Seeing things nobody else can... Insanity?

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Seeing things nobody else can... Insanity?

Post by EarthLoveHeal »

Hi again guys. Sorry, I'm so new. :)
I've been having this strange reaccurance.
I've been seeing different people. But nobody else can see them.
Am I going insane?

Here's one accounted: I was at an appointment that helps manage my weight (My metabosm sucks. So I'm overweight) and I was playing tennis with my Trainer.
Suddenly, I saw three or four people behind him.
They were my age, and at first I thought they could've been people from the collage, but then they saw my looking at them and freaked out.
Because of this, I got hit in the temple with a tennis ball, and, being the klutz I am, I tripped over my own feet and fell on my rear.

When I sat back up, those guys were gone.
Disappeared. No trace.

I asked the trainer about the guys and he said he didn't see any guys and he thought I hit my head pretty hard and needed to rest.

Any suggestions? Am I seeing dead people? Or am I just insane?
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Re: Seeing things nobody else can... Insanity?

Post by SnowCat »

I can totally relate to that experience, although I got a tennis ball right between the eyes. And I was just untalented at tennis.

If you're asking if you're insane, then you probably aren't. I can relate to seeing people that others don't see too. It's a good way to get some strange looks from people. You sound normal to me.

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Re: Seeing things nobody else can... Insanity?

Post by Heartsong »

My mom, sister, and I have all had very similar experiences, so if you're crazy, we are too. :P

I've been seeing things since I was very little. It was an everyday occurence in the house I grew up in. I would wake up in the middle of the night, in the room I shared with my sister, and would see her talking to an old woman that I didn't know. My mom would often see a dark man sitting with his back against a tree outside and when she looked again, he was gone. All of these people looked as real as any other person and yet, when they vanished, you knew they weren't. It's scary and amazing at the same time. :)
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Re: Seeing things nobody else can... Insanity?

Post by Witchcraft-Fairy »

You sound like a highly sensitive person. Maybe you can perceive things - or beings - other people can't.
As long as it doesn't frighten you - and as long as these things/persons you sometimes see do not start to talk to you or even try to make you do things, I wouldn't worry too much.
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Re: Seeing things nobody else can... Insanity?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

I'm glad to see this post. Once I saw someone who I thought was real, and when called out to him his eyes got wide and he look scared. Then he disappeared. It's one thing to have two people with accounts that they saw someone who wasn't really there or disappeared. But, the fact that your mystery people freaked out when they realized you could see them, makes me feel less crazy because that's what my mystery man did as well! Thank you for sharing!
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Re: Seeing things nobody else can... Insanity?

Post by Vesca »

Just to cover that base, visual schizophrenia is a possibility. Although if you aren't hearing voices or showing any of the other symptoms, it's unlikely. You could get screened if you're particularly worried.

That being said, seeing through the veil is probably a far more common occurrence. :)
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Re: Seeing things nobody else can... Insanity?

Post by Myrth »

Generally, if you went to a psychiatrist and said all of this, I am fairly sure you would get some sort of diagnosis involving psychosis (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder with psychotic features, psychosis not otherwise specified, etc.), and you would be prescribed medication. Because psychiatrists by their very training view those who see things that no one else sees as sick.

I am not a psychiatrist, and I take a broader view. If you are otherwise functioning, you are OK and this is just an aspect of you that you can explore. BUT, if you do not have a job that you have had for quite a long time, that you are doing well in, or if you are not a full-time student where you are doing well, then maybe there is a problem. So, if you are functioning well in the rest of your life, then I don't think you must go to a doctor to get checked out. But if you are not currently functioning at a high level in the rest of your life it might be a good idea to get an evaluation.
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Re: Seeing things nobody else can... Insanity?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Myrth wrote:Generally, if you went to a psychiatrist and said all of this, I am fairly sure you would get some sort of diagnosis involving psychosis (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder with psychotic features, psychosis not otherwise specified, etc.), and you would be prescribed medication. Because psychiatrists by their very training view those who see things that no one else sees as sick.

I am not a psychiatrist, and I take a broader view. If you are otherwise functioning, you are OK and this is just an aspect of you that you can explore. BUT, if you do not have a job that you have had for quite a long time, that you are doing well in, or if you are not a full-time student where you are doing well, then maybe there is a problem. So, if you are functioning well in the rest of your life, then I don't think you must go to a doctor to get checked out. But if you are not currently functioning at a high level in the rest of your life it might be a good idea to get an evaluation.
Well I cannot speak for anyone else, but yes I am a high functioning adult with a full time salary paid job. I'm in a positive relationship and I have good relations with friends and family. I do have asperger's but I've learned how to get through life with that. It's mostly is a non-verbal learning disorder. Verbal and auditory are my things. I can hear a song once and remember every note. I can mimic sounds I hear sometimes. I can remember phrases or sentences I hear down to very annunciation. I MUST repeat things out loud to truest process, understand, and remember them. It also has an effect on my organization and memory, but that's what I've learned to cope with.

Re: Seeing things nobody else can... Insanity?

Post by paganpoet »


I used to see fairies all the time when was really little. If people around the globe are experiencing the same thing, it probably isn't insane. :)
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