
Discussion of healing and energy work. (We have a new forum for Prayer Requests. It's down in the Member's Nook.)
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Mistress Venus


Post by Mistress Venus »

Hi guys,
I've noticed that my concentration is severely limited lately. I used to be able to read through a book all day and now I last maybe 10 minutes before I start feeling frustrated. This is true in other task as well. I have tried meditation but I can barely do that anymore (and it was something I loved doing). I've also been feeling drained energy wise. I was hoping you might know a spell or ritual (simple hopefully since I don't have a lot of money for supplies ATM) that can aid me. And I have been to the doctor and been given an all clear other then the usual anxiety I've dealt with for over 10 years. I appreciate any idea/inputs/advise. Thanks!
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Re: Concentration/Energy

Post by Heartsong »

Maybe spending some time in nature, reconnecting with the natural world, could help you recharge your batteries. My mind works like a jack russell with a caffeine high, so it isn't uncommon for me to hit a point where I can't focus, even relax enough to sleep, for that matter. I have to carve out time to spend outside, and let myself feel the earth, in order to re-center and slow down long enough to be productive again. Even if my mind is swirling, if I sit under my favorite tree and just let the thoughts spill out, just being outdoors seems, for me at least, to be like a reset button. :)
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Re: Concentration/Energy

Post by Lillady »

Trust me you are not alone! We all go through these times in life especially when we may have a lot going on. I agree with Heartsong, take some time out if you are able and reconnect yourself with nature. I live in the city, water is my element and when I get like this I will make a trip down to the river and sit breathing in the air watching the river flow, allowing its beauty to surround and fulfill me. It normally helps reconnect me and I find it easier to focus when I need to meditate or work. Blessed Be.
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Re: Concentration/Energy

Post by Isis3Anubis »

The rune Isa is a good magickal rune for focus of mind and meditation. Also sound of white noise or a Tibetan singing bowl can focus your concentration in meditation. I have SchizoAffective Disorder and my mind always drifts but remembering to focus with an image can help. I went through six years of college studying with my mind always drifting. Even if you feel frustrated meditation does help, if you have trouble focusing on breath in meditation, you can try sound of mantra or chanting for focus.
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Re: Concentration/Energy

Post by Kat »

I agree with needing to be in nature. sitting down on earth is healing; personally i rest watching bugs closely or listening to the wind or watching wild birds fly. maybe those work for u too?
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