i just wanted to share a story...

Discussion about spirit guides, angels, guardian spirits, and the like.
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i just wanted to share a story...

Post by emmi116 »

I attended catholic school from preschool to 2nd grade. i started 3rd grade in the following september and it was my first year in public school and i knew absolutely no one. i was completely new to everything. in catholic school, i had been teased about everything, my weight, my glasses, my crooked teeth, and even my race. i had trouble trusting people from the very beginning and i had a very low self esteem as a child.

the second week of school i met this girl ashley. she and i somehow connected and i think now that it was because we were in some ways very similar. we knew what it was like to be teased (she was very heavy for her age) and so we were attracted to each other. we played together at recess and she was my first new friend in public school.

some time went by and she didn't show up for school. and about a few days later after i noticed her absence a classmate came up to me and said "Hey you know Ashley? you know 'fat Ashley' (that was her nickname, sadly)?" and i said yeah. my classmate then said "she died, yesterday" i was in 3rd grade and i wasn't mature enough emotionally to be stricken with grief. but now about 9 years later at the age of 18, i realize now that Ashley was an angel. i was so scared of my new environment and so afraid of being judged and hurt and here she was being my first friend. she made me feel comfortable and she introduced me to what are now my best friends. she made me feel that everything was going to be okay. she made me have courage come to school and not be afraid.

she was a guardian angel. i don't care what you say or think, you can't tell me that, she wasn't an angel sent from god to help me. she died at such a young age; i would have grown up with her and i would graduate with her in june, but i think she had fulfilled god's wishes and it was time for her to go. i thank god for bringing such a beautiful angel into my life.
love always,
One Walker
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Post by One Walker »

That's a beautiful story, emmi! I'm sure you're right about Ashley and you can take comfort in the idea-if you believe in such things-that all that passed was her physical body. She will enjoy more lives-if she hasn't reincarnated already-and I would venture to bet you'll be meeting her entity again-if not in this life then some other. It seems that entities are repeatedly drawn to each other as manifestations in the physical plane and no doubt you two were that for each other. What a Blessing!

One Walker. :D
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Post by Imiko »

That's a beautiful story. You were truly Blessed. ^.^ And I know about the teasing, sadly, I myself was teased until I began my Home schooling. :/ If you don't mind me asking, how did she pass away to the land of Peace?
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Post by emmi116 »

i don't know how she passed away. no one really knew although it's understood because we were in 3rd grade. i don't think they would have told us. i think it might have been something related to her weight as she was very obese. but no one in my graduating class who knew her can really say how she died.

i think i like it this way though...i think i like the fact that i don't know how she passed. i don't want to think of her possibly passing in any sort of pain.
love always,

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