Ancient Astronaut (alien) theory?

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Yellow diamond light
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Ancient Astronaut (alien) theory?

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Re: Ancient alien theory?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

I think everyone here knows my path has led me to discover and then to accept this theory. I think it makes a lot of sense. Although it won’t hurt my feelings if others here think it’s nonsense.

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Re: Ancient alien theory?

Post by Yellow diamond light »

I am not suggesting that they were/are not god's. But a god is mearly an obligation or job if you will. Not all star people are god's but the best for the role is picked and when there time passes someone else takes the role. Thors hammer was called mjolnir which translates as lightning, or in other words exactly what humans would have called electromagnetic energy eminating from a persons body, this is of course just my opinion,
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Re: Ancient alien theory?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I figure many non-terrestrial people are likely to have always been here. Some stay longer than others. Some are just passing through. Modern humans are probably a hybrid mix of many non-terrestrial & terrestrial races.

I'm interested in the people who may have mastered using telluric energies, and some of that could be the geo-electro-magnetic energy of the Earth. A whole lot of ancient building sites occur on top of intersecting, current-carrying, "Ley" lines and underground springs. I'd like to understand why.

I have no idea if those builders were terrestrial alone or if they had ET teachers; however some cultures stories do refer to Others who taught the civilizing skills & arts after the ice age. Who were the Others? Were they ETs or ancient Cataclysm survivors?

I don't think just one theory explains our full history. Whether humans evolved, were tinkered with & redesigned, relocated from Mars and/or are hybrids all the above and three times again as many theories are probably all partially right. That's my 2 cents.

Edit: & just as I'd closed that comment I saw the topic is posted in the Gods & Goddess section & not the Beyond the Earth section. I didn't get why ETs & gods were mixed together in YDLs post. Head smack - doh. So, I lean towards the gods we know of from mythology evolving from grass roots, personified concepts of creative energies from observation of Nature. The Dogon people & ancient Egyptians express it in their stories of Creation. In other words I don't think gods were ETs (but i cant rule it out either.) And that's just my opinion :) too.
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Re: Ancient alien theory?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

I also agree that ancient sites had something to do with magnetic lines. I suspect ancient cultures made use of this somehow. As well as the idea of humans being tinkered with and manipulated. The creation story the Enuma Elis is what some cute as evidence for this. The story of Enoch and the Watchers is another interesting text to examine in this context. Erik Von Daniken, a well read author on the subject would suggest that the Enoch is the grandfather of methuselah who is mentioned in genesis. I would agree that many of the stories of the Torah are retellings of more ancient stories, most likely Sumarian ones with Herbrew names added in. And the idea would be that these Sumarian gods were actually beings from another planet.

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Re: Ancient alien theory?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I really, really want to know what they carried in those handbags that appear on etchings from Mesopotamia, to Turkey, to Peru. ???
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Re: Ancient alien theory?

Post by Yellow diamond light »

SpiritTalker wrote:I figure many non-terrestrial people are likely to have always been here. Some stay longer than others. Some are just passing through. Modern humans are probably a hybrid mix of many non-terrestrial & terrestrial races.

I'm interested in the people who may have mastered using telluric energies, and some of that could be the geo-electro-magnetic energy of the Earth. A whole lot of ancient building sites occur on top of intersecting, current-carrying, "Ley" lines and underground springs. I'd like to understand why.

I have no idea if those builders were terrestrial alone or if they had ET teachers; however some cultures stories do refer to Others who taught the civilizing skills & arts after the ice age. Who were the Others? Were they ETs or ancient Cataclysm survivors?

I don't think just one theory explains our full history. Whether humans evolved, were tinkered with & redesigned, relocated from Mars and/or are hybrids or all the above and three times again as many theories are probably all partially right. That's my 2 cents.

Edit: & just as I'd closed that comment I saw the topic is posted in the Gods & Goddess section & not the Beyond the Earth section. I didn't get why ETs & gods were mixed together in YDLs post. Head smack - doh. So, I lean towards the gods we know of from mythology evolving from grass roots, personified concepts of creative energies from observation of Nature. The Dogon people & ancient Egyptians express it in their stories of Creation. In other words I don't think gods were ETs (but i cant rule it out either.) And that's just my opinion :) too.
The electromagnetic energy can be used in either telekinetic from, or it can be built up and released suddenly, it can also be used to teleport and has healing qualities, and can also be used for destruction, the souls of all living beings is comprised of electromagnetic energy, its just in certain species much much stronger. You should watch Philip Schneider on YouTube he described being hit by a blast of electromagnetic energy and is now dying of cancer from it, sadly he died from this many years ago, the aliens he described are not friendly to this world and the military has been working with a different species to develop weapons that can defend against them. Humans are not on their own and never have been their is also an alien called valiant thor who was working with the military for years mainly to warn of the nuclear weapons, he was apparently a pleidian, makes you wonder about the Norse god thor, was this the same person after all in lore he was regarded as earth's protector? Or was he named this after the god thor as a way of paying homage?
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Re: Ancient alien theory?

Post by Yellow diamond light »

RosieMoonflower wrote:I also agree that ancient sites had something to do with magnetic lines. I suspect ancient cultures made use of this somehow. As well as the idea of humans being tinkered with and manipulated. The creation story the Enuma Elis is what some cute as evidence for this. The story of Enoch and the Watchers is another interesting text to examine in this context. Erik Von Daniken, a well read author on the subject would suggest that the Enoch is the grandfather of methuselah who is mentioned in genesis. I would agree that many of the stories of the Torah are retellings of more ancient stories, most likely Sumarian ones with Herbrew names added in. And the idea would be that these Sumarian gods were actually beings from another planet.

whilst I have got a bit of inside knowledge on this subject and the correlation between celestial beings and what people refer to as gods I wouldn't put all my faith in Erik Von daniken as he has already admitted to falsifying markings on stones for his show, I don't like that, but that doesn't take anything away from the theory.
With regards to your own theory if someone from the stars came back here god or simply someone from another world do you think they would be the only one or do you think there would be more of them? And what would be their purpose for coming here?
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Re: Ancient alien theory?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I've seen some of Phil Schneider's vids & his death saddens me. I've read different accounts of the cause, including strangling. Something I'd read re: Val Thor's intro to Pres D.Eisenhower (VP Nixon) that Thor said himself he was Venusian. I never could get my head around that. At least Mars has a thin O2 atmosphere. Mis-info has been seeded & sewn like ragweed. Maybe shape shifting, maybe walk-ins are involved? All sorts of possible ideas troup through my lame thoughts, but nothing I can pin a belief to.

I can't even "prove" if my memories of abduction experiences are imagined, accurate or planted. Slim physical evidence existed. I can't "believe" with 100% conviction & I can't disbelieve either. I've seen multiple gigantic UFOs (the most recent on 3/23/19.) I suspect I'd met a Nordic individual and been telepathically effected, in 1970 back in college. His aura was huge. I have one witness at least to his aura. I suspect I've encountered 3 different kinds of Grays. I wouldn't make a "god" out of any one of 'em.

I lean towards Zack Sitchen's writings having been on to something re: Ancient's interaction with various off-world people. It looks like later mesopotamians - who apparently knew about other planets & their peoples - were of the mind to make ETs the gods for the common-folk to believe in so they carved effigies in stone like we'd put-up educational billboards today. I get it that Mesopotamian culture recognized advantageous developments of ET beings (like we gobble up ET technology) and that the Mesopotamians accepted a royal blood lineage as right to rule & authority. I prefer rule by the people. I want my military-industrial complex heritage to support a democratic republic. I think this is being politically fought out today but that's another subject.

Back to ETs viewed as gods. Ancient man does not equate to primitive man & I just think the Mesopotamian culture was sophisticated enough to know the difference between an off-planet ET and a god-form. I'd bet they had their own deep state system & a set-up with a controlling "priesthood" as the go-between the ruling class & the military & working class. The same pattern repeats historically. Heck, toss in the occultist "secret societies" to the mix. I still wouldn't make a god out of any of 'em. I admit I'm just bull headed that way.

I think along the lines that personal religious experience is what enables individuals to perceive god-concepts. Pair that inner awareness of "Something Greater" against a being with a telluric energy-zap handshake. Im thinking that If a being protects itself from harm (as the tall gray did when Phil Schneider pulled his weapon & Phil lost 3 fingers) that being thus can be harmed & it is therefore mortal. IMO then not a god-form candidate.

But did ancient humans equate telluric energy manipulation with the god-like forces of creation? And if so ... Who benefitted from letting that idea catch on? It's been used a lot.

Good gads - I've prattled waaay too long.
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Re: Ancient alien theory?

Post by Yellow diamond light »

Yes there is so many theories out there it's hard to come to a definite conclusion. There are some who say the government agreed to abduction in exchange for technology, who knows. Anyway what you think about them arriving on earth some time in the near future if you had to guess what would be their purpose? Maybe there own world was destroyed in a war like Ragnarok maybe theres just no other place to be apart from the afterlife? Clutching at straws here maybe they will just come for a
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Re: Ancient alien theory?

Post by SpiritTalker »

They're already here & have always been here IMO. And definitely the Powers That Be (PTB) deep-state have agreed to abductions for technology (like the PTB coulda' prevented it?) There are probably on-going negotiations, not a one-time, one-nation deal. I suspect there are many species each with their own needs & agendas. Could be anything from farming Natural Resources & slave labor vs benign interaction, experimentation & aiding those to whom they are related to evolve. Some are "from the future" & the people we will evolve into & others - not so much :shock: . If they're passing thru they're coming from someplace & on the way to someplace else; or have themselves evolved into permanently interplanetary beings. All of that & more. Some may be protecting this block of real-estate from somebody else until we can protect ourselves. Each ET and alien species has it's role to play in the universe. The former Canadian Defense Minister had mentioned in a testimony that there are 24 species (I think it was 24, might've been 21?) who're interacting. That video's in the Beyond Earth section.

Edit: if you view vids of Mars anomalies it's pretty clearly been previously occupied & pulverized. Maybe we came from Mars when it's civilization was destroyed & took over from an already present humanoid or other earth species? There are existing ruins & current activity on the moon. Some might be ourselves farming natural resources but the moon doesn't "belong" to "us". We got kicked off the moon. like I said, "they" are already here & always have been.
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Re: Ancient alien theory?

Post by Yellow diamond light »

I like mr hellier, do you remember the fake invasion back in the 60s, that wasn't a prank like your government claimed it was a test to see how people reacted, because they went into mass panic they decided to lie from that day on, it's sad but probably for the best at the time, I think hopefully soon they will start letting people know they are here but in a friendly manner to gain trust, Btw theres a reason why trump is making a push against illegal aliens he has been told there here and wants people to hate them, when have you ever heard immigrants called illegal aliens before? I think it would be very lonely for them here especially if they still have memories of their loved ones, imagine having to learn that you have all those kinds of inner gifts and never fitting in anywhere feeling completely alone. I would hate to be in that position. But if we are right that there is more of them then maybe they will find a way to find each other maybe even fall in love. Speculation of course but I hope so for their sake.
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Ancient alien theory?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

SpiritTalker wrote:I lean towards Zack Sitchen's writings having been on to something re: Ancient's interaction with various off-world people. It looks like later mesopotamians - who apparently knew about other planets & their peoples - were of the mind to make ETs the gods for the common-folk to believe in so they carved effigies in stone like we'd put-up educational billboards today. I get it that Mesopotamian culture recognized advantageous developments of ET beings (like we gobble up ET technology) and that the Mesopotamians accepted a royal blood lineage as right to rule & authority. I prefer rule by the people. I want my military-industrial complex heritage to support a democratic republic. I think this is being politically fought out today but that's another subject.

Back to ETs viewed as gods. Ancient man does not equate to primitive man & I just think the Mesopotamian culture was sophisticated enough to know the difference between an off-planet ET and a god-form. I'd bet they had their own deep state system & a set-up with a controlling "priesthood" as the go-between the ruling class & the military & working class. The same pattern repeats historically. Heck, toss in the occultist "secret societies" to the mix. I still wouldn't make a god out of any of 'em. I admit I'm just bull headed that way.

I think along the lines that religious experience is what enables individuals to perceive god-concepts. Pair inner awareness of "Something Greater" against a mortal being with a telluric energy-zap handshake. So, did ancient humans equate telluric energy manipulation with the god-like forces of creation? And if so ... Who benefitted from letting that idea catch on? It's been used a lot.
This is what I think, that ancient ET’s used this electromagnetic energy to do all sorts of things like healing, construction, destruction, etc. and ancient humans who were created by these ET interpreted this a raw power. Thus Gods. This benefited the ETs as they could now coerce the humans to worship them, or rather work for them.

As for who all has been here, when they’ve been here, who’s coming, and how many of them there are is a question I don’t think we’ll ever be able to answer definitively. If the original ET’s were the Annunaki as sitchen would suggest, we know that a good portion of them left before the last flood. I believe some stayed, including some who were born here themselves (children of the ET’s)and they may have felt a a connection to the home planet and wanted to stay.

I think there have probably been a fair amount of other, separate societies if ET’s who have visited earth since then, all with various motives and interests in earth and humans. Due to world governments attempt to cover this up and hide from the general public, all we can really do is speculate. That said, I’ll share that my speculation of Grey aliens is that they are future humans who went into space at some point in time, they mutated in their new space environment and eventually either wanted some of their old genetics back, or became sterile, they cane back in time to “tinker” in various ways with human genes of those who they abduct.

I also lean on sitchin’s writings, especially when questions the ancient timeline. He claims the word for the original ET’s was Annunaki. Many mainstream scientist bash sitchen for his interpretation of Annunaki to mean “those who came from heaven to earth”. Regardless, this is the original pantheon of Sumarian culture. So if they are not gods, what is a god?

This is usually where I offend people and I really don’t want to. But, I don’t believe there are any other “real” gods, and these Annunaki are posers. I think there are beings physical and non physical all throughout this universe, some reside on other planets, some reside in other dimensions. Some can harness great physical power, some can harness great meta-physical power. Some can reach us and communicate with us, some can’t. Some are wise, some are evil. Some want to help us, some want to conquer and exploit us. Basically, we’re all gods.

That’s enough from me for now, but would anyone here be interested in doing a little forum book study on “the lost book of Enki”, the deciphered Sumarian texts published by Sitchin.?? We wouldn’t even have to read them. They are on YouTube in their entirety so one could just listen to it, and then we can discuss. I could post one video a week (there are 14) and see how it goes? Let me know if anyone would be interested in something like that! I would love to do it!

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Re: Ancient alien theory?

Post by Yellow diamond light »

I agree that the annunaki are posers and that there are many different types from all over. Apparently the annunaki are not the most kind hearted ones and used the small greys as slaves until they faught back and won, that was when they took an interest in us when the annunaki started coming here.
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Re: Ancient alien theory?

Post by barker »

I have some experience with gray aliens - they want you to be right. It would seem that - in the future or whatever - there was no way to trust. So they can choose those who trust themselves alone. These people can be DNA for the shift into technology-consciousness AKA the age of aquarius, which is entirely net-driven. Why DNA? My theory posits that the DNA of FREEDOM is about to be destroyed! This has been the case for centuries... barker
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