leave. So, he did... Not sure what to make of this or how to even answer that question... I'm not sure if he's asking here in the human world or asking me if I feel his presence.... So I just simply said yes once I was able to move my mouth.. But he hasn't tried to communicate with me at all... Every time this happens, its when I'm trying to get to bed. I get really relaxed. Then I feel like I'm falling and then I fall into something hard which startles me therefore I open my eyes and jerk away. Sometimes I hear something growling or just something muffled sounding.

I'm not sure what I'm experiencing when I have that falling down and hitting something hard sensation in my body.. Not sure, what this is... But that's all my spirit experiences that I can think of...
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Re: Spirit vistors

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Thank you for sharing! I'm so glad to read of another's encounters with spirits. I have the ability to communicate with and sometimes see spirits. I am constantly on a quest to leave how to control these abilities better and use them for purpose of good, though I'm not sure what that purpose will be yet.

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Re: Spirit vistors

Post by Seraphin »

Thanks for sharing your experiences with us! In my eyes, anyone who experiences paranormal activity, should journal and log these events, especially people who are repeat experiencers.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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