Exorcism type meditation: what is this thing?

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Exorcism type meditation: what is this thing?

Post by Sceada »

I have been doing a combination of shadow integration and negativity banishment work which has been very beneficial to me.

However I encountered something strange and a bit scary this time. I was doing a meditation where I grounded myself in divine Love and sat in a dark chamber that reflected bits of myself back to my Soul. As I saw them I was able to stay grounded and self them unconditional love. Eventually I became aware of something behind me. It was black and refused to accept any light. I walked up to it and placed my hand on it to send more love and in went from solid to a black mist. I could see through it occasionally and I know there is a figure in it but I could never see it. It was a guided meditation which ended before I could see through it completely but I just kept sending it love.

I went to the next part of the meditation where now not only did I ground myself in Divine Love but I surrounded myself with it as well. I made a boundary. You are supposed to become aware of something at the edges and invite it in if it accepts divine love. What I saw at the edge started with black teeth which turned to black gums and lips, black skin, black eyes. The teeth were too big for the mouth and like fangs. The hair wasn't hair, it was the mist from before. It started pacing around the edges of the border growling and gnashing its teeth.

After a while of being centered in love the meditation asks you to affirm that any energy not aligned with unconditional love leave "my mind, body and energy field". As soon as I said that this thing started attacking the boundary. I then went through the rest of the affirmation saying that it no longer had a place and I release with with unconditional love. When I said that I revoked any permission I had ever given consciously or unconsciously it screeched, high and loud, teeth bared and tongue unfurled.

It is my understanding that at the end of this affirmation either the negativity aligns itself with unconditional love or it leaves. It has done neither. I feel safe. I still feel strong. And my boundary is still there. But even in full wakefulness I can feel this presence still there. One benefit is that I no longer feel it behind me.

Does anyone have any idea what this thing might be?
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Re: Exorcism type meditation: what is this thing?

Post by Seraphin »

Probably they are astral nasties. And some of them do take monstrous form like what you have seen. These astral nasties are often misnomered as "demons" while others call them "infernals" who reside in a lower dimension, who are extremely dangerous when attacking. What you've done -- setting up defenses for yourself is the best way to deal with this sort of attack.

I have fought several different types of that whenever I'm channeling the spiritual light. It's a kind of meditation that aids me to release my soul from its exile -- to empower me to free myself from the chains that bind me to negativity which is brought by these nasties and imps. I believe the meditation that you've performed is the same with mine -- reclaiming our selves -- our individual "I" -- and redirect it to its source, the "Ultimate I." This is a great meditative method to personal empowerment, spiritual liberation, inner peace and fulfillment.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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