A passing spell for a young familiar?

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A passing spell for a young familiar?

Post by Ravencry »

My kitten just recently died a really tragic death, days after I asked her if she wished to be my familiar. I feel terrible and I would really like to find a spell that will help her pass and help overcome my grief. I miss her dearly, she didn't deserve to die. I want her to know in her afterlife with Bast that I love her and will not forget her while I raise her siblings. and after I wait a while, should I ask another to be my familiar? Or am I doomed simply to not have the traditional witch familiar, the cat, by my side?
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Post by Fie »

I am very sorry for my loss, I see that no one has commented yet so I thought i'd offer up my two cents.

First, again I am terribly sorry for your loss, it's so sad when we loose something close to us. Have you done any ceremonial things for her yet? Whenever I have a animal friend die (whether it be fish or my beloved bird) I find that giving them back to nature helps me feel better. I recommend either taking the body or the ashes (sometimes this can be too emotional though, which is understandable) or if you can't take the actual animal friend back, take some of his things or something that you feel represented her. Collar tags are a good option.

Take them out to some natural place that feels sacred to you, for me, it's the small forest behind my house. Find a special spot, look around, close your eyes and listen for nature. When it feels right, you know you've fund the spot.

The I usually say something, to remember the friend, to return them to nature and to ask them to visit. Then I personally like to dig a small hole big enough for the part of your animal friend you wish to return to nature. However some people might prefer to wrap a collar around the branches of a tree or place the item in some other way, I like putting it in the ground because I know someone's not going to come along and take the item and because that way it's in the earth and can return to it completely.

So I bury the item, I try to use my hands to dig the hole cause I feel more connected to the process then if I used some digging tool. Lay the object down and I usually say something like
"From thy hands,
I return thee to the earth,
so that thou shall return to Mother.
And Be reborn again"

Then I bury the item. Explore how you feel about the situation, and try to understand that death is never the end (if that is your belief, I believe that we live on through many lives) and ask kindly if your animal friend might return to you in it's next life, just to check one you.

The final thing I like to do is to lay some kind of offering, whether it be planting seed/flowers/sapling on the spot or burning incense/candle or laying flowers/treats/favorite food. Just be careful with what you decide to offer, with candles, you want to monitor them with some water nearby (Don't burn down the forest!) and with food you want to make sure it won't kill any animal that might come by and eat it. If you are not ok with the idea of another animal coming by to eat your offering, I would not leave one, a hungry wild animal might unbury the food if you bury it, which can be very upsetting. I like planting seeds/flowers/saplings because I feel like I am paying my respects to both nature and my friend.

If you want, you can take time to meditate them, quietly leave. I dislike saying 'good bye' because I don't believe that it is good bye, but this is your choice. You might choose to place your hand gently against the spot before leaving, or say/sing something to say your farewells.

Afterwards, do something comforting, but do not dwell on the passing too much. If you like gardening, tend to your plants, if you do sports, go partake in some practice. It's not really to get your mind off the situation, but more so to move on, to show yourself you are able to live on and accept this passing as just part of nature.

If you ever feel yourself thinking about her, visit the spot, maybe leave an offering and meditate for awhile. Remember this is not the end. I believe that when it's the right time to move on to another animal friend/familiar, you will know it. It will feel right. Use your intuition to judge when it's the right time.

I hope that helped a bit. Again, I am sorry for your loss.
[i][color=spirit]It may be that no life is found,
Which only to one engine bound
Falls off, but cycles always round.
ALFRED TENNYSON, The Two Voices[/i][/color]

Can you hear the coyotes yipping?
They are having a good time.
Teasing the shadows.

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Post by Ravencry »

The only thing that I was able to do for her was bury her where she was born, and send her soul to Bast. your post did help, I am going to go offer her some of her favourite food (her mother would be the only one to stop by her grave other than me). Thank you for posting this needed info, I didn't know what to do to honor her.
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Post by Fie »

I'm glad I could help =)
[i][color=spirit]It may be that no life is found,
Which only to one engine bound
Falls off, but cycles always round.
ALFRED TENNYSON, The Two Voices[/i][/color]

Can you hear the coyotes yipping?
They are having a good time.
Teasing the shadows.

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