just a thought..What if our knowledge is readiness for war..

Discussion of Reincarnation, Afterlife, Life-Between-Lives (LBL)...

just a thought..What if our knowledge is readiness for war..

Post by lucky13 »

I think coming from me I am the parnoid freak now..This was a response to a message I had sent someone..Thought worthy of debate and thought. Now I have no proof, not worry about this matter but just a theory. I am not this passionate about this due to lack of proof at this time. We are coming closer to 2012, maybe all of the wtf in our lives is starting to make sense now. Again just a thought. when a person learns of hate before love, they invite certain things into their lives. Many would say if you didn't know the law, how can one be punished by it? But is not justice blind therefore the law is the law. What if just maybe every aspect of all religions are true. That would mean heaven and hell. So maybe it is just as simple as to two sides, understand there are hundreds of rituals and worship of magick but what if this need we all have to empower ourselves for knowledge is nothing more than a prepartion for war. Think about it, each year the population of "witches" is going. It wasn't so long ago witches were killed for the beliefs. Why are we growing. Some believe anyone can be a witch, but I don't think so. Reasons being I believe some are born spiritually blind and others not. Think about when did you know you were different. For the ones that came from families, still not the same. In one religion of the craft there are more than 22,000 that out of the closet witches. I don't think that we found our calling from watching movies, it was our fate. Moreso, just what if some of us will fighting against each other. Think about what just comes natural to you without books, and teachers. Finally, for once and for all one of the two superior beings wants to be the only master. I may sound crazy, or my imgination is just running wild, but look and our plant, the weather, and its all off. Every witch I know wants to learn what first? Protection and curses, while most of us won't curse because we believe in the law, but why is that maybe tactics for war? Who knows I am a writer for my day job...Just a thought...
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Post by shadowx »

Think about it, each year the population of "witches" is going. It wasn't so long ago witches were killed for the beliefs. Why are we growing
Simple, the internet.

See how many new people find this site a week, particularly teens, without the web they would never have found their way into paganism. The same goes for me.

The second factor you answered yourself, in a way... we are no longer killed for our beliefs, thus naturally the population expands. If the whole world stopped using weed killer then naturally the population of weeds expands.


There is no war coming, 2012 will be a let down to all those who so desperately want to be tortured to death by some sort of inter galactic death ray. I for one look forward to it. In december, on the 21st in fact, i will hopefully be standing with many pagans in a stone circle, and i will walk away from that experience laughing at those hiding underground for fear of... well that's the problem, no-one knows what they should be afraid of. Just weak, idiotic sheep who love the idea of death.

I will laugh, and i will laugh hard and openly laugh at those people, i plan on coming on here and making a whole thread taking the piss out of the people that think we are all going to die, or turn into angels or whatever else they think.

As for learning about protection/attack first, is that not human nature?

Plus, the first lesson given to new witches is almost always basic protection from the shielding techniques to the circle. All are protection. Teach someone how to defend and they will always have the curiosity of how the attack works, hence the interest in negative energy, not as in "how do i curse" but "i dont understand curses, what do they do?"
maybe all of the wtf in our lives is starting to make sense now.
I dont have any WTF in my life, it makes sense, mostly...
I believe some are born spiritually blind and others not
Then the question is, can the blind learn to see?
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Post by Wolfmoon caster »

I read something before that talked about all this can't remember were though. It talked about how 2012 will be the age of enlightenment and those that are more spiritually advanced will have to take charge because their will be a sort of veil lifted in 2012( apparently celestail beings were always on earth but during the time of Atlantis when everyone was spiritually advanced and technologically advanced, technology began to become the main concern for everyone until they just completly forgot about their spirituallity and that caused a great karmic backlash in the universe Which destroyed Atlantis and stopped celestail beings from entering earth until we begin to become more spiritual again, and that was also why the numbers of angel sightings have increased now that were near 2012 because they are celestail beings who are beginning to regain access to earth and they are here to help us) and so once this veil is lifted in 2012 we will have to lead the world into becoming more spiritually advanced or else people who are greedy and ignorant will lead everyone in the wrong direction ( their was also something about the christain church trying to take over because god doesn't exist he was created so no one would become enlightened except those who know the truth so they will be able
to control everyone). And the reason our numbers are increasing is so we can prepare ourselves for war against the greedy and ignorant.

If you have time I suggest you download and read this book called the Thiaoouba Prophecy. Go on this website and click on the book- English version and download it, it's really good and you and anyone else will enjoy
it. http://bioresonant.com/freebooks.html


Post by lucky13 »

Do I think the world is going to end in 2012? I am not the fence and have alot of theories on that but failure to be passionate due to lack of proof. However, what about the Mayan calender? Haven't their predictions been true so far? How about the fact that almost in all religions speaks about preparation for war? Do you think there would not be as many witches without the internet? Sooner or later would the human race have to be, so another race can develop?
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Post by shadowx »


Jesus frikking christ. why is that no matter how many times i or anyone else says it, no-one ever listens? Is this not like sticking your fingers in your ears when i tell you santa isnt real and just kidding yourself because you like the idea?

Grow up people. Seriously....

Allow me to quote many, many sources. If you still dont listen and cant give me any reasonably proof or theories i will personally put you on my "Loony, ignore this person" list. Comprende? Let me begin:
The critical error is the statement that the Mayan calendar “ends” or terminates on December 21st, 2012, which is simply untrue. On that day, the Mayan calendar will just chug on along into another cycle; it is the equivalent of saying that the world will end shortly after Christmas this year because the Gregorian calendar “ends” on December 31st. This is obviously ridiculous; the calendar doesn’t “end,” it simply starts another cycle. In fact, the Great Cycle has come to a conclusion several times in recorded history and catastrophe has not materialized. The last time a Great Cycle restarted was September 18th, 1618, and surprisingly, the world did not conclude. Nor did it on June 15th, 1224, or on March 13th, 830. There is no evidence anywhere in the archaeological record of Mayans who associated the restarting of the Great Cycle with cataclysm. Period.
Read the bold text even if you are too lazy to read the rest...

A site that looks very helpful, it has info on 2012 which is all lies and follows the traditional "im a freaking loony" web-design rules. Their survival guide is very helpful: http://www.greatdreams.com/survival.htm

How to survive:

and many more... I am sure glad they arent scaremongering... that would just be sad :(

Read: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 730AAM17ze
The whole thing started out with unqualified people (Jose Arguelles and Zecharia Sitchen) misinterpreting the Mayan calendar (it doesn’t end, it merely recycles) and ancient Sumerian writings about the planet Jupiter. Then a woman named Nancy Lieder, who thinks she hears messages from aliens in her head claimed that “Planet X” would return in 2003. When that imaginary planet (unsurprisingly) failed to appear on schedule, she decided to hijack Sitchen's imaginary planet for her alien fantasies. She changed her doomsday to 2012 to agree with Arguelles unique interpretation (unique in this case meaning that no actual Mayanist scholar agrees with it) of the Mayan calendar. It has been all downhill from there. People keep tacking on new fantasies, none of which have a shred of scientific validity.
Here is a list of previous doomsday dates:

Each time the World is predicted to end, Their always WRONG.
These are some predictions of the world ending before 2012 :


So, if you believe we are f*cked come 2012, why? why are YOU right but all of these people are wrong? why are THEY loonies, and yet you are a genius? You are the same as them. a FOOL. Jesus.... you people cant comprehend how much i DETEST your sheer lack of logic.

now, if anyone actually read all of those FACTS and have INTELLIGENT remarks to make, let us debate... I am not unreasonable, i will debate with logic, reason and sense. If you cant do the same just take a step back and let the adults talk.

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Post by Wolfmoon caster »

I have also done my research on the topic before and it isn't with the time to argue about doomsday because after one doomsday year passes another one comes along, after 2012 we are set to die in 2014 when an astroid on a collision course to earth will destroy us, then If that doesn't work in 2020 the world is supposed to end because it was predicted the apocalypse will begin, in 2025 Something else, and anytime in the 21 century the Antichrist will come and destroy us. Humans have and always will fear the End of life, and when one doomsday theory is debunked they find another one to latch on to, it is senseless to try and stop ppl from beleiving in one theory because they"ll just move on to another.

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Post by shadowx »

Now i am confused... at first it seemed you believed, and now you dont?
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Post by Wolfmoon caster »

Oh no I don't beleive I was simply suggesting reading material. ( I love reading and doomsday books are very interesting) I just wanted to add what I have read about the theory. :)
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Post by shadowx »

I will spare you my wrath on the 22nd then :P
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Post by Wolfmoon caster »

Lol. Thank you :) I bet you would definetly enjoy the book I suggested.
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Post by WitchyLady506 »

From what I understand this planet, unless done in my the inhabitants, will be fine for the next 2 billion years, as that's when scientists think the planet will die out, but then again, that's what they think and it could 3 or 4 or 5+ billion years. The only thing we have to fear causing the end of the world anytime soon is us, or possible aliens, but pick your poison.
They say only Silver Bullets kill the beast inside.....

Post by Laarien »

I know I'm VERY new to the boards, and my opinion may not matter to anyone, but I thought I'd share anyway. (Please no one take this personally. I'm sort of stepping out of my "don't-ever-get-involved-in-what-could-potentially-become-a-heated-debate" comfort zone.) :P

That being said, I personally don't have even a twinge of faith in any of the prophecies (aside from the whole "anything can happen" idea). I actually prefer to stay ignorant to them all. (They're just not my thing.) So, if something catastrophic does happen, it's going to surprise the heck out of me. Which is how I prefer it. IMO, why spend your life anticipating and fearing death, or obsessing over WHEN this world will end? Just be thankful you're in it. Live your life, have fun, just be. I can empathize with people who take interest in the topic, educate themselves on it, etc... but to be downright afraid of 2012? I don't know, I just can't wrap my head around it.
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Post by reikihealer83 »

Hi Everyone!

First, I moved this topic because it fits more in the 2012 section of the boards. I want to commend everyone for being so respectful of different views thank you. It is important that we all respect each other even when we do not agree.

That being said, I do not believe for one second that the world will end or whatever in 2012. I do think that we who are more spiritually aware will have a lot to look forward to even if it is not right away. I do believe we will all be put into a situation where we will have to closely examine who we are and what we are truly meant to do on this earth. These are just my humble thoughts.
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Post by shadowx »

That being said, I do not believe for one second that the world will end or whatever in 2012. I do think that we who are more spiritually aware will have a lot to look forward to even if it is not right away. I do believe we will all be put into a situation where we will have to closely examine who we are and what we are truly meant to do on this earth. These are just my humble thoughts.
but how? Why?

What causes us to examine ourselves?
Ginger Faith!
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Post by Ginger Faith! »

shadowx wrote:
That being said, I do not believe for one second that the world will end or whatever in 2012. I do think that we who are more spiritually aware will have a lot to look forward to even if it is not right away. I do believe we will all be put into a situation where we will have to closely examine who we are and what we are truly meant to do on this earth. These are just my humble thoughts.
but how? Why?

What causes us to examine ourselves?
Because of our 'foolishness', correct?
Some might scrutinize themselves on December 21, 2012, because of the rumors and the 'facts'. I, for one, KNOW the world won't end. I KNOW that it will, in about another 100 million years, because this planet is a star, after all, and ALL stars blow up, eventually. HELLO, big bang.
Anyway, back to this, because of the 'huge uproar' of the world 'ending', SOME[smart, in a way] people have begun to think that maybe on that date, instead of the world being brought to hell, the people spiritually AWARE will feel the 'change in dimension'. Some people out there believe that if they survive, what they call, the 'world ending', it makes them, how can i say, special? That they should be able to move on in their spiritual walk.
How should i know?
I don't know you, or other people's belief about what will happen next.
Although, if you ask me, i kinda do know yours, Shadow, because you seem to rant and rave about all of your beliefs :wink:

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