Forum Blocked at My School!

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Forum Blocked at My School!

Post by BlackenedRose* »

Hi there my Internet buddies, we have ourselves a terrible wrong to right. Hehe, ok maybe it's not so terrible, but, you know me, always one for the drama.

Tried to log on to my favourite forum at school today (that's here by the way) and guess what I saw! A big, fat, black screen with ACCESS DENIED on it. Checked the category for banning in the URL and I was confronted with the category 'CULT'! Oh no! I have myself a closed-minded system administrator here!

So....*pulling on underpants over jeans and ripping open shirt to reveal a big S* (the S stands for Sausageman)...I propose all who love this forum compose a big, fat, deeply offended email which I will forward to the Abomination Administrator about how mean this is and how much I love you all, enough to require school time to come on also.

No swearing please, I don't want to be hauled up infront of that big fat hairy tech man who smells like biscuits.

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Post by hedge* »


While I would love to participate in your personal fight for equality, and believe me, 10 years ago I would've-swearing included :? I have learnt that this is futile! It makes no difference what you think, your school will block "cult·website because as "responsible" adults they believe they are doing what is best for you.

I can't argue that!!!! :shock:

As an adult myself, I can see the HUGE responsibility involved with censoring certain websites.
I would be more concerned if they didn't take an interest in what you school kids are looking at.

Bugger me sideways!!!!
Hedge has grown - up :roll:

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Post by willow_witch »

yeah its hte same at my school... sucks i know.. but my schools a cathlic so i guess thats why..... most schools are against it even non religious ones which kinda bites coz they dont even belief in anything but still condem us :? .... oh well.... sorry but nothing i can do about it... and it wont help ya to try either.. lay low and hack your way around it :wink:
blessed be

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Post by hedge* »

BlackenedRose - I LOVE your signature :D

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Post by Orion »

At the college I went to they put up a nanny. Over 95% of websites were blocked for 'mature' or 'occult' content. Within like four hours I'm guessing complaints got so bad they removed it. A brown nosing girl I know was like "They have the right to do that, you're only supposed to use the internet here for research!" Which was funny because I couldnt even get on sites I needed to :P

Though it's a bit different since it was a college campus and we're not minors. So for now, you'll have to accept not being able to look at a site because they call it 'cult' while the guy in the computer beside you looks at porn using google images, lol.
Regular schools have to try to keep the noose tighter because they have a lot to worry about. Unless you have a specific talk with them, they'll normally see the website just long enough to consider it a 'danger' (net administrators don't really spend their time to seperate the blood lusting satan worshippers from the tree hugging hippies :P).
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Post by JBRaven »

No matter how long or how hard you fight, it doesn't matter someone will always not understand. Let them thrive in there own hate and misconceptions, it will only truely hurt them in the end.
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Post by BlackenedRose* »

I agree, there's probably nothing I can do about it, but I want the site.....*sobs*. It's so annoying! I suppose there are limitations to what you can do to stop this but there is so much bad stuff going on anyway. For example, one girl in my school got emails (from her own school email address) with absolutely horrible stuff in it. I know who it was, as does everyone including the teachers, but they can't prove it as they were hacking into her email and sending them right back to her. So they introduced this ten-thousand-pound programme whereby it picks up on keywords, takes a Print Screen when a computer types one in, and hauls you up infront of the scary technician who smells like biscuits. I know so many people who have been dragged up for typing, for example 'Gemma's hit' and the computer does not know the difference! *sigh* Oh, the inhumanity......


P.S Thanks Hedge!


Post by CrystalDragon55 »

I dont agree, you should fight, but fight it their way, find a nice wholesome "Christian" site that you can access and request it to be banned as well under their Cult rules, if they wont request that all religious sites be banned or all religious sites be avalible. if they are going to restrict one they must for political correctness ban/restrict all.
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Post by JBRaven »

All they have to have is just one Pagan site allowed, I am pretty sure thay have some Christan sites blocked too. Schools don't like too many ripples.
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Post by BlackenedRose* »

I don't know, I'll find out. That is a nice idea, I might try that. Hmm....but how to start the email....

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Post by Starwitch »

I'm surprised any schools let kids onto this website. There is a LOT of cursing here, especially on my main web site. I'm not surprised at all that it is blocked. Of course, I wish it weren't, because that's more visitors for me, but I totally understand it and basically agree with it. Most of my content is really not child-appropriate. You'll have to visit fluffy sites for that type of content. Good luck with your fight against this horrible injustice. ;)

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Post by [scifichick] »

Rose, you can try to go along the lines that this is a Wiccan site and Wicca is a recognized and protected by Constitution religion. Well, in the States it is. Since 1987 (I think) they can't discriminate against Wicca. Just a suggestion. Ooops, just read you are in England. Well, maybe there is some protection there as well. You can try to research that.
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Post by BlackenedRose* »

Well, I suppose you're right . But my fight for injustice makes me feel all important! Oh well.....


I agree with on the conversational tone being some what adult for young teen's.

HOWEVER!!! I also live in the U.K and I can tell you that referreing to wiccan or pagan religon as " CULT" Is actually ILLEGAL. Freedom of religon and respect for all peacefull religon is also a very hot topic in the current climate here after the terrible event's of July 7th in London.

We have been marginalised for too long, catholic's believe priest's should be celebit and "we're not natural" there's the pot calling the cat black!

You fight them young lady and don't let them intimidate you that is one thing I really get PISSED RIGHT OFF AT!!! patronising bloody know it all's.

Sorry thats not usually like me its just a pet peeve of mine they were sadistic buggers when I was in school (violently) now there worse, burachratic bastards, there I go again, well we all have one thing gets our goat.

Try getting the Independant society for ethnic, cultural and religous equality involved. That will put them on the back foot, you have right's at 16 to believe and form opinion's.

When I was 16 one of my teachers told me I was dammed to burn in the eternal fire's of hell because my Mother was a pagan whore of satan (christian brother's liked the word whore) anyway I promptly reacted as most hot blooded young men would to such a statement. F@ck You!! you perverted excuse for a failed priest!! At which point Brother Ignatious calmly and precisely Poured scalding Tea on my lap and proceeded to hit me square in the face with the hot pot, when finnished pouring of course.

Things have changed a whole lot is my point!! We communicate in this medium, Women are finnaly Goddess's in ther own right, but this does'nt happen if you don't challenge the closed mind's

I'll even bless your rightious intent and cast a powerfull spell to strengthen your cause.

Blessing's and encouragement Gallowglass
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Post by Starwitch »

And just so you are aware, this is not a "Wiccan" site. Wiccans are certainly welcome here, but I'm not Wiccan and the site itself says pretty plainly that it's not about Wicca. I actually try to talk people out of being Wiccan on the site. So that argument may not work too well if they actually visit the site and read it. lol.

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