Jay, Messenger of the Dead

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seawitch Artist
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Jay, Messenger of the Dead

Post by seawitch Artist »

Ever had a Warning Dream? Some years ago while I was still going to sea I had one about a Jay, our most colourful Crow, I was on leave in London, and like any self respecting sailor, I was drinking loads. I mean LOADS! ..Well, something out there must have decided this couldn't go on.
Bear in mind that a Crow in our dreams is the warning of a threat,and a colourful bird is a move..to prosperity, happiness.
A Jay is both, he is also the messenger of the dead!
I was sleeping of another night on the town when I had a dream I'll never forget, I wrote a poem from it that has always been well received. it goes:

Of a Jay I dreamt, flying by, staring vividly at my minds eye,
He's a colourful bird, and a daunting Crow,
Both have their meanings, and both I know.
"It's up to you" he called
"Your fate is your's to choose,
"A future that is bright, or one to drown in booze"!

I got the message. I eased up on the drinking a while and found other things to do.
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