the magic of music . . . mixed with confusion

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the magic of music . . . mixed with confusion

Post by dreamcatcher »

okay, i'm not sure if i'm posting this in the right spot or not but i think that it has to do with a past life

so, i've been doing classical guitar for a year or so and its always felt very natural to me almost as if i was just taking a refresher course or something but i didnt really think about it until recently my class started playing this piece called Prelude in G major and whenever i play it, i just get so filled up with emotions and flashes of images . . . and theres a part of me that says that i can't finish playing it because if i do then that's it, if i do then i'm going to lose everything and i just feel so, so sad when i end it, like i've lost someone special to me and theres no bringing them back now that i'm not playing that song anymore. it's . . . like a goodbye
and i have these images that pop up in my brain. things like me in a huge room (like in a fancy old mansion) with these clean wood floors except that the room is empty of any furniture and i'm playing that song there
and other times i'm in the same room but it has little tables and paintings on the walls and i can sort of sense that my instructor is sitting next to me
then theres this sense that i'm in this tunnel and i'm hiding or running away
and (except for when the room has furniture and stuff) theres always that sense of gaping loss, like my world was falling apart and i had no way to piece it back together again

and it has to be one of the most beautiful pieces of music i've ever heard even though its actually really simple
and i can't seem to hold it in my mind though. . . like i can't recall the tune at all after i'm done playing it, but when i'm playing it just seems to flow through me
theres really no way to describe it

and i know that i haven't ask any questions for you to answer or anything because i have no idea what question i could ask that would make sense so i guess i'd just be grateful for some input maybe?
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Re: the magic of music . . . mixed with confusion

Post by Firebird »

As you probably know, music is capable of invoking great emotion, the same part of the brain that deals with memory. Is this an old piece of music? I am not immediately familiar with it. Perhaps you are taping into past life memory, that is also connected to this music. Personally I fell that music is one of the most magically provoking tools we have. It has been around about as long as we have. So could this music be from another time and place where you were emotionally connected to someone or something that can be so familiar that we know it by heart?, yes..absolutely.
There is a piece called the Grenadier and the Lady, that a friend of mine plays on her harp...the first time I ever heard it, I knew it instinctively..I don't know why, But I knew this song. It evokes such emotion, that still, after hearing it a hundred times (because I ask her to play it all the time!!!.).. I cannot get through it without crying.
I'm trying to get her to download it on the Youtube, if she does, I'll post a link.
Blessings, Firebird
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson

the magic of music . . . mixed with confusion

Post by Celticgladiator »

I love the power of music, it is so connected to my soul that I can't stand being without it.
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