Searching for that one special person, Soul Mate.

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Searching for that one special person, Soul Mate.

Post by SpiritualPagan »

Hey everyone!

Thanks to those who stopped by to read what I have to say! :D

So I want to find my Soul Mate, or the woman I want to love and hold. smileykiss2 loveface smileylove

Problem is... I'm not sure how to go about it. :shock:

I would love to do a spell to do this but I'm just not sure.

Magick to me has always meant helping others and yourself, not to be used for personal greed or selfishness.

Please don't let that offend any of you, I mean no harm or offence to anyone. Everyone has the right to their own practice. So please don't get angry at me about that. It's just what my beliefs go by.

Anyways moving back on topic, I want to find my Soul Mate, by magick if I must. BUT not by taking over free will. I have no means of doing that whatsoever.

But I want to find that special girl (sounding so mushy LOL :lol: )

Anyways, can someone give me advice on what I could do?

Maybe some herbs or stones I could use? Or a spell? Anything.


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Re: Searching for that one special person, Soul Mate.

Post by aphroditemoon »

You could do a spell to bring love to you. I wouldn't do one on a particular person though. There's a few on this site you might want to take a look at :]
You do not need to use the bible to justify love, however no greater tool has been created to justify hate.

Re: Searching for that one special person, Soul Mate.

Post by SpiritualPagan »

I know about not taking over free will, that's for sure. I've already checked the main part of the site and even the Soul mate spell but... I don't have all the items that most of them require, and unfortunately, my family is on a tight budget. Now do't get me wrong, I do have plenty of herbs and items but just not the ones they want us to use for the those spells. And some of them that I saw that I had the items for, those just didn't fit into not taking over free will. I am very picky when I comes to Magick and think about every possible outcome or flaw. Sometimes if I see the flaw, I will add something in the spell to prevent the flaw.

I haven;t really checked the forums though for love spells that bring your Soul Mate to you. Is there any here on the forums? If so maybe you could give me a link possibly?

Thanks! Blessings!

- Josh
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Re: Searching for that one special person, Soul Mate.

Post by aphroditemoon »

The spells off of have always worked for me. They have some great love spells you should try there. :]
You do not need to use the bible to justify love, however no greater tool has been created to justify hate.

Re: Searching for that one special person, Soul Mate.

Post by SpiritualPagan »

Thank you very much! This is a free site is it not?


- Josh
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Re: Searching for that one special person, Soul Mate.

Post by aphroditemoon »

Yep! It's a free book of shadows site
You do not need to use the bible to justify love, however no greater tool has been created to justify hate.

Re: Searching for that one special person, Soul Mate.

Post by SpiritualPagan »

Thanks, I saw a few that were just chants but..... I just can't use them. Something is telling me not to and I need to listen. I really only use Magick to help or heal others or myself. I'll have to find another way. Are there any crystals, herbs, anything that I could use instead of spells?

Thanks and blessings!

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Re: Searching for that one special person, Soul Mate.

Post by aphroditemoon »

Light red or pink candles focusing on your intent and let them burn out, and you can keep basil, cinnamon, clove, etc on you. You can look up more herbs online too. :]
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Re: Searching for that one special person, Soul Mate.

Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

I will be honest with you, I practice nearly 4 years now, I don't consider myself a super-advanced witch or something, but I learned well one thing, Love cannot be manipulated, I tried it, I've been there, and what I got was a mess, I consider now love as another type of magic, a magic that no spell can interfere with, for some reason, love will come to you eventually, it came to me when I thought it wouldn't! You can try a spell as you said, but it will work only if its the time for you to love...just my opinion....I don't say the spells won't work, but they might backfire or something, one love spell of mine backfired and I didn't tried a love spell ever again...
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Re: Searching for that one special person, Soul Mate.

Post by aphroditemoon »

@Greek I totally agree with you, I did one once when I was 15 and it turned into a horrible mess. I was finally able to break it just this year so it was not fun to say the least.
You do not need to use the bible to justify love, however no greater tool has been created to justify hate.

Re: Searching for that one special person, Soul Mate.

Post by SpiritualPagan »

Thats why I intend not do to a spell to bring me love. Well there are some love spells that you can do and those are on yourself, to help you love yourself more. Those are the only love spells I believe we should cast if we feel the need to. But I have no intention of taking over somebody's free will and certainly not doing a love spell. You are right, it will come eventually.

Thanks for the advice.
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Re: Searching for that one special person, Soul Mate.

Post by DaughterofErebus »

I agree with greek... just sit back. love will always find a way to you.... I did a spell to find love and im getting no results whatsoever... anywho

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Searching for that one special person, Soul Mate.

Post by stariebird11 »

I don't know if this will be very helpful but on youtube I found a guided meditation that helps you visualize your soul mate and supposedly attracts them to you. Heres the link if you want to look at it: Hope this helps!!

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