divination in general

For discussion and questions about divination techniques including runes, crystal ball gazing, psychic readings, dowsing, etc. Questions, answers, and talk about Divination.
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divination in general

Post by Witch13 »

From the old times people wanted to know the future "knowing what is yet to come gives us power, we prepare our selves, and yes we change the future".
Everybody has the power to do so, i am sure all of us have an experiense to share. Some are more intuitive than others, but i know for sure that intuition is something that grows with time and practise!!
How does a witch see the future?
There are numerous ways to do so. The tarot, the runes, crystal spheres and many more..
A witch works (doesnt use) with tools to "see " the future.

How does it work?
A witch once said "there is no such thing a s a coincidense in this world" with that in mind the above question has been answered. To make it simple, picking a card out of many to answer a question of yours and give guidance, that card wont be just any card it will be the "one" card. Thing of it like puzzle pieces put to place, got the point?
Dont doubt them, and above all dont fear them.

Which tool is best for me?
Not all witches work well with tarot and not all witches understand the runes, some work with only one tool some with 2 or more. To know which is your way simply give it a try.
Note: crystal spheres are expensive and it would be devastating to buy one only to find that you cant work well with it..so do this, put water in a bowl and then put it in the freezer . When it is finally frozen gaze at the ice and see what happens.. ;)

Where can i find these items?
Tarot are easy to find, try the big bookstores, runes can be found there as well in the form of cards. As for the others try occult shops, and lets not forget the internet:)
NOTE: we see what might happen, no we see what will happen if we let it be, we can change the future with our actions. Even the tiniest stone can cause ripples..
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Post by Ankhhape »

Are you asking yourself questions and answering them? LOL, kidding!
My belief is that we cannot know the future, but we can shape it. We can know the present and the past.

The Tarot as well as other 'Divine' tools are to be used for looking inwards for a better understanding of ourselves, not as a 'fortune telling' trick.
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Post by hummingbird3 »

good advice. also some witches just have more ability with second sight. don't feel bad if you just can't do it lol.
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Post by Witch13 »

The future is changeable through divination we know what might come, the very fact we do a divination can change the future.
And true not all of us have a calling for divinations..but from personal experiense i know that intuition is something that grows with time and practise
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Post by Granamyr »

I don't believe anyone knows the future. I believe what we do is see patterns and connections and the better we are at that, the more accurate our predictions will be.

However, in the moment I see a connection but then stop focusing on it, someone can change their mind and alter a very significant connection or tremble the web of wyrd in a way that changes what I "saw". Since I didn't know they changed their mind, I would appear to be a false psychic. This is why psychic work and things like divination are scoffed at, because it's not infallible and people want us to be all-knowing and powerful! Sigh. It doesn't work that way.
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Post by [new_witch] »

divination is something really very tough for me every time i try some one interrupts me.........
knowledge is my aim.
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i see

Post by Witch13 »

Isee your points of view..
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Post by ImperfectAngel »

Witch13 wrote:The future is changeable through divination we know what might come, the very fact we do a divination can change the future.
And true not all of us have a calling for divinations..but from personal experiense i know that intuition is something that grows with time and practise
Very well put :)

Post by ~MidnightRaven~ »

I have a rune set that my best friend made me. He is very interested in Paganism also, his real father is a Pagan. He hardy gets to see him because his mother has full custody over him. We were both wondering how would you use runes for divination?
I appreciate all the help. :)
Blessed be.
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Post by Witch13 »

you can ask a queston and draw one rune from a sachet.. that rune would be the answer of what you should do.
personally i place a small shell in the center of my cloth and throw the runes around with both hands..the runes that come face up are to be concidered the ones down are not needed right now.
now to see if a rune is inverted or not i picture ripples with the shell as center..those ripples are the lines where the rune stands and that shows inveretd or not.
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well sorry to appear all of a sudden here sneezing,got cold.

But one thing I want to ask is it mandatory to focus and meditate before divination and then to see all the cards in the light of energy????

Does my concious or the subconcious prompts me to pick the card???
How does the Nature guides me in a divination???

Well I think I need a basic guideline to divination........I am goin to try out divination,I have never tried it before,so I require guidance.

Apart from this...........is it possible to cast spells based on divination tools such as tarot cards ??? if yes then how???
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Post by Witch13 »

1.usually i dont meditate before divinations, i just cast the cards, but sometimes it seems to me that the cars dont want to talk with me so a bit of meditation might do the trick.
2. when i pick cards i just look at them and choose the ones i feel better/right. they all have the same backcover so you cant tell which is which.
3. the element of water is closely tied with divination and intuition, azing in the reflecting surface of water you can perform divinatin (scrying).
Lighting a candle (element of fire) can bring about that mysterious atmosphere for divinations, its more of psychological than magical.
4. casting spells with tarot cards huh? i have never been there actually. but for sure you can cast spells with runes :D personally i dont use tarot , but the clow which can be used in magic since each card has a meaning and power.
if you want help with your divinations feel free to post here your results so others can give you thei opinions and readings.
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Post by Witch13 »

Ps for a good divination you need to find the right cards for you. they must feel alright when you handle them. I had a tarot deck which wasnt for me and i could do divinations easily.
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Post by Li Li »

with divination is it the case of "practice makes perfect"? like a few years back i've tried tarot reading for myself and i think i was just placing any old cards down, but now i seem to be abit better at it eventhough i still read from the book lol.
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Post by Witch13 »

practise does help...for me at least
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