Seashell Candles

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Seashell Candles

Post by raynelae »

Seashells are associated with the element water. We look to the element water and learn of Aphrodite, Lady of Love, whom evolved from the sea. In water we find our deepest emotions. Love, beauty, emotions, spirituality, and care are all associated with water. To use water in our magick can bring us those why not use seashells? Most people do have seashells and you can easily make candles out of them. Use seashell candles to charge your candle magick with water power! Here is how to make seashell candles..
Candles in Seashells How-To
1. Clean seashells in a weak solution of bleach and water. Let shells dry.

2. Melt candle wax.

3. Carefully place wicks with holders into bottom of shells.

4. After wax has melted, pour into shells until they are almost full.

5. Trim wicks if they don't stand upright.

6. Allow approximately 30 minutes for wax to cool completely and harden throughout.
From, yes,

Now it's up to you to create the spell to use your seashell candles. Let the water power help you!
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