Hearing voices

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.

Hearing voices

Post by Rachel »

Okay so I've been having issues. Lately I haven't been able to get to sleep and when I do I wake up between 3:30- 4:30 and can't get back to sleep. One particular night however I was going back to sleep around 7:00 am and as I was in a light sleep, almost in a meditative state I assume I heard voices. "No, Go Away, Thank you, Stop It" just all these ghostly type voices and the dream I had right after this someone died.. I either killed them or something else killed them and I heard a voice saying "Thank You"
I guess I want to know is this normal, what do you think is was, is something trying to tell me something? I'm rather confused.
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Post by 5moons »

No you are not crazy. You are just so relaxed and intuned that the spirit world is just like our world and they do things like they always have as if they are still alive in this world. It is not a bad thing if you here bits and peices of there world come into your head. Unless you are here them tell you kill people than you better stop.

Post by apollo »

Hmm, this is the weirdest thing, after I got done reading your post last night I took a light nap because I had to get up early to drive with my Instructor, and when I was kind of half asleep and half awake I too heard voices. This is my first time hearing voices and I'm thinking I heard them because I was thinking about your post so much. It was so weird after thinking you did the exact same thing.
Ayeka the Cat spirit

The same thing!

Post by Ayeka the Cat spirit »

I had this sort of thing happen to me before! I was trying to sleep one night of few years back, and I was in that half sleep half awake faze you people are talking about. Just when I was dozing off I heard all these ghostly, kind-of-either childish or female vioces calling out "Please Help Us!" They kept on screaming that along with my name. (real name's Melissa..) Who are they?
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Post by Starwitch »

I have also heard voices while drifting off to sleep, and sometimes even when I'm wide awake, but that's rare. When I lived in a different house, I would try to go to sleep and I'd hear a man and woman arguing. My intuition told me it was a couple that lived down the road from us, but I don't know for sure. Sometimes the voices would be different people. I never really knew who they were and can't usually make out what they're saying either. It's like listening to muffled voices through a wall or something. I guess it's not too unusual since so many of us has experienced it.


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