A Goddess contacted me - who is she?

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A Goddess contacted me - who is she?

Post by syngerin »

Hi everyone, sorry for the long hiatus! Unfortunately life got in the way, as if always happens:( But now I want to dedicate all my energy to my spiritual side once again, so... I'm happy to be writing in this forum once more smileylove !

Some time ago, I had an extemely visual dream, and in it I saw a goddess. We were on a hill surmounted by a huge castle, and along the slopes someone had built a kind of zoo - but all the animals were free and roaming the hill. I was scared to be attacked, when I saw a woman calmly walking amidst all the chaos. She was tall and fierce, with long black hair tied in some way and strong features (she looked a bit like Angelina Jolie, if I have to draw a comparison), and she was wearing a long white dress that looked made of feathers. Maybe swan feathers? Anyway, she was smiling, and she slowly guided me through the cages; all the while I could hear the same words being chanted again and again, I don't remember them anymore but it was something along the lines of 'you have to let go' or something like that. Then we turned a corner and I saw the guardian's house, and in there a lion was holding the guardian against the wall, but though I was scared as hell I knew that the goddess was able to communicate with him and that nothing would have hurt me.

So, do you have any ideas about who this goddess may be? At first I thought of Artemis, but she wasn't holding a bow or anything in her hands. On the internet Godchecker mentioned Caer, Nemesis, the Valkyrie, or the swan-maidens, but I'm not too much convinced...

Blessed be, you all!
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Re: A Goddess contacted me - who is she?

Post by Xiao Rong »

Hmm, I can't say ... You can probably try other things like a tarot reading or looking for other signs that keep cropping up in your life.

Even if you can't associate her with a historical deity yet, I find that it's sometimes helpful to use a name for her that is unique to your relationship with her. In my spirituality, I mainly work with the Goddess (who I find presents different faces to me). Most recently, the name that I gave her / she gave me that suits me just fine is "Queen Mother" -- related to the title of "Queen Mother of the West" (Xi Wangmu), a Chinese deity, but that's not who she is for me (alternately, I call her "A'ma"). For a while, I also called the Goddess "Lady of the Moon". It's okay if you don't know her name yet; I think that titles can be very powerful too. And I also personally think the Divine has many faces, some of which may never have been known before, so your Lady of the Wild may not necessarily be a historical deity.
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Re: A Goddess contacted me - who is she?

Post by Siona »

syngerin wrote:So, do you have any ideas about who this goddess may be? At first I thought of Artemis, but she wasn't holding a bow or anything in her hands.
So I have to admit that Artemis was who immediately jumped into my mind as well... but then again, I'm also just a bit biased there. ;) For whatever it's worth though, while Artemis is often shown holding a bow, she doesn't always appear that way, and there is a lot of classical Greek art where she is feeding animals, holding them, etc, instead of carrying her other usual items. (Including this image, where she is holding either a panther or lioness, and Homer refers to Artemis as a lion among women...)

It might not have been her at all, but I wouldn't necessarily rule her out because of a lack of bow, either. Might be worth taking a deeper look, especially as she was the first to come to your mind as well, there might be a reason for that.
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Re: A Goddess contacted me - who is she?

Post by AdastraJunction »

Other than Artemis it could be Cybele (Greek and Roman) or even Fauna (Roman)
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Re: A Goddess contacted me - who is she?

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

If this goddess isn't Artemis specifically, maybe it could be one of her equivalents, such as Diana, Aphaea or Selene? You could check into goddesses associated with swans such as Brighid, Allah and/or al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat (three pre-Islamic goddesses associated with the swan), or Saraswati.
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Re: A Goddess contacted me - who is she?

Post by syngerin »

Thank you all! I checked all your suggestions and so far Artemis seems to be the most probable one, although I was quite fascinated by al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat (admittedly, I felt very ignorant for not knowing anything about Arabic pantheon). I also found a mention about Inanna and the lion, and while reading through the Wikipedia pages about the three goddesses, I also found some references to both Nemesis and Ereshkigal, which I was interested in some time ago as well.

I know swans used to be connected to the dead, so maybe it was a reference to Underworld deities, but I wouldn't want to read too much in it.

For now I think I'll wait and patiently ask for this goddess to contact me again, if it is her wish. I'll let you know if she appears again:)
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