Black Panther totem

Discussion about spirit guides, angels, guardian spirits, and the like.

Black Panther totem

Post by SoraQuasar »

well, didnt know where to put this, and this section looked the more fitting one to share my story how i found out my totem.

6 months ago I meditated and found myself in the jungle at night time, i could feel a lot of animals around but couldnt really see them. as i was walking around a big black panther came to me [now i should say whole my life I liked cats and the wild cats, but I never really thought about panthers too much].
He was calm and looked deep into my eyes for a while, we didnt talk and we didnt do anything but calmly look at eachother. some time have passed like this and suddnly a bear came [could say he wasnt so calm himslef] and the panther attacked him. I woke up from that because i couldnt see that fight and i felt really tired.
After this encounter i searched the net for the meaning and came across "totem animals" [that frenkly i didnt know nothing about] i read some stuff and i came across the description of the black panther.
I have to admit, i really cried when i read it, it was so strong to me, like it WAS me but in a way, more perfect. now everytime i think about it, i get emotional...
well, some time back, i was talking with friends about dreams we had when we where kids. I have memory of 4 dreams that i still remember.
i was shoked when i rememberd one of them. in the dream [that i had when i was around 12 years old] i was running away from people in the woods, after a while i saw a cage with a a huge black cat locked in there [now i get it was a panther] once i saw it i found [dont laugh, i was 12 ] a shotgun in my hands and well... now i ren after the people XD.

well, thats my story.

I still havent spoken with the panther, he just comes to me sometimes, and i feel he is around.
well im waiting for him to be ready [and myself] so we could finally talk.

and humm... after a very hard periode i had [hearbreak and a lot headacks if you know what i mean] my panther pulled me out of it in the most right moment, and after that, i could see everything clear. i learnd a lot thanks to him. he saved me but also gave me the chance to learn and fight.

mmm... haaa and i still dont know whats his name T_T I dont want to give him a name beacuase i know he has one and when the time comes he will let me know.

oh and once last thing, after all that period, i decided to do a tattoo. i just have to tell ya guys, i always wanted it but i never done one because i know its for life and i never had anything i could really put on my body and know i would live with it all my life. but after all this... I did it.

my panther is always with me now ^_^

edit: OMG so many panthers in one post O_O i think i overdid this XD
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Post by AP670 »

Good for you. Its nice isn't it? Spider doesnt talk to me. Just visit every 15 mins or so. I talk to her though.

Post by SoraQuasar »

yeah I talk with the panther too... he's a good listener. listens and also, in some way, talkes back to me but without words at all. its wierd :P but i dont mind, that way i know he really listens and not just waiting for me to pet his head XD
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Post by AP670 »

SoraQuasar wrote:yeah I talk with the panther too... he's a good listener. listens and also, in some way, talkes back to me but without words at all. its wierd :P but i dont mind, that way i know he really listens and not just waiting for me to pet his head XD for you bro...

Post by SoraQuasar »

atheist of peace wrote:
SoraQuasar wrote:yeah I talk with the panther too... he's a good listener. listens and also, in some way, talkes back to me but without words at all. its wierd :P but i dont mind, that way i know he really listens and not just waiting for me to pet his head XD for you bro...
sis, not a bro :P
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Post by blackswordca »

heh, mine tends to just watch and smuck me upside the head when needed.
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