my house is haunted 2

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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my house is haunted 2

Post by wolfgirl96 »

i have some info about the spirit in my room to ask bout but when i think about "him" i see a deffinete image of a guy my ageish maybe a little older but i think he can alter the age he appears, as well as that i had a dream with him in it. what does this mean?
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Re: my house is haunted 2

Post by sylphaxiom »

I suppose it would depend on what the dream was. It could be something as simple as this entity reaching out to you or something as big as this thing trying to mess with you. It could really depend. Have you tried anything to reach out? (I'm not necessarily suggesting it, but curiosity gets the better of me at times) This spirit could be just confused and wanting to interact with you. Trust in your instincts and what you feel.
May the Gods be with you, and the hand of Fate be a gentle touch to guide you.
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Re: my house is haunted 2

Post by wolfgirl96 »

i dont think so i think its trying to mess with me then based on the dream
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Re: my house is haunted 2

Post by sylphaxiom »

might I ask what the dream was? If that's the case, I would definitely go with the smudging idea and if that doesn't work then you may have to go with a full on cleansing ritual to get this thing gone.
May the Gods be with you, and the hand of Fate be a gentle touch to guide you.
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Re: my house is haunted 2

Post by wolfgirl96 »

we were in the woods behind my house and at first he was trying to get me to help him with something and hurt ppl then when i said no he tryed to hurt me (sorry if its hard to understand im having trouble putting it into words)
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Re: my house is haunted 2

Post by sylphaxiom »

No I believe I have a clear enough idea of what you are trying to portray. It certainly doesn't sound like a good spirit! I would definitely do a smudging to try and purify and cleanse the space :)
May the Gods be with you, and the hand of Fate be a gentle touch to guide you.
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Re: my house is haunted 2

Post by wolfgirl96 »

ok thanks
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Re: my house is haunted 2

Post by Riyoki24 »

Is it bad to open your house to many spirits? Well I have one dark spirit that is slightly territorial but does not bother my family and I. Since it's my parents house. I did subconsciously and consciously inviting spirits who won't harm my family, my friends and I. My best friend, he can see them all, while I just sense them around me.
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Re: my house is haunted 2

Post by Riyoki24 »

Wolfgirl, Smudging might not work as long lasting. Try Shielding you house from negative spirits like that. Project a light shield with the intention of making sure no spirit like that one comes back to you. It works very effectively. Use your element naturally and do a calling to all the energies around your property. Basically command all that energy to create a shield of such. Only allow non-harming spirits to come on to your property. When negative spirits try to attach themselves to you wear a protective shield around you.

My friend and I make up spells that goes along w/ it. No materials other than the energy all around you. Use it. Be demanding and use your imagination to create it. Make it grow and strengthen it.

It's always some what different as we call out to all four shields. But we get it done. and it works.
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Re: my house is haunted 2

Post by sylphaxiom »

Shielding is always a good idea but it can get exhausting if you are constantly under attack. There is a simple cleansing ritual you can do that will purge and seal your house. It's best done after a smudging (which you're right, it doesn't always last for a long time it's really just a quick fix to clear out energy to be replaced with your own it doesn't do much protecting just banishing) all you need to do is erect a circle and consecrate some salt and water. Combine them and make your intent clear (something like "salt to protect and water to purify, this mix I make to seal and solidify") then after your salt water is purified and consecrated, clear your circle and ground excess energy. Take your salt water with you and at every entrance, exit, and corner (that includes windows!) make a pentagram saying something like "with this mix of water and salt, I call upon the gods (or goddesses as you see fit. You can also use specific names like Anubis is a good protector) and demant you halt. I expell thee evil spirits, energies, and demons, that only goodness, light, and love may enter. All evil is gone and the gods (etc) will protect me. I seal this place for all to see, hear me now so mote it be." like I said do that with every corner, entrance, and exit, and your house will be purified and sealed from evil spirits. Good ones can still get in and joy will always be welcome, but bad energy and anything evil will never get through. It takes a long time, but it is a powerful spell. As I suggested, do it after a smudging and when you get done dance around and fill your space with joy and love. Smudging creates an energy vacuum and must be filled with positive energy or it will suck anything it can into the void.

P.S. good spirits (if you know they are good) are alright and may even protect you, just be careful what you let in. If you don't specify what you let in (like "I open this door that only good may pass") then an open door is an open door and anything can get through.
May the Gods be with you, and the hand of Fate be a gentle touch to guide you.
Dream Wolf

Re: my house is haunted 2

Post by Dream Wolf »

If you would prefer something long lasting, blessing a dream catcher in the same manner as the cleansing circle can be effective, it can also tell you if anything has broken through, as the dream catcher will break or fall to the ground. I keep a dream catcher over every door in my house. Also my Matron is dream goddess so i would be glad to ask her to interpret your dream.

Also not all dark presences are spirits some are residual energy, I've dealt with cases where a bad person left a bad energy that took on a life of its own.
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Re: my house is haunted 2

Post by wolfgirl96 »

Thank you everyone! I will try what you suggested. Thank you sooooo much.
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Re: my house is haunted 2

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

I have 2 huge scary looking tribal masks at my front and back door. I created an egregore to live in them and guard the house. So far so good :). I don't mind visits from entities as long as they are polite they may say hello but then I send them away. When I was in my 20s I used to just let them hang around. I don't think this is a good idea. When the cat starts looking uncomfortable it's probably time to call them an astral cab.

It is also important to remember that sometimes these things are only thought forms. Ie created by any negativity you might be holding onto. Send that into the light also.


Dark Moon
I am that which is attained at the end of desire
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