Negative Force Around My Son

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Negative Force Around My Son

Post by ladybloodie »

I am wondering several things and it comes from a long story.and hopefully I don't look like I am comeing across as a nutt job. :(
My first son was as pure hearted and his engery was strong.It was a happy time even though he feed off the engery around him & he used it to give back, for the longest time. One day we moved back to our home town and finally found are own place(thinks to my husbands best friend). But sadly these place was not good it was filled to the ciling with negitive energy and one powerfull spirt. for the longest time i keep it at bay untill one day my son woke up with burn marks on his back,like some one heated the wood to his toddller bed.(3 in1), several other things were going on. Finalley I had to do something, knew hubby came from along line of native americans and they had very open minds, I went to them for help . They got me the stuff I needed emptyed out everyone and went to work. You chould feel the anger as i worked and right in the corner of the last room ,did the spirit finalley showed himself. Thow I got these thing out of the apt. I chould still sence him outside at night waiting and watching.To these day I have not forgoten the anger or the look of his face. And I refused to do the first cleansing of any houses. But it got us threw next yr. untill the opertuinty came for us to move. Thow these house phsyically dead we chose to live there out of several ressons I won't boar you with. Now I swear these spirit followed us. And continue to live in my basment and kitchen late. (at night)weak and not much a bother as long as you stayed out of his space during the night and allso a little victorian girl but she was just a friendly. so any way yrs and yrs had passed. several signs have come and gone that I was going to face a huge issue with my oldest . And its all linked to that apartment I just know it. But any way sure enough did. He chould no longer sleep at night. He would wonder the house. he would eat hole gallons of ice cream in 1_2 nights. an obsession to use electronics started .many many other things. by them self just looked like any other kid nothing big , for many many yrs thats wat everyone else would tell me untill they seen for them self just how bad it had gotten. No longer did they question that i was just young and stupid.
but by then it was to late watever his issue was, it was sit in motion. Know i went. to the doctars,sleep labs, ext. We checked and tryed every thing just in case. All say the same thing he choiceing these for his own ressons there's nothing phisycally or mentaly wrong. We can try these and that but he shuting us down before we can start. so untill he willing your just bluntly screwed. know there were couple of things in session's I rember him saying one being the yr. I painted his bedroom wall that he wanted. he says a demon like creature came to him and made him a deal he well get wat he wanted when he wanted all his got to do in return is to well in his words, be bad. another was that at night a creature with a head of a wolf body of a man and tail of a dragon (if I rember correctly) would visit him at night and tell him to go play vedio games and hide seek with him. Sister in law said it is possible a evil creature. can becomein to him desicided as something friendly.Another thing that was even werider he didn't rember doing half these things. I or his dad would tell him he did.Now at 13 he says sometimes it like his watching a movie of himself but with no control sometimes.
And even his teachars can tell something off. for the present things are much calmer but still happening. And there is such a negitve force around him that it drains me. so when I can hand him off to someone or get him out of the house I have to use that time to pull my self togeather. I know a bidding spell him from hurting himself or others but i just cant seem to focus on wat else i am missing. I know the house is cleansed. the only negitive area is his closet but I haven't touched it for fear of not haveing all the pieces and sending him back down the path he was on.
Know I know I left out a alot and my wrighting skills suck. but hopefully you got an idea what Iam faceing.
should He be told of the path I follow and what I know? but whould he use the knowledge or just feed wat ever it is .
and how to tackle this threw a witches prospective?
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Re: Negative Force Around My Son

Post by Nightwatcher »

This sounds similar to jobs I've had to do before. Obviously I'm going off of what you've described and I can't give an accurate diagnosis but I'll do my best.

Darkness tends to be attracted to light. That's why children are so vulnerable to negativity; they are usually quite pure. It's possible it is from that first apartment but it could also be a totally different entity but just as negative. That being said, if what your son said it true; he's made a contract with this entity and that means it will not be broken easily because it's of his own free will.

What I suggest is this; first cleanse where you live. EVERYTHING. Especially that closet you mentioned you haven't touched. Make sure you are protected as you do this; dark stones such as black tourmaline (the best protection spell). Also, DO NOT BE AFRAID. DO NOT SHOW FEAR. Dark entities feed off of this as well as your hesitation.

Next is your son. You need, through him, to force that entity to break contract. The only way to do this is learn its True Name. How you do this I cannot tell you; the type of dark entity it is will change how you find its True Name. Once you have the Name, you can break the contract and exorcise it permanently.

Understand that this not only will be a hard process but a scary one. Negative entities, especially ones with a contract do not want to leave and will do whatever they can to stay and hurt you. You must be strong in spirit, do not waver, and do NOT be afraid.

I wish you luck and I wish I'd found this thread as soon as you'd posted to help you sooner.
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Re: Negative Force Around My Son

Post by random417 »

Ok, first let me say this... I feel for you deeply here, there's defenantly something going on here. I'm not good with knowing how to phase emotional stuff, but my thoughts are with you.

Now, onto the stuff I am pretty good at. First, it's possible there's a psychological problem that the docs missed. It happens. Get a second opinion there, just to be safe. Good news on that front is, they'll tinker with meds for a bit, but there's no reason to believe it's not treatable. They almost always are.

The description given does match pretty close to one of the Goetic spirits. I even have a name, although I hesitate to post it here due to the rules, and what I'm about to say. IF there's an actual contract, which there may not be, even if I'm right, you'll have to do a FULL evocation working, to command the spirit.

Key things that stick out to me:
1. Demonic influence and mental disorders go hand in hand... mental issues can create gaps in defenses, making demonic stuff more likely. Demonic influence on the other hand has a predictable influence on mental stability. If there's one, there's likely a degree of both. Seriously, get a second opinion on that mental check.
2. While the description matches pretty well, the entity it matches just isn't known for this kind of thing. While the Goetia refers to him as a demon, we would likely use the term spirit. He's usually pretty neutral, temprament wise. I can't be sure because of this, and because the description is good, but not perfect.
3. The lack of memory and the dissociation (watching himself) indicates mental issues more than demonic stuff, so I'd imagine there's both going on (I'm not a professional shrink, and not seeing him, so grain of salt ect.)

Final note... you don't need the spirits True Name, but it does make it easier. Much easier.
I can't tell you how to move forward more than I have at this point, most of my work with demons involves evocation, which is summoning and commanding. Giving instructions for that isn't something I'm comfortable with here.
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Do that, and no other shall say nay.
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Re: Negative Force Around My Son

Post by Shub Niggurath »

Random, I think I know which goetic spirit you're thinking of. And you're right that he's usually rather neutral, sharing knowledge about the past and future. But the thing with these beings is that they love deceiving us and making us think their name is A. while in fact it's B, if you know what I mean.
If he appears as a man with wolf's head and dragon's tail then it matched the description of a certain spirit. But he's an assistant of another "spirit" which is much more powerful and not friendly at all. I had a really nasty situation with that one years ago and I can tell you, if it was him he'd definitely want to make you think he's someone else.

Ladybloodie, as Random suggested, please take your son to a psychologist just to find out for sure if it's something mental or not. If it's not, then you might indeed want to perform the whole evocation and break the contract. If you want to know the name of the spirit, PM Random or me. Maybe it'll sound familiar, who knows.

Good luck to you and stay strong!

Re: Negative Force Around My Son

Post by ladybloodie »

Thank you all for responding. To clearafi I've taken him to 4 psychologist (just couldn't spell it).2 concellers. so i diffently tripled checked for anything mental or physical wrong . though know very little in these area . i did now mental weakness can either open the door way, or let these creatures (as i call em :-)) take the fall.(so to speek).
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