Path of the Hex

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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

Lenaleanna wrote:WOW!!! I love it Hex... !!!

I really need to get back to work on my BOS... I really like your personal style... :flyingwitch:

Lena :mrgreen:
Thank you Lena. Glad to hear you like it.

I'm trying to keep a sort of balance between simple and artistic... I have seen way too many BoS being too "perfect" and factory style. I want to make it look just as crude and homemade as I can. And I also want it to look like its from my pen. Although, on some things I tend to get more careful. I'm just drawing a wheel of the year based on something I found on our lovely forum and this thing is as close to absolute perfection as I can go. (Well, I could do the writing better, but it would take ages.)

Also the writing, titles and important texts will all be in gothic/fractur style and everything else just the usual way I type which looks like a drunken crow dancing on the paper.

Take a look.

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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by Firebird »

L.J.Hex wrote:(Well, I could do the writing better, but it would take ages.)
Are you freaking kidding me??
That is beautiful, and you wouldn't want it any more perfect because it would look not hand made. Did you take a calligraphy course or something? Nice work.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

firebirdflys wrote:
L.J.Hex wrote:(Well, I could do the writing better, but it would take ages.)
Are you freaking kidding me??
That is beautiful, and you wouldn't want it any more perfect because it would look not hand made. Did you take a calligraphy course or something? Nice work.
Thank you Firebird.
Hahahaha, sorry, its my little demon called perfectionism at work putting typing words through me. ;)

Yea, I want to keep things to look mine and handmade, its the real deal, not some ready made bs anyway. And I'm really pouring my heart into this. Its just so slow to make it like this and I would want to write hundreds of pages right now. But I think writing the book is a journey and a learning experience, the craft doesn't come up overnight after all.

No, never took a course. I'm self taught. I have been quite talented with a pen since I was kid, I even went to art school at one time. But this calligraphy thing is of my own doing. Also if you know this stuff, you'll notice that I'm mixing English and German styles together and make it in my own way. I'm still in the process of "perfecting" it. I'm also interested in learning two ways of writing, one really neat and complicated, the other similar but simplified to make writing faster.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by Firebird »

Well ya you used a w in November, lol, wery German!
Bb, FF
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

firebirdflys wrote:Well ya you used a w in November, lol, wery German!
Bb, FF
Aww, dammit. I knew there must have been a typo somewhere. xD Hahahaha. :D That's something I'm notoriously bad about. :lol: All I need it a white ink pen and color half of the W out. But hey, that could be just a really neat occult way of writing it. ;) Btw, I really like German language so I guess its no bother at all. :flyingwitch:

Speaking of occult, I just noticed that I can make hidden pictures to my BoS. The pages are thin enough for light to pass through. I glued a piece of thick paper on a certain title page and it also has a picture in behind which comes visible through the previous page in right lighting. This is something I thought of since I began writing that I would want to find a way of making hidden pictures and text to the book.

I made up my own symbols for the common tools btw. I will post a picture at some point as these could be rather useful. I wanted to make simple to draw symbols for athame, wand, chalice, cauldron, candle and a feather/pen and now I got something. I'm really into symbology, these things are a nice addition to all the usual stuff when ever a simple symbol for a tool is needed.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

First of all, this thread has been read over 400 times. I'm happy to see you guys and gals are clearly interested. Thank you. :fairy:

I just did some shopping, I bought some herbs and spices and bunch of candles. Not even close to what I would want to, but its a start. Purple, reds, pale green, white ones... I still want some black, blue and yellow candles at least. Then I found a nice ages old candle holder for three candles, its sort of simple painted black cast iron one. It could be close to hundred years old as its from my grandma.

Then I made a nice black altar cloth from an old shirt I never use and I mentioned finding a nice kitchen knife as my athame. I previously used my fishing knife for it, but I wanted something just for magickal purposes and this one fits perfectly. It has no text on it and the handle is black. So nice.

I set up my very simple altar, I'm still thinking what to use as a chalice, I do have some nice wine glasses which could work. I also have a traditional Finnish wooden cup which works for that just fine too. I'll post some pictures soon. :flyingwitch:
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

I'm feeling mentally exhausted and empty. I have been drawing and writing so much in last couple of days I really need to take some time off. I'm pouring so much energy into my BoS that I'm feeling physically weak after few days of almost non stop writing. But I'm doing a lot of progress, I have more than fifty pages at least partially done, some partially as I haven't yet written down what's coming, but they're planned already and the titles are done.

The latest thing is instructions on how to draw a perfect pentagram and how to cast invoking/banishing pentagrams. For the title page, I drew the most intricate pentacle I've ever done so far and yet the result looks simplistic. I'm making quite a lot of artistic stuff and I decided to make sort of title pages for almost everything.

Its exhausting, but so far I like the results. :flyingwitch:
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by SpiritTalker »

If you develop a tonsure we'll know you've done illuminated scripting before (wink)
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

SpiritTalker wrote:If you develop a tonsure we'll know you've done illuminated scripting before (wink)
Hahahaha, right! :lol: That would look crazy with long hair.

I have been writing so much that soon I will need new calligraphy pens, the smaller ones are starting to have some wear and tear and the 2mm one is running out of ink. Maybe a walk in a forest is in order. Feathers are cheaper. :wink2:
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

I came up with a fantastic idea about Beltane ritual... How to bring the old fertility ritual thing to be something practical for myself. I'm a passionate fisherman, and I also love gardening. (Although I have no place to do it at this time.) Doing fishing and hunting spells before going on it have a long and diverse history in FInland and I'm quite familiar with some of it. And what's the greatest wish of a fisherman? To have a good catch, that means a lot of fish, to wish them to be as fertile as it gets. I will find a way to incorporate this to my celebration in some way. Also for the first time I'm planning to do the age old custom to give the first catch of the spring to what Finns used to call the water guardian or the spirit, the offering was usually done in a certain place often marked with a large or just peculiar looking rock or a tree near the water.

I do most of my fishing at our summerhouse and there's a peculiar kind of rock on a small island which is a good place for fishing, there's two rocks which form something that looks almost like an altar of sorts, I've been there many times and I like that spot a and the look of those stones. Needless to say I caught two pikes just there in consecutive days last summer. I have a feeling that this is the place of the water guardian, what ever is my first catch of the year will end up there. There's a lot of birds around there, seagulls mostly, they will have a nice lunch when I'm done there.

This will get interesting. I think I will also invite the Finnish deity of all waters (Ahti) to be present. That's one deity I've never called in a thorough ritual, although I always mention him on my fishing spell or prayer. Btw, call it luck or coincidence if you will, I've always had my best catch when I do a little spell and an offering before fishing. That's one of the things on which the old ways have lasted up to this day, many fishermen have some kind of little ritual they before they head out... One is to do an offering of vodka of any other booze they might have, another one is to mutter a little spell when tying the fishing line, the simplest one is to spit on the bait before casting it.

Anyway, as I know I will be fishing a lot this year if I just find the time for it, I think its worth it to include this on a ritual or two. Its so cool to find ways to incorporate the old ways to today's life in a meaningful way. :flyingwitch:
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

Work in Progress... I'm doing a part about the pentragram and this is the last page of that. This will take quite some time to finish. First all the outlines, then I will colour the page and I'm looking for some symbolism to add to this one.

That seven pentacle thing came out that way with pure luck, I made two templates to quickly draw pentagrams and they just happen to be in perfect balance to draw it like this.

So far my BoS has almost more pictures than text which I guess is my way of doing things, I'm always been more drawn to ( :lol: ) pictures than writing. I'm really eager to show my book to someone who's really sensitive about energies as I'm pouring so much of myself on this, just curiosity if I've been able to put a right kind of "energy imprint" on it. :flyingwitch:

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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by Firebird »

Holy Pentagrams Batman! don't think I've seen that one before
Very Cool ::coolglasses:: I might have to copy it loveface
Your book is going to be amazing in the end. Symbols are powerful, I think words bog us down sometimes.
Keep up the good work!
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

firebirdflys wrote:Holy Pentagrams Batman! don't think I've seen that one before
Very Cool ::coolglasses:: I might have to copy it loveface
Your book is going to be amazing in the end. Symbols are powerful, I think words bog us down sometimes.
Keep up the good work!
Thank you.

I haven't seen it either as I kind of came up with it on the fly. Although I had a picture in my mind of how I want it to be, strange luck was to have templates which are perfect for this. They're 10cm and 7cm in diameter, I didn't think of it while making them. I think this can be done with any sizes as long as they fit the golden ratio... You haven't seen it yet, but I started to add the golden ratio numbers to my pentagrams. Got to love them numbers. :evilwitch:

The tree in the picture is rowan/mountain-ash which is very common here, I have always liked these trees a lot. I think I'll make the picture to have 169 flowers/berries on the branches. I did the same on the first page of my BoS. I wonder if I shared that picture here already?
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

I couldn't sleep last night as usual so I did this.

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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by Xiao Rong »

I'm a little late to the game, but WOW! Your BOS looks beautiful! Your calligraphy is enviable indeed!
~ Xiao Rong ~ 小蓉 ~ Little Lotus ~
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