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Post by SelinaShamrock »

I'm sorry if this topic has already been discussed somewhere before
I'm super curious as to what everyones opinion is of being a vegetarian and a Wiccan/Pagan.
I don't mean to start any huge argument, I'm just curious as to what people feel.
On one hand I myself feel that the God and Goddess supplied animals and such unto us for the purpose of nutrition; but on the other hand I also feel that all animals are our friends, and not to be eaten.
I've been so torn on how I feel on this subject that for a time I was a vegetarian (lacto-ovo), but I'm still not honestly sure which way I feel about eating meat.
I'm really curious as to what other people think.
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Re: Vegetarianism

Post by p3nathan »

Well I am vegetarian, but not really because of my Paganism. My parents have always been and I went off the idea of eating animals as I got older.

However I don't judge anyone who does eat meat, it's just a fact of nature that animals eat each other (unless they are a herbivorous species obviously). I think the main reason it is debated so much is because we as modern humans have the resources to not have to eat meat to get all our nutritional needs, which separates us from other carnivores/omnivores.

At the end of the day, the choice has to come from within you. There will be plenty of people who can argue for eating meat and plenty who can argue against it... but it's how you feel about it that counts. Maybe meditate on it or actually ask the God and Goddess for answers.

Re: Vegetarianism

Post by SelinaShamrock »

That makes total sense.
Both that humans in general eat meat because we are omnivores, but also that we do have the resources to not eat meat.
For the longest time I went with only drinking milk (as the animal itself wasn't killed) and eating eggs (which with more thought could still be considered eating an animal).
But does that mean "An it harm none, do what thou wilt" doesn't apply to animals? Or is eating animals for nutrition not considered the same type of harm, but it refers to evil harm?
I'd like to think that the God and Goddess would be fine with either choice that one makes.
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Re: Vegetarianism

Post by __Oracle__ »

SelinaShamrock wrote: I'm sorry if this topic has already been discussed somewhere before
I'm super curious as to what everyones opinion is of being a vegetarian and a Wiccan/Pagan.
I don't mean to start any huge argument, I'm just curious as to what people feel.
On one hand I myself feel that the God and Goddess supplied animals and such unto us for the purpose of nutrition; but on the other hand I also feel that all animals are our friends, and not to be eaten.
I've been so torn on how I feel on this subject that for a time I was a vegetarian (lacto-ovo), but I'm still not honestly sure which way I feel about eating meat.
I'm really curious as to what other people think.
"Fish are friends not food !", Sorry had to throw that finding Nemo reference in there. I have been a vegan on and off for years. But we have something in Upstate New York called a garbage plate, it is impossible to be a vegan around my family.

Re: Vegetarianism

Post by rainbowsofiris »

It really does depend on the value of the animal's and emotional stress you feel when eating them, (you seem to be experiencing emotional stress from what you've described before), i would suggest seeing a doctor/dietitian/health professional to see your nutrition needs and whether you body can healthy support a vegetarian/vegan diet and also discuss the emotional stress of eating animals.

Plus remember Wicca/Pagan beliefs all depend on your interpretation of them and we are all unique in our interpretation's. So being a vegetarian/vegan may be apart of your beliefs.
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Re: Vegetarianism

Post by Klia »

I became a vegetarian before I became pagan, but it has slowed down. I didn't do it for animal rights at first, but for the health and organic aspects. Watch just one documentary on what goes into our meat and it'll change your mind.

Story short, I still eat meat but not like I used to. I wouldn't consider myself a vegetarian anymore, just someone who cuts back on meat. I rarely ever eat beef and pork. Occasionally I'll have chicken but the only meat I eat is fish and that's not even every day. I'm proud that I've still cut back on meat since I first went vegetarian 2-3 years ago. My heart doesn't feel as heavy when I eat only fish/chicken once a week, if that.
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Re: Vegetarianism

Post by Alura Noel »

I did the vegetarian thing for about a year when I was studying buddhism. With buddhism its kind of encouraged within the community because animals are sentient (thinking and feeling beings, like humans). They have a lot of stories where you put yourself into the animals point of view and well, makes one develop more sympathy to not eat them. For example (a commonly used story), If I was a fish I would hate to be tricked that I was getting free food then yanked up by a hook to then get tossed into a cooler to later be gutted.

But who knows, plants could be just as sentient as animals but can't communicate that they are being hurt the same way as animals. They just turn brown and stop growing. Hec, some people think eating fish doesn't count because they don't portray the same emotions as other animals. They aren't as cute as a cow nor do they cry when they are scared.

So what's really the moral and ethical thing to do? It's hard to say but I do know that I am an omnivore. So I chose to eat a little bit of everything now and be thankful for the animals for providing food along with plants too. And to honor them the best I can. I suppose it follows more of the native american way of views of honoring life; giving and taking with love, thankfulness and respect.
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Re: Vegetarianism

Post by Garnetsun »

I believe being a vegetarian is first and furthermost your own choice, and not necesseraly about your religion and path. But in Wicca, the Hunt, and "use" of animals -being their flesh or furs- is depicted as a need, not live through rough winters, to warm ourselves -which is quite obsolete now, in more developed countries-. While eating meat is essential at a nutritive value, I don't believe the way we eat it now is correct, well, in most countries.
Nutritionally and spiritually.
Even if the cycle of nature and life tells us that there is a food chain to sustain everyone, Humans tend to overdo it, especially in the ways of killing animals to prepare our food. While morally and ethically reprochable, if we trust the numbers of cows, chickens, fishes we would need to multiply to feed everyone, we need those animals to survive at our best. -I agree that now, vegetarians do not have many health problems due to noe eating meat.

I'm going to join alura. Fish, and plants, are often misregarded. It is true that most living sea creatures do not feel pain as mammals, or earth ovipars, killing them as we do is just as bad. -and it is more...inavoidable to see their dead bodies on the fish stands, looking at you with their dead eyes. This is why I avoid eating fish, I can't stand how they put them out.-
While I eat meat, and to a ver lesser degree, I thank every being, vegetal or animal, for the sustenance and life it gives me, and in counterpart, I try to cultivate a garden, and recycle everything I use in my kitchen.
So to link vegetarism to Wicca and Pagan paths, I wouldn't say it is absolute, but it is linked, in the way that it teaches us to respect what we eat, and what the killing of animals bring us, and to be thankful for that so we can try to give back something to nature to balance it. It is all about balance.
Some vegetarians do not eat meat because of the conditions those animals live in, which are seriously disgusting and awful -we can be savages about that- or because they connect to them. Some may be because they do not feel attracted to meat, or prefer to avoid it. It depends on what you see and feel about it.
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Re: Vegetarianism

Post by p3nathan »

SelinaShamrock wrote:
I'd like to think that the God and Goddess would be fine with either choice that one makes.
Just to clarify, when I said ask them for answers, what I actually meant was for them to help you find the answer within yourself... same purpose as the meditation really. Sorry I wasn't very clear in my wording.

Re: Vegetarianism

Post by eileenpeach »

I was always curious about eating animals while being Wiccan. I've been a vegetarian for 5 years now and a vegan for a few months now.
You see I don't understand why would Wiccans eat animals when Wicca says : "An it harm none, do what thou wilt"
So it probably SHOULD apply to animals too. I see animals as "them" not "it" like most people see them. I do judge people who eat meat. Some people say you shouldn't judge people by what they eat but the problem is I judge them by WHO they eat. I have a very big respect for animals and I wouldn't ever want to harm an animal. I love literally every single animal and I see animals the same way I see people.
Some people say that they eat meat but they still love animals. I love my sister, but damn, I wouldn't eat her.
I just cannot support the suffering of animals.
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Re: Vegetarianism

Post by Seraphin »

It can be a rather heated topic. I've been criticized for being a omnivore. Though I don't eat pork and sellfish. As a Kabbalist, I only eat kosher foods (clean animals). I don't trust the way of my fellow countrymen slaughter the animals. They are strangling them and the beast release toxins that get absorbed by people when we eat the meat. Only the kosher butcher knows how to kill the animal in a proper way to avoid and prevent this from happening.

I can appreciate the philosophy behind vegetarianism, that killing animals for food is wrong, although obviously I don't agree; if I were to go vegetarian it would be based on my objection to the cruel ways so many meat manufacturers handle the animals.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Vegetarianism

Post by TwilightDancer »

My husband and I are both Pescatarians, meaning the only meat we consume comes from seafood. We don't eat grocery store meat because of the way it is produced and the chemicals and antibiotics given to the animals. While we do technically still eat other creatures (fish, crab etc) we are not naive in that we know and acknowledge where it comes from. There is no universal perfect way to be a Wiccan, because no-one person thinks in exactly the same way. An it harm none, should be applied to a persons own beliefs, not one interpretation forced upon everyone else.

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Re: Vegetarianism

Post by Vesca »

I go with the nature's way. We were designed to be predators, we were designed to be omnivores. I stick with that. But I know that others don't see it the same way, and I respect those world views too. :)

Besides, I love steak... Couldn't give it up if I tried.
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Re: Vegetarianism

Post by TwilightDancer »

Vesca wrote: Besides, I love steak... Couldn't give it up if I tried.
I love your honesty. :D

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Re: Vegetarianism

Post by YanaKhan »

As from January, I am a vegetarian too. But not for the reason most people become vegetarians. After all, animals are food, have been for ages and our ancestors ate mostly animals. Are predators less animals or they are bad animals for eating other animals? I do understand that it's horrible when you think of the animal being slaughtered for people to eat, but nature is actually pretty cruel anyway. And when in the supermarket, I bought meat, didn't really think of the cow or pig it came from. Actually what I find most annoying about vegetarians is the preaching (I am not saying all vegetarians are annoying, obviously being one :) ). Same with non - smokers. If I want to smoke, I will, and nothing you say will stop me, so stop trying.
I am a vegetarian and proud of it, but the decision came because I never liked meat anyway. And one day just decided I won't eat it anymore. Besides, knowing how the animals are raised and fed with whatnot, GMO and everything, I think I made the right decision. But I do recognize everyone's right to choose their food and way of life as long as it doesn't hurt other people. There are many benefits of eating meat and none can deny them.
I do love animals, really. But I don't think "harm no one" includes animals. Still, if someone decides they are not to eat meat because of the Rede, that's perfectly fine by me.
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