Premonitions and Dreams

Discussion of Reincarnation, Afterlife, Life-Between-Lives (LBL)...
Victoria Mnemosyne
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Premonitions and Dreams

Post by Victoria Mnemosyne »

When I met this guy, we both felt an almost magnetic pull, and boy did the sparks fly. There was this crackle in the air between us... We became best friends but the attraction was too obvious, we soon became romantically involved, although he was in a relationship. His relationship soon ended, and took on an on and off sort of thing- a reflection of what he and I had. We'd be on while they were off and off while they were on... but it wasn't his inability to choose between us that caused it. He and I had such a connection that we'd be in constant communication from wake until sleep. Hed stay up on the phone all night with me because I had a nightmare. I can honestly say I never felt that way about anyone, it swept away my entire life, it was basically obsession.

After he slept with someone else while we were together, that coupled with many other factors in my life pushed me to a suicide attepmt. He was destroyed. It caused him to suffer what I can only call a psychotic break- hallucinations included. Ever since he swore me off but admits at times that he can't live without me, he loves me so much he'd kill anyone who hurt me, he can't keep himself away from me... other days he tells me he hates me and never liked me.

I am in a relationship myself now and I am no longer involved with the aforementioned guy. But we still run into eachother, and each time we do, I dream about him for nights afterwards. Usually it involves us being complicit together, partners of somekind, or kissing or other sexual type things, or saving eachothers lives.

I can also feel VERY strongly when I am about to run into him. Its never failed me. Every single time I've seen him, that morning I woke up knowing I would.

Is this a psychic block on my part (being "stuck" on him) or is it a deeper, more fateful connection?
Ipomoea alba

Re: Premonitions and Dreams

Post by Ipomoea alba »

Oh darling, I'm sorry, it sounds like the situation is causing you a bit of distress. I've experienced something similar, so I'll share some of my thoughts on the situation. In my opinion, your awareness of him, isn't directly related to a fateful connection. You and he very well might have a fateful lasting connection, I wouldn't know; it's just one of those things that you will find out later (or maybe sooner) in life. It is obvious that there was a fateful connection between you two in the past, but this doesn't necessarily always mean that the same connection will carry into the future. I believe that your awareness comes from being tuned into him. He was such am important part of your life, I believe that he left some sort of mark, that you are able to trace, especially when fixated on him, such as how you explained dreaming about him for nights afterwards when you have a run-in with him. Seeing him again causes you to think about and fixate on him more, therefore you become tuned into his energy. Whether or not there is a fateful connection there, I believe that your intuitive feelings are coming from the fact that he was so important in your life and you're more willing subconsciously/consciously to follow the energy of someone who has been near and dear to you than just anybody. For people, who are in tuned with such things, this can be very confusing. I'm still trying to make sense of it myself. Hope this adds a bit of perspective to what you're dealing with. Take care!

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