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Post by Fayneixx »

My mom raided my room when I left for the weekend...she binned everything relating to wicca in my room. :cry: my alter, all my candles, incence....it's all gone :cry: she even through away the thing of potpourri next to my bloody bed! :sob: ::darkmood::

Re: *sob*

Post by Brujita13 »

I know how you feel. My books were maliciously destroyed by my uber-devout Catholic parents. If you think it would help, you could check MY topic. Search: Family--- the Ties that Bind and Gag. If you (like me) haven't got any books on Wicca or Witchcraft, you could begin some online efforts. Google (and all search engines) are proof that Goddess wants us to be. happy LOL. I advise you to stay in the closet while at living with your parents, especially if your health/safety are at risk. If you haven't done your year and a day study, I encourage you to do so. If you're looking for supplies, thrift stores, porch sales, yard sales, white elephant sales and garage sales are good places to look. However, with any item you are using in a spell(s), you will want to bless/consecrate the item (even if it's new). Also, for info you can go to a library or book store. Some thrift stores even have books on witchcraft. In fact, my first book on Wicca was from a thrift store. You might be able to justify some of your purchases if (like me) you have an interest in unusual things, essential oils, or Dungeons and Dragons type things (not one of my interests, but to each their own). Good Luck and Blessed Be!


Post by AariadaWillow »

I read a story in a book about this happening to a guy. He just stood there shocked and then calmly said "How would you like it if I went into your church and did this?". I couldn't do that, I'd be so mad. I think its so disrespectful. But at the same time she's your parent. In her mind, she's protecting you. Even if she's going about it wrong (imho). All I can tell you is to lay low until you are living under your own roof. It hurts, and its a terrible thing, but you can't really do anything about it unfortunately. Except talk to her about it of course.
All of those physical things are just ways to focus, they aren't really necessary to worship the lord and lady. I know you wish it hadn't happened but now is a great time to do more meditations and just spend quiet time in your heart with the lord and lady. You'll be able to have all those things some day :)
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Re: *sob*

Post by AutumnMaidens »

Faynei nobody deserves what happened to you and I regret to hear it is your own family behind it. I offer you what little support I can and hope this never happens to you again.

Many blessings and well wishes.
"If you take a copy of the Christian Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain,
soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone.
Our bible IS the wind and the rain."
Dream Wolf

Re: *sob*

Post by Dream Wolf »

My parents responded to my revelation by sending me to a mental hospital for a week. So I know how you feel, they destroyed everything I had, which for me was terrible because I had made everything, including my alter and my books, by hand from natural items (the books were recycled paper i made myself and then wrote the things from library books on) My alter was made from a piece of driftwood and a limestone slab studded with quartz.

I suggest either going 'E-Wicca' for a while or having a friend or mentor hold your stuff for you. I came home and took off for my Ex's place,she lived with her Grandmother who was mentor to both of us.
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Re: *sob*

Post by Truthseeker »

I am so sorry this happened to you. People think they have the 'right' to (?)protect us when they are convinced we are wrong. Especially parents. ~sigh~ Before I came out of the closet (and mind you- I am 52 years old), I kept everything hidden and kept my BOS and reading materials on a flashdrive, which I also kept out of sight. There are lots of online resources, and you might consider putting together a small portable altar in a small tin (like mints come in) or wooden (jewelry)box- or even a shoe box that you can keep out of sight/out of mind. People just do not understand and like all kinds of bigotry and judging, people rarely have ANY understanding of the things they so violently oppose. They only know the misinformation they have been fed by other misinformed people.
Blessings for you on your Path-
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