A couple questions from a new witch!

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A couple questions from a new witch!

Post by maneki »

I'm new to Wicca, so I still have some questions related to this, hope y'all don't mind me asking these. :fairy:
1. Is it okay to burn candles as pastime (even when not casting a spell), or is it too sacred?
2. What are considered offerings/how do they work?
3. About how much knowledge do you need to be able to write your own spells, and how long does it take? How do you know that they will work and not be too vague?
4. When are wands necessary? Are they necessary?
5. Do some spells take longer than other spells? Are any able to take effect instantly?
Sorry if that's much, these are questions I've not found specific answers for so I don't mean to be a bother! Blessed be! :D
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Re: A couple questions from a new witch!

Post by AdastraJunction »

maneki wrote:I'm new to Wicca, so I still have some questions related to this, hope y'all don't mind me asking these. :fairy:
1. Is it okay to burn candles as pastime (even when not casting a spell), or is it too sacred?
2. What are considered offerings/how do they work?
3. About how much knowledge do you need to be able to write your own spells, and how long does it take? How do you know that they will work and not be too vague?
4. When are wands necessary? Are they necessary?
5. Do some spells take longer than other spells? Are any able to take effect instantly?
Sorry if that's much, these are questions I've not found specific answers for so I don't mean to be a bother! Blessed be! :D

1. Candles are fine to burn anytime you like. Plus they are very romantic lol

2. The offerings depend on who your deities are. For example if it is for say the Fae then you leave honey cakes, shiny objects etc. or a God/Goddess would be different depending on them.

3. It is trial and error. Research as much as you can. The strongest spells and rituals come from intent and the heart of putting everything you are and want into them. It depends on you for how long it takes. It isn't hard to write a spell or take to long if it is from you.

4. I personally do not use wands but that is because I am not Wiccan. I have no use of them. That also depends on your beliefs and the tools you wish to use.

%. Yes some spells take a while depending on how powerful they are. Some take a shorter time. It depends on the spell and the intent and what it is for. Some are long term some are not.

Re: A couple questions from a new witch!

Post by maneki »

Thank you, friend!
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Re: A couple questions from a new witch!

Post by SnowCat »

The biggest thing with candles is safety. Don't set the curtains on fire. Don't let the cat set his tail on fire. Things like that.

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Re: A couple questions from a new witch!

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

maneki wrote:1. Is it okay to burn candles as pastime (even when not casting a spell), or is it too sacred?
Feel free to use candles how you wish. Religious practices don't have a monopoly on their use. :wink:
maneki wrote:2. What are considered offerings/how do they work?
If you don't know what a specific being (deity or otherwise) wants, just ask Them. Some will ask for food and beverages. Sometimes if you're asking Them for something in particular, They will ask for something similar in return. I don't think any benevolent being will ask you to give Them things that you can't easily obtain. You don't even have to make physical offerings. Virtual offerings work just as well. :mrgreen:
maneki wrote:3. About how much knowledge do you need to be able to write your own spells, and how long does it take? How do you know that they will work and not be too vague?
I think this depends on the individual. You can easily write spells with little knowledge. I suggest first just altering the spells you find in books or online. Little changes would work, like changing a different candle color, using a different crystal or invoking a different deity. Once you've got the knowledge of how spells work and the experience of casting them, then you can work toward writing your own from scratch.
For some spells, you do have to be as specific as possible. Magick takes the path of least resistance. Despite our best intentions, spells can occasionally take unexpected form. For example, maybe you perform a spell to have more time to spend with your family. To you this might mean being able to get a job with a shorter commute between work and home. The universe might instead see to it that you break your leg and have to miss work for a period of time. Well, you're at home more now. :roll: Sometimes, we don't know how well a spell is going to work until we try it. If it works, great, we know what to do next time. If it fails, great, we know what to change next time.
maneki wrote:4. When are wands necessary? Are they necessary?
Wands are a way to direct energy. You can easily substitute it with your athame, your finger or anything you wish to point with. :fairy: It is used to cast circles and to stir energy and even physical things like potions in our cauldrons. Personally, I don't find them necessary. I have two, but I don't use them.
maneki wrote:5. Do some spells take longer than other spells? Are any able to take effect instantly?
I agree with Adastra's response. It depends on the spell. If a spell is long term, it may need to be "refreshed" from time to time. If you perform a spell on an object, the spell will have to be done again if you replace the object. A car or a house would be good examples. Some spells are set for a specific amount of time. For example, let's say you had to deliver a pizza to a bad side of town. You could set up a protective shield around yourself that would be active just while you're on that side of town. If you're only going to be on that side of town once, you would only need that spell once. If you find yourself going to that side of town often, you'll want to make sure that you have a spell that will activate every time you go to that side of town.
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Re: A couple questions from a new witch!

Post by Myrth »

I am an eclectic witch (green orientation), so not Wiccan. So what I do is only what I do. :)

I don't use wands. I don't use an athame. Mostly I raise and use energy. I light candles. I use herbs. But how I practice is only one of many possible ways.

As a new witch, you have freedom to choose your path. There are many to choose from. Follow your heart and enjoy the journey. :)

Re: A couple questions from a new witch!

Post by Jake1001 »

1. Some spells require candles to be left overtime but that is indeed a fire hazard. Lots of candles however have the intent of the spell/ritual in them after the works, which means if you continue to burn it after the spell it will continue to release the intent and the purpose of the candle -- Basically yes you can continue to burn it :)
2. Offerings are anything you wish, a lot of people choose their offering as simple as water, once their done their ritual they give the water to the earth. Or some like to give certain gods and goddesses different types of oils in their offering bowls on the altar.
3. It's not really that much about knowledge I mean yes -- There has to be some info and knowledge you know but its really an experience you need to learn -- Because all spells are supposed to be pure, with pure intentions and all coming from your heart and desires.
4. No, NO tools are necessary at all -- you can just use your mind itself, but personally I feel more "powerful" when i use candles, and other ritualistic tools in my workings, it feels more realisitc more powerful but honestly, its equal. You need to learn to use magick by yourself, and then with tools thats a big lesson i learned from wicca. About wands -- No it depends on your energy, some prefer wands, some prefer athames, some prefer to use their own mind spirit and their finger. Wands are for more softer energies, like water and air. Athames are for "fiery and fury energies" like earth and fire.. If that makes sense lol! But they're both equal regardless.
5. Yes. It depends how much time, intent and all of that stuff you put into the spell. It also depends on the spells 'nature' and what the desire is if its something small and there was enough intent put into it, shouldn't take that long. if its something big then it might take a while.

I HOPE I helped :)
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