Path of the Hex

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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by Firebird »

SpiritTalker wrote:Holy freakin' moly, batman!
Double freakin DITTO :shock: loveface
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

Well now ladies, thank you. You like it? :mrgreen:

The picture quality doesn't give much justice as it looses detail.... I should take these pics with my actual camera and not my phone.

Here's the raven close up.

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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

I'm riding a high wave and it doesn't seem to stop.

Last several weeks have been really awesome and also weird. I have made more new witch friends that ever before, I'm feeling inspired and everything craft related is going forward with huge leaps. I'm totally loving it!

But the most impressive thing is that I found this absolutely fantastic person, she's green witch, solitary and eclectic just like me. She's alder than I, lived in the US. I have intense connection with this person, its like we already know each other. As we started talking, everything felt natural and informal from the get go. I'm starting to be sure that I share a past life or soul connection with this person. There's something so familiar about her and it seems that our personalities compliment each other in a rare kind of way.

I have met only few people with whom I connect like this before and they can be counted by fingers of one hand. Since I started talking with her, things have been electric, vivid dreams, visions, my altar tools moving without physical influence, having a endless rush of inspiration. Its as if the connection to this person is lighting my spirit on creative fire. Oh and she's born in Leo btw. This is so cool as my best buddy (The guy who was in the hospital etc.) is a Leo too. I think there is a thing about me and people born in fire signs... Refer to my post on the previous page about me and fire. Seems to work on people too. :flyingwitch:
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

This all started around early October. I got into "the flow" again with my craft. Things have been going in place like its magick. Old friends going, new ones coming. I have found and bought a lot of things I've dreamed about. I have had visions and meditations have been awesome. Also my spell work has been largely successful lately. One friend I "found" seems to be a soulmate of some kind, as if I've known her for all my life. I made my wand when it called me, found new magick tools and built my altar into a shrine almost. It has been time of reflection and revelation. Some experience has been on the verge of what you could call "religious" experience. I haven't had this kind of very intense period in my life for a long time. Last time was almost two years ago when I began this witchcraft journey.

The latest episode of amazing was my friends visit, he was here for week and a day. He's German Chinese, very unique personality with an interesting background. And I never knew how deeply spiritual person he is, we had long discussions about philosophy, witchcraft, relationships, religion, life in general, everything under the moon. I feel it was destiny for this to happen as he gave me so much perspective on things. A lot of totally unexpected nice things happened in such a short time... I'm still winding down from it and making sense to everything.

One of the peculiar things was when we had a talk about human nature and about how many people are very logical and predictable. I then asked what he thinks about me, he said that I'm not the predictable kind because in his view I'm highly intelligent person. This was a huge surprise, this guy is the brightest person I know and he calls me intelligent... I have never viewed myself as being really smart, more of the creative kind as I'm not that quick witted and my memory is like Swiss cheese, or perhaps like a fuzzy logic quantum computer which has "malfunctions" all the time and weird ways of doing things. But intelligent, not in the normal sense. I was surprised. He's not the only one to say such things lately and its flattering to say at least. Maybe I should take their word for it. :mrgreen:

I feel that the quickening before Samhain is cooling down already. But I have a hunch that intense new experience lies ahead and this is just paving the way for it. On Samhain/Kekri I began my second year and a day and this time I will be more active about it and dive deeper into the craft. So far it has brought many good things in my life. New AWESOME friends, a deeper understanding of things and different insight into life. And last but not least, a peace of mind I haven't had before. I have been thinking if it is the time to completely come out of the broom closet, keep my things out in the open in my place 24/7 and so on.

And to end this with a picture, my new things are charging on the altar. There's golden pheasant feathers, a really cool big feather from a Finnish bird which is bit like a turkey. Then there's moss and bark from lightning struct spruce trees, I found four of them near our summerhouse. I also took branches which would be fine wands, but forgot to take them home. ... f-full.jpg
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

Summary of 2019.

This was clearly a year of HUGE shifts and changes in my life, it was a year of realization and reflection. Also a year of great mental exhaustion and pain and big shift towards better in many ways. A growing experience. My hunch about 2020 is that its gonna be a high point of my life in many ways.

My relationships have changed a lot. I finally kicked my ex out of my life completely and I had to do it the hard way of removing and blocking her out. There was no other option, she was driving me insane. I started suffer from nearly chronic exhaustion and depression and I think I left in the last possible moment. I have found many great friends this year, mostly online, but more than in a long long time. Meaningful friends who will possibly stick around for the rest of my life. And perhaps a new girlfriend too.

My music stuff has taken a new positive turn with my black metal band, first show, soon coming first release with me on drums and so on. We have a cool thing going on with them.

My craft has deepened a lot, I've learned so much this year and so many prayers have been answered. I'm looking forward to the next year being even more awesome. On Samhain night I set in motion my second year and a day... My speelwork has been very successful lately and I've learned so much, specially about charm making, visions and candle magick. I'm expecting a huge cool gift from a witch friend of mine which should arrive in the post soon. I will post some new altar pictures some time soon. I'm sure there's people here who will appreciate it.

My hunch for 2020 is that for me, its gonna be a ride, BIG time.

Happy new year witches. :flyingwitch:
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

Btw, some times I hate facebook groups. It seems that each of them has either totally stupid rules about what not or some quircky moderator who acts like a tyrant. Or an idiot. My post which I'm going to type here was deleted for containing "low key promotion of a band" which is absolutely retarded! Of course I will mention my band because this little DIY craft thing has everything to do with my music. I would like to use some very strong words here to describe how much I like their idiotic rules about what not, but to keep things civil, I will refrain from doing so. Feel free to imagine what this made me feel...

Anyway, on to the nicer things, photobucket is trying to force me to pay money for histing pics on their site, so here's a link to fb picture instead. I tried several picture hosting sites and everything seems to go wrong today. I blame Mercury retrograde for this.

I have been very busy with other things in life, not being able to stay online so much and that time goes in other circles for now. I'm busy with my band and to keep my craft going, I have decided to do spellwork on music related things. Withccraft fits perfectly with this band as our songs are occult themed and everyone's more or less in the same mindset. We wear masks on stage, I have a muscial skill spell cast on mine to enchance my drumming. I wanted to make new bassdrumheads for us so here's what I came up with.

There's my stage name, Noitavasara, Witchhammer. I bet you know what that is. Its a ironic name to use, I picked it ages ago to give church a finger about witch hunts. Also the name ties to my last name as its last word is hammer and I happen to be a witch, so I find it fitting. Then I added several symbols, six pointed star as we use the same on our bands logo, combined Mercury/Uranus symbol on the other, guardians of the elements/directions as I really love those and a prayer/spell for success in theban. Along with some numerological play as I like it, "so be it" five times in the end and four air invoking pentagrams. ä

I'm not done yet, next thing is to make a musical charm that I'll hang on my drums. I'm yet to decide how to make it and with which ingredients... :) I will post more as I get stuff done. ... e=5ECA8866
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

Btw, the thing on the drumkit is a rubber chicken. :D No chickens were hurt for taking that picture. I would never do such thing. But if I stumble upon a skull of a moose or a deer, I could sure hang it on my drums. :D That would be cool. Actually I would love to have something like that on my altar to have the spirit of the forest hang around the house, those spirits tend to be quite nice companions. ;)
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

Got to love everyday witchcraft, I have been very busy making a second release of our bands first demo, this time on a good old C-cassette. The whole release is pretty much my own making, I just finished working on the booklet which is going to be professionally printed five page one.

At the moment I'm recording tape 007. It takes ages, the print is limited to 111 copies and it requires a 90 minute tape as the B side is our first gig in its entirety. I got +70 tapes hoarded and still forty short. Cassettes are quite difficult to aquire these days, but I was lucky. Last year my German friend found a bag on a street and inside were about sixty brand new Sony 90 minute tapes, he had no use for them so he mailed them to me and thus solved the problem for me. Got to love that guy, he's just awesome friend.

Back to the craft and music, I decided to use magick to make this tape sell. I have been interested in Gematria for a while, already loving numerology a lot, the conclusion was an easy one, I will use words and numbers to cast a spell on this tape. We talked about limiting the print to some number and 111 just popped in my mind. It turned out that the word 'witchcraft' has value of 111 in a certain cipher. Then I began thinking about release date and a spell to match it, I ended up with number sixty four as many fitting words and phrases have that value. 64 is also 11th fibonacci and triangular number, eleven is the master number and ties in with 111. 64 can also be divided with 2 as in duality, 4 as in four elements, 8 as in eight sabbats and so on.

I made up a spell which has 64 smeared all over it with such words as true, kult, thelema, black metal, breakthrough, spell, eye see(as in I see), ingite, pyre, do what thou wilt and so on. There's a lot of text in theban on the album booklet and by coincidence(as if. ;) ) many of the words I used correspond with 64.

The release date is 21.03.2020, it adds to 64. 21+3+20+20. It also gives number ten. 2+1+3+2+2. As big shot kabbalists are using this code to do everything, I though I can too as its just a method among others. I'm also planning to charge the tapes when they're ready for a release. With little luck I will have them all recorded by next full moon.

Being busy doesn't end here, tomorrow we will begin recording drums for our third release, five songs in three days so its going to be a lot of work in a short time.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

I have been very lazy with the craft lately... But picking up the pace, next plans are everyday magic with music and fishing. I will soon recieve the album booklets for our forthcoming tape release of our first demo, which also is my debute with Thelemic Gates.

The release is a numelogical ritual, as is fitting for occult themed black metal band. The album covers are full of symbolism and numerology, spells written in theban which gemtaria values which correspond with the release date, band members and so on. Heavy emphasis on masternumber 11 and its repdigit 111, also 64 which is the date numerology of the release and my birthday this year. A lot of this happened "by chance" while I was making the booklet art and planning out the release date. And just by chance, the release date was postponed once from 21.3.2020 to 20.4.2020 which just happens to be the 111th day of the year, 88 days from my birthday. The album is limited to 111 copies and the word Witchcraft has gematria value of 111. The number is symbols on the booklet is also important, there's a lot of four and eight which are divisors of 64 and important numbers as you all know...

Then some fishing magick, I'm going to build several new fishtraps again and this time I will use fibonacci sequence as the base of measurements. I did this before and now I'll do it even furhter. My earlier fishtraps work like a charm and I'm hoping to make even better ones. After building them, they sure call for charging and a spell cast on them to ensure a good catch. ;)

What ever method gives me my first catch of the year will be set free and given as an offering to the lake guardian. I did that last year and got very good catch all summer. There's a lot of wisdom in the old ways, Finnish fishermen are known for being "superstitious" and casting everyday spells to ensure good fortune on the waters, I want to keep these traditions alive, I wish I could teach this stuff to some younger people too, the traditions with fishing are disappearing fast unless someone keeps it alive.

So not that much writing and rituals this spring so far, but other things instead... Lets see how this year will go from now on. I'm hoping for easy time with all the corona insanity so I wont be locked inside the house. If that happens, I will sure grab the pen and write and draw a lot. Or build even more fish traps.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

Did I show some close up pics of the wand I made last year? I remember posting something about it, but here it again... I haven't used it for a while. I think I told about the fire incident when I was charging it? Quite a "coincidence" considering that Oak is the thunder tree...

I added red thread, black leather, an iron ring and tiny gold shawings on it. I have been thinking to add something more, perhaps a feather and more gold. I should file down the gold plated adaptor plug completely some time. That stuff can be quite a potent ingredient. Another thought was to get some silver spoons and grind one into dust.
wand2 (2).jpg
wand1 (2).jpg
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by Firebird »

Yes! I remember the pic but I think you have added the ring. Are you sure it is Iron? The faye aren't favorable to iron, although my blade is made from an old file which is iron. Have hade lots of things disappear over the years on our way to or while at our mountain top ritual location. I figure it's my penance for bringing iron near them :(
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

firebirdflys wrote: Sun May 03, 2020 12:45 pm Yes! I remember the pic but I think you have added the ring. Are you sure it is Iron? The faye aren't favorable to iron, although my blade is made from an old file which is iron. Have hade lots of things disappear over the years on our way to or while at our mountain top ritual location. I figure it's my penance for bringing iron near them :(
I'm quite certain it is iron. But for sure its been treated with something on the surface or it could be some kind of mixed metal. Interesting thing about fae not liking iron. I wonder where does it come from?

I don't remember such detail about Finnish stories of little people. :) Ours seem to be bit different accoding to the folklore, very similar on many aspects though. They're said to live mostly underground in the forests, they love tree roots, stones, little caves and so on. Our little folk are said to be often tricksters and easily angered, but they can also be very friendly and nice when treated well. But I don't remember a thing about Iron or any other material they would despise.

It didn't cross my mind to think of them when I made the wand, actually I don't even remember the exact reason I added that ring on it, it had to do with what iron corresponds to. Maybe I should make a test, take my wand with me to the forest and plainly ask what the forest spirits think of it. Very often there will be an answer when I ask. :flyingwitch:
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by SpiritTalker »

I found a one sentence reference in a Devonshire folklore society booklet that said iron disrupts the fae’s ability to shape shift. And that would make the vulnerable, imo.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by Mr Crowley »

L.J.Hex wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2020 7:22 pm Btw, some times I hate facebook groups. It seems that each of them has either totally stupid rules about what not or some quircky moderator who acts like a tyrant.
How is this one working out for you?
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

Mr Crowley wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 2:35 pm
L.J.Hex wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2020 7:22 pm Btw, some times I hate facebook groups. It seems that each of them has either totally stupid rules about what not or some quircky moderator who acts like a tyrant.
How is this one working out for you?
Why did you bring this up? I've found some nice groups there too... Left few others for the said reasons.
By my feet the flowers of witchery abloom.
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