Doggie949's BOS

Start your own thread named "[Name's] Book of Shadows" and add spells, rituals, correspondences, music, videos, etc. that you would like to keep for future use or share with others. Use as many posts as you'd like. It's not private, but at least your family won't see it. You can also get ideas from other people's Books of Shadows.
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Doggie949's BOS

Post by Doggie949 »

This is my book of shadows that I have been working on for a couple of weeks. Most of the correspondence pages have come from other member book of shadows, but the spells I have found all over the place and a couple that I have created.
Feel free you use any in your own book!

Blessed Be!

Disperse Negative Energy

Post by Doggie949 »

Dark stone
A source of running water in open air

Vizualise a circle of light aaround yourself. Hold the stone in your hands. Place over your solar plexus.
Allow all negative energy into the stone.
Raise the stone to your head, to signify clarity. Then place stone on your heart.
Chant and project the emotion into the stone.
"With this stone,
Negative be gone.
Let warer cleanse it,
Back where it belongs."
Take the stone and put it through running water in the open air.
To make it stronger, throw the stone away, into the wind.

Spell For Good Grades

Post by Doggie949 »

Test Paper

Before taking the test/exam, chant:
"On this test I take today,
I"ll receive no less than A.
Earth, Wind, Fire and Sea,
As I sat so mote it be!"
Draw a pentagram on your test/exam paper. You could put it ad the dot on an 'i', inside of an 'o' or as a full stop at the end of your name.
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