Question about Fairy Oracle deck

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Question about Fairy Oracle deck

Post by blackswordca »

I have a friend of mine who picked up a deck of fairy oracle cards and she seems to have developed quite the knack for them. Im wondering how accurate they tend to be.
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Post by NightRose »

It's been my experience that, in the hands of one with talent, just about anything can be used accurately. I have no experience with the cards you speak of, but I know people who cast tarot with a plain deck of 52 cards. I firmly believe most of the skill comes from the user, not the cards (though having a good deck you can work with always helps)
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Post by Imalorki »

The Decks have their own power...all of moot point there

Yes on those with talent

and I have that deck. For three card spread and day to day is accurate without a doubt. I don't know about how accurate it is with other kinds of readings because I only use them for three card spread and day to day.

Three card is Past. Present. Future. Of what you're asking. Past...what affects your present...present being something you may not be aware of...and most likely future that is down that path

Day to day is basically asking them...what do I need to know today
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