Very Worried.......................

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Very Worried.......................

Post by hedge* »

Today at 2pm ish one of my babies was hit by a car. I was just walking home from work at the time, but my boyfriend was outside the house when it happened. He said that it was an allmighty smack and Chomsky bounced off the car and ran, limping, into a Bush. In the time it took my boyfriend to walk round to the bush, he had dissappeared.

We have all been out all afternoon looking for him. In all the Bushes, tall Grass, empty houses, occupied houses, under cars, under sheds, you name it and we've looked there, 10 times.
Still no sight nor sound of him.

I am worried he's lying in a bush somewhere hurt and unable to walk or miaow and if we don't find him soon, then.....well.....who knows.

The next minute I'm being positive and saying that he's fine and he's just gone out on his normal daily adventures and will be back tonight when his tummy tells him it's dinner time.

It's been 6 hours now and he usually comes home for dinner around 9 or 10.

I will let you know what happens.

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Post by moonwitch* »

Oh Hedge ... I will send good thoughts for your little one...
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Post by willow_witch »

oh no!!!!!!!!!!!! your baby! im sure that he will return soon... keep us updated!... hope all is okay! blessed be and hope the goddess is with you, Willow

*blessed be*
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Post by hedge* »

I found my baby :D :D :D

At quarter to 8 this morning I'm looking for my bikini and I lift up the bed cover of the spare bed in my sons room. There looking back at me is my Chomsky!!!!!!
I have no idea how long he's been there, me and my step daughter both looked under the beds just after he was hit, and he wasn't there then. He's a very vocal cat and he had made no sound, which is strange but obviously a result of shock.
My boyfriend took him to the vet and the vet said he's fine :D :D :D
A bit bruised and battered and a bit shocked, but apart from that he's fine :D :D :D
My boyfriend has to administer injections into his neck every day for the next week to stop any swelling from occuring, and he's not allowed out for a week ( the cat that is, not my boyfriend!!!)

I'm just SO relieved and I want to thank everyone for all your kind thoughts.

Here's a picture ... uff024.jpg


Post by Luna*Cat »

I am so glad that Chomsky is ok. He is obviously a very strong cat.......My thoughts are with you and he should be better in no time.
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Oh, I'm so relieved he's okay. Reading through these posts, I had my face all crinkled up, thinking the worst. (Well, that's me for ya.) Ordinarily when a cat goes off to be alone, especially after an injury, he's gone off to die. I am so glad that's not the case.

You have a lucky kitty there that really wants to be with you. Don't ever forget to take time to appreciate him. (I'm sure you don't... but reminders never hurt.)

And boy, does he ever have attitude! (It's in his eyes). Beautiful boy!
Give him a kiss for me.
Devil's Angel

Post by Devil's Angel »

im glad hes ok.
a simalar thing happened 2 me once.
we were coming down our driveway and we accedently hit our cat and i saw her run off. she didnt come back until 3 days after it had happened and she wanted food and water. Poor thing! we had crushed her foot :( but she died last year. she reached the good old age of 18 nearly 19! i think she used up all of her 9 lives coz shed been bitten b 2 brown snakes and been in fights with other cat... really bad fights.
well c' yall
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Awww, poor little guy.. but lucky! I guess cats really do have nine lives! :wink:
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Post by [Kristin] »

I'm happy that Hedge's baby is at home safely.

My chief of the house,Ruben came home yesterday from a second sugery. He has a genetic predisposition to forming kidney stones. So, he had a tumor removed end of last year and now a urinary tract blockage. Poor thing. He has to now eat a special low Ph food and drink only bottled water.
Was up all night as nurse on duty. He seems to be a bit back to his old scuffy self. But time will tell.
Does anyone else have a cat with this problem?
I finished raising my children, but now I feel like I am starting all over again.....these cats are always presenting problems and it just kills me to pull out the cat carrier to take them to the vet!!!! I seem to cry more than they do. :cry:
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Post by Elem »

The poor thing :(. I hope he's feeling better now, Kristin!

I have one cat in particular, Berlioz, who's always getting himself into trouble. We're constantly taking him to the vets to get treatment for rabbit fleas as well. Since he's from a feral mother (she had AIDS, so the kittens had to be separated from her and looked after by the local cattery.. Where we picked him up :D) he loves to go out and hunt. I'd always rather imagined that feral cats were that way simply because it was the way they were brought up.. But there's definitely something 'wild' in his genes!

Either way, he's very susceptible to rabbit fleas, who're bigger and nastier than cat fleas, and only live on the ears.. So he's always getting little bald patches on his ears. Probably doesn't help that he's long-haired too!

Strangely enough, he's the friendliest cat of all my three.. I'm surprised he's not grumpier, considering he's always in the vets being treated for some obscure illness or parasite he's picked up from his latest catch. He has to be the most laid-back cat I've ever met. Just sits there when he gets injections - Doesn't even flinch.

Sorry, I've rambled on a bit there! Hope your kitty's getting better, give him some tuna (low pH tuna?!) from me :D.

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Thanks Elem

Post by [Kristin] »

Thanks Elem for your kind thoughts!!
I just love this zoo I have around the house and when one gets sick I tend to fall to pieces. :D
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Goodness! Poor little kitties. I've heard of many cases of liver and kidney problems/failure in cats, but I've never heard of a cat contracting AIDS before. I suppose any creature can get infected, though. (But dogs are resistant to even cold germs, on the other hand hamsters and small rodents are not...) never know. (They did say AIDS was originally being carried by monkeys/orangatangs...) Hmmm.

If it helps, Kristin- I have heard of this being common in cats, so you are not alone. Here's a link I found that might help a bit- it's worth a look: -it has lots of click-able links to follow if you see an area of interest. And here's another one that pertains to the stones in particular (what causes them, signs, treatments, etc). ....okay, I can go on all day.

If you are looking for some good food for her, you might want to check out (yes, one last website).... for their products. I have always fed Maggie (my dog) the cat/dog combo food called "Anargen", but there are a lot of varieties. And a tip if you are considering purchasing some of their food... call your local pet food distributors and ask if they can special order the food of your choice for you (most places don't have this stuff on their shelves on a regular basis)-- if they do special order it, it's often a lot less expensive than if you were to purchase it directly from their website.

~BB~ :28:
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Post by Elem »

but I've never heard of a cat contracting AIDS before. I suppose any creature can get infected, though. (But dogs are resistant to even cold germs, on the other hand hamsters and small rodents are not...) never know. (They did say AIDS was originally being carried by monkeys/orangatangs...) Hmmm.
I think it's quite uncommon. As I say, she was a feral cat, so she probably picked it up from some other animal or stray cat.. I think, from what I can remember being told, that it's very similar to the human form of AIDS.. But cats can catch it a lot easier. It can be passed simply by one cat breathing near another, or a mother washing her kittens.. Hence why they had the mother separated from all other cats / her kittens in quarantine.

I guess all animals have different reactions to these diseases / viruses. It's all about how their immune system tries to cope with it, I think.. *shrug*.

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Post by hedge* »

My cat died of aids which he caught when he got bit by a feral cat :cry:
He went from being a big healthy cat to nothing but bones in the space of a week - it was very distressing.
I just want to add that feline aids is totally different to human aids in the respect that humans can't catch it, the symptoms are the same though.
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Post by Elem »

Sorry, I forgot to mention that :oops: lol.

I'm sorry to hear about your cat, hedge. And I apologise on behalf of my domesticated (and very dim) 'feral' cat!

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