soulmate or not...?

Discussion of Reincarnation, Afterlife, Life-Between-Lives (LBL)...
sapphire leah hope

soulmate or not...?

Post by sapphire leah hope »

Okay so best friend lately told me she was bi. This opened up doors in my mind i didn't even know were there. And lately i just feel like smiling whenever she's around, and i can't supress this weird feeling that arises when she and i talk about private stuff. our private stuff being the secret of Wicca. Our parents are all against it. But any way. Lately i've just been thinking that she's ... My one and that weird or is she my soul mate or do you just have any advice...? :oops: :(

Post by Annimaster »

I hope this does not come across as harsh. I think if she were your soulmate you would know without any need for questions.

I think you should write a list. (Pro and Con regarding a relationship with her)

If the Pro's outweigh the con's then tell her how you feel. It is always nice to have someones support in things that you have too/feel like you have to hide from the outside world.

But she could have shared her being bi-sexual with you because you both share private things already and she knows you will not judge her. So if you do decide to tell her, then try to feel her out if rejection is something that is hard for you to handle. Depending on what vibe you get from her then tell her or not. I hope this was helpful and not confusing!

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