Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by SpiritTalker »

🙏🏼 & 💚💙
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by Firebird »

Oh my dear Rosie, I wish I could give you a big Squeeze. Will you be driving there? Please keep us informed.
I will be lighting candles and sending Reiki.
Blessings, Firebird
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by SapphireRoad »

Blessed be your path Rosie
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Thank you all, it’s been a very emotional morning for me and my husband. We just feel so helpless. This is such a rare occurrence, affecting 1 in 5000 pregnancies. We are in Arkansas and saw a specialist in Little Rock yesterday who said she’s only see it 7 times in her 15 year career.

We’ll stop back in Little Rock for more testing on our way to Houston, but yes we are driving. We have requested to be referred to Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston instead of the one they had originally planned for us. My insurance will cover it and it is one of the best in the nation it looks like. If we do nothing, he will die. That is the hardest part of it all. If we are candidates for the surgery, we will definitely do it and he will likely need a kidney transplant after he is born. I’m thinking way ahead but we may temporarily move to Houston until we get through it all. My heart is completely broken but I’m trying to remain positive and put my trust in the doctors.

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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by Firebird »

My heart is aching with you, how very terrifying. :cry:
May your travels be swift and as enjoyable as possible. Children's Hospital has a fantastic reputation. You will be in good hands.
I will continue to send light and Reiki. Try to stay in the moment and breathe.> Hugs<
We are here for you.
Blessings, Firebird
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Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Good news to share! I can’t tell you all how happy I am right now to share this! We got news from a doctor today in Little Rock that our baby’s kidneys look healthy! They believe there is only a partial blockage in the urinate tract and that is very very promising! This is very different news than what they told us earlier in the week. They were able to drain his bladder and perform an amniocentesis. They drained 68 cc of bladder! (Written 6/11/20 but not shared at the time)

6/12/20 - Today we went back for our second bladder tap (draining the bladder) and got more news, the urine that was drained and tested showed good kidney function. This is huge regarding his survival! However, the hole they created yesterday in his bladder did not heal and created something called Ascites, which means the urine is leaking out of the hole and into his abdomen. This will hopefully correct itself in 1-2 weeks. The bladder is still filling up with urine but the drain has bought us some time.

We were not able to do the second bladder tap today after all. After the ultrasound baby boy turned over and turned his back to the doctor and she couldn’t reach the bladder. The doctors in Little Rock were in contact with the doctors in Houston who decided since kidney functions are normal and amniotic fluid levels are normal that there is no need for us to go to Houston after all.

We go back next week to Little Rock for a checkup/ultrasound and they will continue to be in communication with Houston but I’ll only need to go there is something goes changes negatively - which obviously we don’t want to happen. So it’s actually a good thing we don’t have to go to Houston.

Thanks for all your care, FF thank you for the Reiki, I think it is working! It has been quite an emotional roller coaster and I appreciate having this space to discuss and process it all.

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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by SpiritTalker »

Wonderful news. Yea for baby boy moonflower! 🥰
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by Firebird »

Rosie my dear, :) It's next week how are things looking? You have really promising news!, I am praying that stays the course and only keeps improving :fairy:

Glad you don't have to move, that would have been very trying.
It's hard enough being pregnant but to have worry on top of the regular worries is exhausting, do give yourself some leeway to cry, explode or just have a moment to yourself strolling in the woods.
Many blessings, Firebird
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Thanks FF, it has been trying. This week I feel like it’s built up to a point where it’s weighing me down. I do need to go for a walk in the woods or have a big cry in the bathtub.

This week the doctor found that the Ascites (urine leaking into abdomen from hole in bladder caused when they drained the bladder) had cleared up completely on its own. However, his bladder is filled up back to exactly where it was before. So based on that they feel it did more harm then good. They won’t do it again to avoid the ascites happening again. The good news is that there is still a good amount of amniotic fluid so lungs are in good shape, kidneys are still looking and functioning well so nothing is life threatening at the moment. She did tell me depending on how much pressure the bladder places in the lungs he could have respiratory problems as a child, but there is a good chance he would grow out of them. Her goal is to get me to a minimum of 32 weeks which would be the beginning of September.

The doctor has suggested waiting 2 weeks before coming back this time. She feels that things are stable and the odds of them turning negative or life threatening in that amount of time is very low. I’m putting my faith in her and going along with this recommendation. Also, she is communicating closely with the specialists in Houston at the children’s hospital. She is sending them a copy of my most recent ultrasound to see if they agree with everything she has said and will inform me if they have anything different to say about it. This makes me feel really good, like we’re getting the best of both worlds. Specialist care without having to drive all the way to Houston.

We’ll see our regular OB on Monday the 29 and the doctor of fetal medicine we’ve been seeing in Little Rock on July 2, so both in the same week. My local OB is on my Sh*t list kind of. It’s not her, but it is all the people I have to encounter in her office. (Clerical and nurses) I feel like they act like I’m an inconvenience now because I ask for more than I would before I learned that I had a high risk pregnancy.

For example, I asked if they could do and ultrasound when we are there to check amniotic fluid levels since we will miss a week prior and that would make me feel better. They went on about how my insurance may not cover it, so I offered to pay out of pocket but they couldn’t tell me how much it would cost.. I was like what? How could you not be able to find that out? I feel like they just don’t want to do it. Then they tell me their sonographer is out because she was in a car accident and may not even be back by my appointment. I told them I was so sorry for her accident but questioned if they didn’t have another sonographer to fill in? So of course they said they will call her and find out exactly when she plans to be back, all while making me feel like I’m a bother. I’m sorry, I just want what’s best for my baby!

I have zero intention of delivering there and want to deliver in Little Rock. But, I’m keeping the relationship with her office in case I go into labor and I’m not in LR. But, I wish I could just cut them out completely and insure I wouldn’t go into labor until induced with the LR doctors.

As far as me being gloomy, it’s probably a combination of a lot of factors; stress of the high risk pregnancy, stress of weekly check ins from family with basically the same information, (I know they all just care but I feel like they just want to hear “everything is okay and perfect and no need to worry, but I tell them the truth, things look good now but we have to keep monitoring in case that change, or they just want to talk about God and pray with me and beg me to put my faith in God or Jesus...), friends aren’t calling because I think they don’t know what to say and that stresses them out, the stress of feeling like I can’t plan or predict anything, knowing the good news could turn bad at any moment, the on top of that I’m finally feeling the woes of 2020; covid numbers are rising dramatically in my part of the state, people are at each other’s throats because the city has made a mandatory mask in public law and some people feel their rights are being infringed to be made to wear it (there are exceptions for children and people who can’t wear them for medical reasons), black lives matter movement is causing major disagreements between myself and my father in law (who is an old school white male who’s kind of racist in my opinion but he doesn’t feel that way), and as a public school educator I don’t have any idea what my work will look like next year.

The school I work at is huge, 2400 students and 200 faculty and 30-50 other staff on any given day. The majority of my students are minorities who live in poverty, live in extended family homes, and whose parents are essential workers in the food processing industry. Their community has been hit the hardest by covid and the CDC came this week to help. So all
I can think about is how if I have to go to the building when I have an infant son at home who has respiratory issues, I’m putting him at a huge risk and I definitely don’t want to do that. And, similarly I don’t want him in daycare! So I’m considering taking a leave of absence, which is %100 unpaid, and non insured.. putting all of that financial burden on my husband.

Obviously, just a lot of stuff on my mind causing me stress. I know I need to let all the other things go and only focus on my son, it’s just difficult. I’m a passionate person and I don’t want to sit on the sidelines when I feel
I should be advocating change. (This is not a political post btw, just me expressing my reasons for feeling stressed).

**Deep Breath** I know I can do this, just need some more positive energy to take over. Thank you all for caring. I hope none of you are feeling this stressed!!

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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Got some news, which has lightened my stress some. I am going to have to work until my baby is born, hopefully in September (because he’ll likely be born earlier than his late October due date, and he needs to get to at least 32 weeks which would be first week of September) so that’s 2-6 weeks of Covid exposure, which sucks but once he’s born I can take up to 12 weeks not including holiday breaks so I can stay home with him until almost January. This is the only way to keep my insurance which I desperately need right now.

More good news, I felt him move for the first time last night! I could feel it and see it on my stomach. Like little pulses or something and my skin would pop out with it. Makes me so glad to know he’s moving around! I go for my weekly ultrasound/check up tomorrow. I’ll let you know how it goes!
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by SpiritTalker »

I wonder who he’s dancing with in there? Good to here. Keep up the good work.
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by Firebird »

Hey! Thanks for the update :) that's good news! Baby kicking that is... working, not so much.
You're one strong lady, so I know you can do this. It's hard not to worry and I really get it, I was so scared that I would pass my virus to my baby it was hard to enjoy being pregnant. Try not to go down that rabbit hole. I will continue to send you love and light.
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Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by SilverMoon22 »

RosieMoonflower wrote:Hey all! Anyone want to have some fun and guess my pregnancy details? I thought it would be interesting if those who work with divination use their various tools and methods and see if they can guess correctly!

So, here goes! Will I have one baby? Twins? Triplets? Quads? (Oh yikes, please no! Haha!) multiples run in my family so I thought that would be a fun one!

Gender? Genders?? Lol

And finally, I’m due in October so guess the date! Which day in October will I deliver?

Anyways, it’s all for fun and also I thought it may be a cool way to test your divination skills!

So what do you think??

October 23rd
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by Firebird »

Hi KookieKrisp, sometimes tapatalk doesn't translate well here and you image is not visible. :(
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by SilverMoon22 »

firebirdflys wrote:Hi KookieKrisp, sometimes tapatalk doesn't translate well here and you image is not visible. :(
Oh it was a heart. So I should use old school emojis then.
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