
Discussion of runes.
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Post by Jas »


The origin of runes has never been marked officially, but evidence of their existence dates back more than 5000 years. The name “rune” has similar meanings in several languages, which can be translated as “secret”, “mystery”, “whisper”, or “incantation.” Runes were used as an ancient alphabet and inspired many languages. As such, the shape of the symbols has changed to suit different nations. A common theme in all rune sets though is that each symbol is seen as a rune staff. The shape and balance of the rune holds importance to it’s meaning.

This guide is based on the original 24 Futhark runes. This set of runes is named after the first 6 runes of the alphabet. The Futhark consist of 3 groups of 8, called “aetts”. The first aett is made of runes symbolizing actions; the second aett is made up of mostly irreversible or magical runes; the third aett consists of runes revolving around mankind and society.


Feoh is the first rune of the first aett, pronounced ‘fee’. This rune represents the letter F, and is the first rune used in the name Futhark. The meaning of this rune is cattle, acquisition of and care for your wealth. A clue toward this is in the rune itself; the symbol imitates that of a bull’s head. In ancient times, the size of one’s herd to cull the land was a symbol of their wealth, hence why this rune represents cattle and wealth simultaneously. During readings, this rune reversed symbolizes failure, wasted energy, dwindling wealth, and delay.

Ur is the second rune of the first aett, pronounced ‘urr’. This rune represents U and is the second rune used seen in the name Futhark. This rune symbolizes the auroch, strength, ability to face challenges, opportunities for change, and new responsibilities. The rune’s image takes the form of the strong shoulders of a wild ox or auroch. During readings, this rune reversed symbolizes missed chances, low energy, lack of self-confidence, fear of change, and bad luck.

Thorn is the third rune of the first aett, pronounced ‘thorn’. This rune represents the sound TH and is seen in the name Futhark. This rune symbolizes decisions requiring guidance, caution, setback, self-protection, and unexpected help. The rune’s image represents that of a thorn, which can be dangerous and harmful, but once you get past it, it can offer protection. During readings, this rune reversed symbolizes extreme caution, flexibility, stillness, and suggests no action.

Os is the fourth rune in the first aett, pronounced ‘oss’. This rune represents the sound O and is represented by the ‘a’ in Futhark. This rune symbolizes communication, news, learning, information. The rune’s image represents both an elder (symbolizing knowledge) and the flow of air needed for communication. During readings, this rune reversed symbolizes mischief, gossip, misinformation, and refusal to learn.

Rad is the fifth rune of the first aett, pronounced ‘rad’. This rune represents R and is the second-to-last letter in the name Futhark. This rune symbolizes riding, action, journeys, and the right path. The rune’s image imitates that of a horse’s head and forelegs stepping out, hence it’s meaning of riding translating into action. During readings, this rune reversed symbolizes delays, difficult paths, and learning the hard way.

Cen is the sixth rune of the first aett, pronounced ‘ken’. This rune represents the sound K and is the last letter in the name Futhark. This rune symbolizes a torch, creativity, positivity, knowledge, power, and transformation. The rune’s image imitates both the guiding torch of a lighthouse, and the eye of knowledge and power. During readings, this rune reversed symbolizes loss of social standing, loss of belongings, limitations, ignorance, and lies.

Gifu is the seventh rune of the first aett, pronounced ‘gifu’. This rune represents the sound G. This rune symbolizes gifts, partnerships, love, friendship, and unity. The rune’s image represents arms crossed around someone as in a hug, or two faces kissing. Gifu is the first rune that is irreversible; the image and meaning is the same even when it falls reversed in a reading.

Wyn is the last run of the first aett, pronounced ‘win’. This rune represents the letter W. This rune symbolizes joy, harmony, happiness, enthusiasm, and encouragement. The rune’s image is that of a flag, usually representing victory. The meaning of this rune comes from it’s name, to win anything causes joy. During readings, this rune reversed symbolizes unhappiness, grief, loss, and disparate energies.

Haegl is the first rune of the second aett, pronounced ‘hail’. This rune represents the letter H. This rune symbolizes hail, transformation, disruption, setbacks for the better, lack of control. The rune’s image symbolizes hail falling in harsh lines, but shows hope in the parallel starting and ending lines, suggesting that the outcome will not be negative. Haegl is the second irreversible rune; the image and meaning is the same when it falls reversed in a reading.

Nyd is the second rune of the second aett, pronounced ‘need’. This rune represents the letter N. This rune symbolizes need, necessity, caution, patience, appropriate action, duty, and fears. The rune’s image represents crossed sticks to create fire, one of the most important needs of humans but one that requires caution and patience. Nyd is the third irreversible rune; the image and meaning is the same when it falls reversed in a reading.

Is is the third rune of the second aett, pronounced ‘ice’. This rune represents the letter I. This rune symbolizes ice, stillness, end of activity, clarity, and suggests you wait. The rune’s image imitates an icicle, but also is the strong core of the other runes. Is is the fourth irreversible rune; the image and meaning is the same when it falls reversed in a reading.

Ger is the fourth rune of the second aett, pronounced ‘jear’. This rune represents the letter J. This rune symbolizes year, harvest, growth, regeneration, reward, and endings and beginnings. The rune’s image represents the sickle and plow, and two faces of the moon, both symbolic of the wheel of time. Ger is the fifth irreversible rune; the image and meaning is the same when it falls reversed in a reading.

Eoh is the fifth rune of the second aett, pronounced ‘yew’. This rune represents the letter E. This rune symbolizes the yew tree, hope, past news, recurrence, defence against danger, and survival. The rune’s image represents a yew tree, which was a source of hope and also commonly used as a material for bows (also represented in the rune). Eoh is, of course, another irreversible rune; the image and meaning is the same when it falls reversed in a reading.

Peorth is the sixth rune of the second aett, pronounced ‘porth’. This rune represents the letter P. This rune symbolizes mystery, secrets, hidden knowledge, and potential. The rune’s image represents a tipped cup or a gateway. Peorth has forever been the most mysterious rune and is associated with women and magic. During readings, this rune reversed symbolizes unpleasant surprises, disappointments, devious intentions, and concealment.

Eolhx is the seventh rune of the second aett, pronounced ‘eelx’. This rune represents the sounds X and Z. This rune symbolizes elk, protection, friendship, positive influences, trust, and optimism. The rune’s image imitates an elk’s antlers, a trident for catching fish, or a bird’s footprint, all of which have long been positive omens. During readings, this rune reversed symbolizes danger through ignorance, vulnerability, greed, and lack of sensitivity.

Sigel is the last rune of the second aett, pronounced ‘sigil’. This rune represents the letter S. This rune symbolizes the sun, success, health, wise direction, and victory. The rune’s image represents heat waves in the sky. Sigel is the seventh irreversible rune; the image and meaning is the same when it falls reversed in a reading.

Tir is the first rune of the third aett, pronounced ‘tear’. This rune represents the letter T. This rune symbolizes the stars, courage, motivation, increase in wealth and power, justice, positive balance. The rune’s image represents both a shooting star and justice scales. During readings, this rune reversed symbolizes lack of energy, impatience, failure, and injustice.

Beorc is the second rune of the third aett, pronounced ‘birch’. This rune represents the letter B. This rune symbolizes the birch tree, growth, generation, birth, family, and motherhood. The rune’s image represents the nurturing breasts of a mother, which give growth to babies. During readings, this rune reversed symbolizes family problems, disputes, misfortunes, and loss of creative energy.

Eh is the third rune of the third aett, pronounced as a hard ‘a’. This rune represents the sound A. This rune symbolizes horses, movement, travel, progress, loyalty, and contracts. The rune’s image represents a standing horse, ready to move. During readings, this rune reversed symbolizes unplanned changes, changes for the worse, long journey, and an inability to move forward.

Man is the fourth rune of the third aett, pronounced ‘man’. This rune represents mankind, humanity, assistance, relatives, useful contacts, and combined action. The rune’s image, like Gifu, represents two people kissing. It also represents two flags, symbolizing nations working together. During readings, this rune reversed symbolizes self-imposed isolation, obstruction, selfishness, and destructive behavior.

Lagu is the fifth rune of the third aett, pronounced ‘lagoo’. This rune represents the letter L. This rune symbolizes water, intuition, psychic abilities, inspiration, life-force and strong feelings. The rune’s image represents the rune Is (symbol of ice) melting and also the Spring leek which is a symbol of life. During readings, this rune reversed symbolizes confused thoughts or feelings, wrong decisions, lack of creativity, and neurosis.

Ing is the sixth rune of the third aett, pronounced ‘ng’. This rune represents the sound NG. This rune symbolizes a beacon, ambition, realization of a dream, successful conclusions, inner harmony, and relief. The rune’s image represents a sprouted seed or more modernly, a string of DNA. Ing is the eight irreversible rune; the image and meaning is the same when it falls reversed in a reading.

Ethel is the seventh rune of the third aett, pronounced ‘ethel’. This rune represents the sound OE. This rune symbolizes home, heirlooms, inheritance, and memory. The rune’s image represents the ground plan of a building or farm. During readings, this rune reversed symbolizes delay, frustration, impatience, insecurity, loss of identity, and confusion.

Dag is the last rune of the third aett, pronounced ‘dag’. This rune represents the letter D. This rune symbolizes day, balance, new start, completion, increase, growth, optimism, and positivity. The rune’s image represents the union of day and night, and also balanced scales. Dag is the final irreversible rune; the image and meaning is the same when it falls reversed in a reading.
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