Rose Quartz broke - what does it mean?

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Rose Quartz broke - what does it mean?

Post by Dita_Aster »

I was given this rose quartz stone by a more powerful witch nearly a month ago as a "talisman." I received it right after getting my heart broken - a very promising relationship ended because I was too stressed with work and pushed him away. Obviously its more complicated than that, but that is the gist.

Anyway, I found the stone to be extremely helpful, and made me feel much better almost right away. It's a smooth, tumbled stone about 2" long. My plan was to keep it on my person for a month to absorb my energy, and then make it into a protective amulet. Things have been going okay, except I dropped it a few times. Still, just tiny scratches and nothing major. I slept with it in a breast pocket of a flannel shirt, and wore it in my bra during the day.

But here's what happened. Last night I called my ex and left a message. We hadn't spoken in more than 6 weeks, and hadn't seen each other in almost 8. However our last conversation was kind and civil, and I said I would be in touch when a big project was done. As that time has come, I got in touch.

He didn't answer, and I left a message. But a lot of feelings of fear and heartbreak returned to me. I felt sick. In the middle of the night, I accidentally knocked the rose quartz onto the ground and it broke -a piece came off of one end and shattered into dust. It is still about 85% intact though.

Can anyone tell me what they think this means, or what I should do? I had plans to pay a jeweler to make the pendant for me, but now I don't know. Any thoughts would be much appreciated, thanks!
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Re: Rose Quartz broke - what does it mean?

Post by SnowCat »

Someone else here had a similar experience recently. I would ask the stone what it wants.

Daughter of Sekhmet

Re: Rose Quartz broke - what does it mean?

Post by Dita_Aster »

Thanks Snow. I'll do that. So far I'm still keeping it near. Putting it in a little velvet bag and sleeping with it in my hand gives me powerful dreams.
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Re: Rose Quartz broke - what does it mean?

Post by Firebird »

On a practical level...rose quartz generally has lots of fractures, dropping it may have inforced those fractures and then on the final drop, it completed the break.

On an esoteric level...
it could be the universe tell you to break away from this individual completely.

I wish you the best in your healing,
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Re: Rose Quartz broke - what does it mean?

Post by AnaisStar »

Hearing your story I think its telling you to break away and let go.

Sometimes when the crystals work is done it will break or disappear. If it breaks in half it means that you need to share its energy and give one of the halves to another person. But seeing as yours broke unevenly I think its telling you to break away from your ex and move on.

Re: Rose Quartz broke - what does it mean?

Post by Dita_Aster »

Oh my god, so this just tells us to trust our witches' intuition.

I just had a feeling the crystal was warning me and "taking a hit for me" but I didn't want it to be true.

I just found out he is seeing someone else, and was cheating on me when we were together. :evil:

So, there you go. Thanks for protecting me, Rose Quartz. <3
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Re: Rose Quartz broke - what does it mean?

Post by Firebird »

Sorry to hear that Dita,
so ...what do you plan to do with the stone now?
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Re: Rose Quartz broke - what does it mean?

Post by Dita_Aster »

I'm not sure. I'm waiting for further guidance. I feel like this stone helped me so much - as soon as I got it, my heartbreak felt less. Then, when it needed to warn me about a bad situation, it did. Last night for my solstice ritual I did a powerful purging of negative energies, and then a cleansing and blessing for myself. I used the broken stone to symbolize my heart and soaked it in holy water with rose and orange blossom, and some other of my sacred altar ingredients.

This stone was powerfully connected to my heart. I have a few ideas as to what to do with it. I might wrap it up and save it for a future spell of some kind. Or I can wait until I can take it to a beloved landscape and then bury it in the earth, to ceremonially thank it and sever the tie.

We'll see! I think it's time for a new rose quartz to cleanse me.
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Re: Rose Quartz broke - what does it mean?

Post by Lillady »

Following your story I believe the stone broke in half based upon what was happening with him. I would bury the old rose quartz along with releasing and cutting the cords from the hurt you feel from what he did to you. Crystals tend to talk just like all other things to do us. The universe is a powerful being all in itself. Listen to your heart and follow your intuition.

Re: Rose Quartz broke - what does it mean?

Post by Dita_Aster »

Thanks everyone. I buried this rose quartz in a potted rose bush, since I don't have a garden. I feel like it and the rose wanted to feed off of each other's energies for a while.
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